Question about Leader perk

So with recent buff, if all 4 are running it and say I get influenced by other 3, I will have 27% increase in action speed for next 15 seconds? That is insane. Still, why am I not seeing many running that perk. I have always loved its appeal. Hard to trade with meta perks or the fact that you would gain less points for gens than the other person?


  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    Yes, the buffs stack. It's useful when you're in a survive with friends group, but when you play in a solo queue at the high ranks, you need perks more 'selfish perks', I would say. 
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    15 seconds isn't all that much, though it does help.
    27% isn't all that much, though it does help.