To the Meg who flashbanged cloaked wraith in Midwich 29/06/21

Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

I was just standing there, minding my own business, defending my totem, not hurting anyone. Yes, I was trying to lull you all into a false sense of security before end game blood warden play but you didn't know that.

You walked down the hallway, heard my snarls, no visibility, no bells, then BANG. Stun/blind/lightburn. This painted a big target on your back, you were safe, you may have survived if you left me alone and had a possible escaped.

This infuriated the wraith so I chased you down, hooked you, camped you, tunnelled you, killed you. All you had to do was play nice. Sorry I had to take one of your team mates with you, they did not deserve their fate, they did nothing but blood warden was in play and I was not letting it go to waste. The other two had sense and left fairly quickly, if you had not imposed upon my serenity you could have joined them.

I hope this teaches you to let killers be if they are not harming anyone at that point and you were unaware of my plan, I could have just been afk for irl reasons.

To all other survivors, beware timid killers you never know what they are planning but if you cross them they will take you out no matter what :p

