Why is it so damn hard to pip as a survivor?

1K2 hours into the game.

I always play survivor solo or like 95% of the time. I'm rank 5, and honestly starting at purple ranks it's crazy how hard it is to pip. I don't understand why you get punished by the system if the game goes well.

I just did a game where the killer was not very good, I did literally 3 gens, I got gold lightbringer(?!) bronze evader because I didnt see the killer all game or almost, and what I just don't understand, SILVER benevolent. Is it my fault is only two guys got hooked in the entire game?? Why do I not get gold at least?

The way the evader and benevolent emblem works makes it extremely hard to pip in most of the games as a solo survivor. In 90% of youre games you will get silver evader tops, and benevolent 100% depends on your team mates, why?

Meanwhile playing killer is double pip every game to red ranks. I just dont get it.


  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I dont think pip as survivor is hard. Well maybe lately it is since emblems and ranking us bugged as hell

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085
    edited June 2021

    First of all, the Emblem System might be bugged on the Survivor Side.

    Second, when the Killer was bad it was always pretty hard to pip, even with a fully functional Emblem System.

    Third, Pipping as Survivor is harder than pipping as Killer. Because you have to rely on the Killer not being that good AND also have to rely on your teammates messing up so that you can get unhooks or do more Gens, because they are not that efficient.

    At least I get more Double Pips and Blackpips as Killer, compared to Survivor. Because as Survivor, you have to share the workload and this might result in worse Emblems (if nobody goes down because the Killer is bad or the Survivors are good, you wont get Altruism, for example...or if the Killer has extreme Tunnel Vision and follows a Survivor for 5 Gens, you wont get much Emblem Points either).

  • HeavenRoad
    HeavenRoad Member Posts: 78

    Yeah as I said, my killer got reset to rank 20, hes 10 now Im pretty sure I double pipped every single game, not even tryharding.

    On survivor I play like theres a 1M USD prize and I don't pip.

    And I'm not even talking of the games where people kill themselves instantly.

    So what happens :

    2-3 normal games, maybe 1 pip, lots of tryhard

    4th gank some dumb players kill themselves on hook super fast, instant depip

    Rinse and repeat. And devs wonder why everyone plays SWF with coms.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2021

    Getting pips is too easy imo. It slows down in yellow/green ranks as solo survivor but players like me who don't have red rank skill levels find themselves there far too easily.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    3 other people hogging the same pip resources. If the game is too fast either way then gg to your rank/pip.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited June 2021

    The emblem system is designed to FORCE survivors to interact with the killer or lose not pip. It is a bandaid to attempt to hide the rotten core of the game and how bloody easy the survivor side would be if their goal was to escape and noting else.