What's your opinion on keys?



  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731

    About re-opening the hatch after the killer closes it, consider the following; if both the last survivor and the killer are standing at the hatch as it opens, the killer gets priority and gets to close it. That makes keys less of an issue in my opinion.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    They should sort out 3 genning by making generators more spread out, then I’d be happy for a key nerf.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    That feeling when you managed to get a 3-gen and suddenly the game ends because key... :(

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    I don't like anything that ends a trial early. It shuts down late game plays, which is a notable aspect of killer gameplay. There are end game builds for that reason.

    Old moris were an issue. Keys are an issue. I also don't care for NoED.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I do not care, really. I just play the game in a way deemed relatively fair, and if end game comes upon us, I try and get an execution even by unsavory means. If they counter that with a key? Good for them. On to the next one.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    Remove the keys.

    Survivors do not need a third chance to escape if they can't get gens.

    a ######### Escape is a Coward's Escape

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    In the grand scheme of things, only a very tiny percentile of games I've played have been affected by keys.

    However, they are to survivors what the old Mori was to killers, and therefore they do need a change.

    As @Seraphor wrote earlier: there should be only 2 situations when the hatch manifests itself

    1. Once all generators are working.

    2. When only one survivor remains.

    Personally, I'd also add a sound notification to the killer when a key is placed into the lock, and have an overall 14 second period to unlock the hatch. Therefore, there's a little more uncertainty involved for the survivor.

  • violetcherries
    violetcherries Member Posts: 37

    Keys are absolutely fine, if anything I wish they had even more functionality and fun addons.

    Only 1 out of thousands of games I've played was affected by a key. Killers just love to complain, I guess.

  • Kata
    Kata Member Posts: 18

    I played a game as The Wraith once, and the survivors brought extra crates, and extra luck, to my confusion. Game went on, it was ok, very hit and run, got 1 kill but gens were flying. Then it just stopped. The game just stopped, I never found anyone, and if I did they would simply vanish as fast as they could and heal up. (This was back when I tried not to tunnel, I really should have.)

    So I'm spending 10+ minutes sitting there, patrolling gens that aren't being worked on, and everyone is hiding. I'm completely bored out of my mind until the 3 of them suddenly show up all together. I'm a bit confused as to why but I guess they were playing hide and seek together. I go for the hit and they all just run in one direction. I cloak and chase only to watch as they open the hatch and leave. I was... annoyed. I was having a nice lovely time, working on my lunges, and these 3 coneheads just stopped playing the game entirely. I felt cheated, not of a win as much as I was cheated out of a good time. That the survivors had the power to just say "nope, we're not gonna play the game, and neither are you, we're just gonna win." still really bugs me.