How do I help my friend enjoy dbd?

So after like a year of begging my friend FINALLY installed dbd. The game is right up his alley but he refuses to watch any videos on the game or even play the dang tutorial so hes running around like a chicken with no head. I know that he would love the game if he just gave it more effort but he won't, does anyone have any ideas of how to get him to put more effort into the game or maybe just something to say to him so he knows what he's doing? I'm not good at explaining things so I can't even try to explain it to him myself.
Let him play killer. At Rank 20 survivors are easy enough to collect and hook and killers on average get more blood points per trial compared to survivor which will let him fidget with add ons and stuff quicker. My first games were as Trapper but let him find his groove.
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You help him by playing something else. Seriously. Resident Evil brought in so many new players that they're seeing for themselves just how broken DBD has been all these years.
It's been almost a month since the Resident Evil chapter was released and the map is still unplayable and the performance broken. It's ridiculous. Like I said, show him something better until this mess gets sorted out.
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Play custom games with him (and some others if possible) and tutor him properly so he hits the ground running. Games in a slower gear to build up his basic skills are best.
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I will force water down this horses throat, a year of begging is not going to waste now.
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Tell you what... if you end up running shy of enough people for custom games (like I suggest), let me know and I'll play with you guys in whatever role you need. I'm confident you can get enough people, but if not, me and mine will help you out.
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That would be amazing! I was wanting to do that but we don't have anyone to play with besides each other, I'll keep you updated!
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Don't what
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Don't "help" him. Protect him from this game.
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No problem and glad to be of help. Just be prepared for your friend to still not click with DbD. The game isn't for everyone. Even with a slow tutoring, low gear games, he/she might not get into it. Just let me know and we will work out logistics. The EVENT starts tomorrow and bear in mind that every match you spend in Custom Games will be matches you are losing out on the Event stuff, so you might want to do your thing with your friend "after" the event, or at least after you have earned all the stuff at the event you want.
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Almost forgot about the event, good idea.
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I'm not drowning in this boat alone, if I'm going down so is he.
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Hahaha. That's the spirit ! <3
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Tell him to avoid it if he values happiness. Especially now with the state the game is in.
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He doesn't deserve happiness
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Idk about him, but I'd get so effing bored if you asked me to watch a bunch of videos before I played. Some people are into that, but I'd rather eat crap for 1,000 matches and learn over time than following someone else's tutorial. I'd suggest to keep playing with him and guide him a bit here and there.