Where's all the cake???

Three bloodwebs no cake event is already a let down
you gotta do bloodwebs for cake?
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Yes there suppose to pop up in the bloodweb but I'm now 6 bloodwebs in a lv 50 survivor no cake I'm done with the event until they fix this
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Spent over 300,000 BP before I found my first cake
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Are you getting a lot of event items?
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What a waste of an event should be awake every bloodweb
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1 per bloodweb either a medkits or flashlight I stopped after the 6th bloodweb I'm done with this event biggest let down of the year
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Had a sync error before I could get started. They're popping up for me now. Although it seems like the number of cakes is affected by the number perks. My P3 Doc had one while my nemesis had six.
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So more perks less cake?
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One cake so far but many flashlights.
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So devs giving message to survivors for being more toxic? :)
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I have barely seen any. I don't want like 50 flashlight toolboxes and medkits but like 5 offerings. Anyone else?
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Oh no. . be careful with what you say. survivors can see it x3
I will use cakes only 😊
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Cant tell, i keep crashing while leveling.
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during the 4th year i would get like 4 gateaus a bloodwebs now i get 1 5th year cake every 10 or so bloodwebs.
please increase the cake spawn, there genuinely rare.
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Seems normal to me, around 1-2 in a single level. Bigger issue is that leveing crashes the game :P Can't go past like 2-3 levels, so hard to tell really.
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The Cake is a Lie :D
Also, I used to be a survivor like you until I took an arrow to the knee
Also, Press F to Pay Respect
Also, [Insert your favorite outdated video game meme here]
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Well Leon loves flashlights. So i think i will feed my boi with them :)
But cakes are seem like rare, this is sad...
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So hungry..... Need..... Cake.....
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We got Bhvr'd pretty much. Enjoy the event!
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Welp guess I'm keeping my 1 million on stash for now
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The fact that they added anniversary toolboxes as well makes the chances of them spawning even lower
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Agreed the event and maybe even the game in general just doesn't feel worth playing
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Yeah with the 4 other possible event stuff it makes the cakes so rare for survivor. Guess im grinding killer for it again.
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is this a joke? I have prestige 3 lvl 50 Nurse and ALL I'm getting is 1 CAKE per bloodweb LOL? like where is previous years rng, there were 4-5 cakes per bloodweb now only one? WHAT kind of a joke is this?
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I wish i could share my cakes with you both 😥
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Devs let there be cake!
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6 bloodwebs no cake
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I bet you have nice cake :(
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this is a joke nice event here we got LOL
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I'm done with the event maybe even the game
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I've been getting 2-3 per bloodweb. 500K BP got me nearly 18 cakes?
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Thank you! I wish BHVR would be nice like you.
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1.2 Million BP spent only to get 17 cakes nice man good job behavior.
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This game blows I'm going back to overwatch
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Hoping for this kind of feature.
Have fun with the event today ~
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So, I just spent around 1,7 Million BPs on my Survivors:
22 Cakees
10 Toolboxes
11 Flashlights
6 Medkits
Sometimes I only get 1 Event Item, sometimes I get 3 Event Items, one time I got 3 Cakes in one Bloodweb.
IMO more Cakes would be nice, but it does not look as grim as for other players.
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What a mature response.
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That's a lot of bp for 22 cakes
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I envy you
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looks like P3 gots much more cakes
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I has 1 cake per each level demo from 10 till 16
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As survivor good luck farming the Event Cakes, we have so much ######### in our blood web compared to killers. but always get Yellow mystery box 90% of the time it is Event Cake
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Yeah seems like it. I actually miscounted. It's was four cakes.
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I get 2-3 on average, regardless of prestige.
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I spent 900k and got about 24 cakes. Couple of bloodwebs had 3
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I’ve always figured prestige would increase the rate of event offerings. Can anyone tell a difference?
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Which makes sense, rarity levels are different and if youve got all the perks theres more nodes for it to show on
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Some guy made invsestigation. Got 473 purple items at P3 vs 469 at P0 per same number bloodnet levels. So less than 1% difference.
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Prestige increases rate of rarer perks appearing so if you have a lv 1 perk the lv 2 is more likely to appear rather than a new lv 1 perk. Other than that no effect on items