To the Meg who flashbanged cloaked wraith in Midwich 29/06/21

I was just standing there, minding my own business, defending my totem, not hurting anyone. Yes, I was trying to lull you all into a false sense of security before end game blood warden play but you didn't know that.
You walked down the hallway, heard my snarls, no visibility, no bells, then BANG. Stun/blind/lightburn. This painted a big target on your back, you were safe, you may have survived if you left me alone and had a possible escaped.
This infuriated the wraith so I chased you down, hooked you, camped you, tunnelled you, killed you. All you had to do was play nice. Sorry I had to take one of your team mates with you, they did not deserve their fate, they did nothing but blood warden was in play and I was not letting it go to waste. The other two had sense and left fairly quickly, if you had not imposed upon my serenity you could have joined them.
I hope this teaches you to let killers be if they are not harming anyone at that point and you were unaware of my plan, I could have just been afk for irl reasons.
To all other survivors, beware timid killers you never know what they are planning but if you cross them they will take you out no matter what :p
god bless that Meg
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I mean I would have done the exact same thing if I was that Meg
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Excuse me if I misunderstood this but you planned to kill people anyway with your setup so what is the difference if she did that or not?
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This just in, survivors aren't allowed to use their perks on the killer because it's mean
I also fail to see how this was going to teach her a lesson when, had she not gone and bothered you early, you were just going to give her a boring-ass game where you afked until endgame and then attempted to sweep everyone. There's not exactly a moral to this story.
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This place gets weirder and weirder.
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Because she did not know my plan, she strolled up, stared at me and flashbanged. As I say, I may have just been afk.
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Wow! Ruined their game because they dared to blind you for a few seconds.
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you get used to it
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That was my playstyle for that game and I stand by it. Sick of sweaty red rank games where I don't belong so was trying something different for a change, looking for fun. Not defending my actions, just wanted a change of pace for a change :)
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You both did the right thing.
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...yyyyyyes? When the killer is afk, why shouldn't the survivors farm all the points they can get? They're doomed to an escape with like 12k points max, and you're presumably not at the computer so you can't even be offended by it.
You really have no moral high ground over this Meg. You were pretending to be afk so you could lolblitz them later and she tried to farm points off of you, which you tunneled her to death over. Like, you seem to be expecting her to play nice, but you weren't playing nice and what you were pretending to be doing was a giant waste of survivors' time, so... question mark? What exactly did you think you deserved? To be left unnoticed until endgame, where you then 4ked and slaughtered them all as you laughed to yourself over how stupid they were not to cleanse the totems? It's not like your afk plan would have even failed. Meg just wanted points.
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I wasn't angry, wraith was. I just wanted her to be made an example of. I was not afking, I was defending my totem, no harm in that. I had a plan, she was spontaneous. Only one gen had popped, I had plenty of time on my hands :)
I was going to chase them away if they touched my totem so I was not hiding, I was stood in the hallway where they had to pass.
It wasn't my first game like this, some actually succeeded.
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Wraith is the character you play as, but no you clearly were angry if you did that to her. You refer to yourself in first person with actions but use third person for emotions and I think it's meant to sound cool but it just sounds like a self-insert fanfic from Wattpad I probably wrote when I was 10
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Yeah, sorry, but no. Take your AFK ass and get good.
No one wants to sit around, get 0 points while you're afk and then get hit with some Noed , Blood warden play.
At least don't block the totems so they have a chance of cleansing them all to avoid such boring gameplay.
I don't use it much, but talk about entitled
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For you it was the day you brought your wrath down upon a flashbang blinding Meg...
and for her...
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Do you realise how few bp and emblem points survivors get if you ignore them and try to kill everyone on their first hooks at egc? You had a plan, sure, and that was trying to make a miserable game for your opponents. Cant really complain about flashbang at that point
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This. Poor meg just wanted some actual interaction in her online video game.
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Were you actually expecting us to cheer for you, "Man, that Wraith was going to kill everyone with Blood Warden by AFKing denying multiple people an actual game, but then that evil Meg came. I'm happy she was tunneled for wanting to play the game or get some Blood Points."
Yeah, no dude, you're in the wrong there. You're not even a sympathetic villain, nobody liked that part of the anime and we want a real villain.
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I think some people are taking this a bit too seriously
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When will survivors learn they are not allowed to play the game ?
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I don't play Meg but this could have been about me. I love f-banging Wraiths.
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I blinded afk Clown with my flashlight and then he hated me and chased me long time. Facecamped me. I deserved my end Mr Clown, i just had to leave you to rest.
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so you got triggered by legit gameplay.....
You might want to stop and think about that.
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Uh huh. Alright
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Ignore all of these peasants. Your post is amusing. Do more, collect the salt.
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Roleplaying is not for everybody. Let the closed-mind be.
Keep doing what you do my man, it seems to be funny !
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An example of how both sides complain about weird things.
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May her soul face eternal damnation for the wrong she has committed.
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I get the humor, I guess?
You do you, as long you’re having fun and not breaking any rules. My buddies and I do the same thing during custom matches.
That Meg did nothing wrong though.
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That Meg dared to disturb the hunter lying in wait.
All this salt is hilarious, though. I could've sworn survivors hated killer doing their job, killing, and preferred to hold m1 and escape.
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LOLL that Meg really woke up and chose violence
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So, dbd figured out how to counter afk wraith. Nice!
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This thread is the epitome of "...and I took that personally".
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lol that's always my response to salty players.
"Who are you again?"
"The Nea."
"You have no idea how little that narrows it down. Do you have any idea how many Nea's I've tunneled? For you, this was a major event. For me, it was tuesday."
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"General discussion" my ass
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I am pretty sure this post isnt meant to be serious. He wanted to make a joke out of it and yet almost nonone seems to get it.
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What are you on
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Last i checked survivors preferred the interaction with killers in the 1v1 where both sides express their skills at the game and specifically hate holding M1 because it's boring as ######### but
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There are so many serious threads similar to this topic to the point where it's so difficult to tell whether it's a joke or not. I don't blame anyone nor myself, if it's a joke then whoopsies but it doesn't seem obvious.
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I don't get it. What is happening here?
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naw. just always ask yourself:
Does the OP bemoan their iWin button being taken away or similar?
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most survivors are full time twicth streamers that have nothing better to do with their lives besides be good at this game and make life miserable for everyone else... mostly the killers who work actual jobs and just wanna have fun at the end of their day of work.
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Fear not, my friend. I'll make sure she gets your message.
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Right ok? Well played I guess?
If it were me I'd happily do that. I'm not letting a Wraith stay afk. Had a Wraith do that on Monday and I happily burned them. They got a few hooks (because me and my mate wanted WGLF stacks) but it didn't matter because we all got out.
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You've clearly never met a Russian DBD player.
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that meg did the right thing. You are just a bit salty.