How can you give us an Update

Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

And not in anyway mention just how unplayable and broken the console client is, I know it's a "mid chapter update" but the entire console community who you brought into the game with the RE chapter have given you their money and got a completely unplayable game.

When I heard there was gonna be an update I thought great, maybe they've barely commented on what we're going through because they knew a statement was coming out with this but nothing. This is becoming a never ending cycle of expecting you're gonna do the right thing and then being let down.

Cyberpunk was a fundamentally more functional game at launch than DBD is right now for us and that was pulled from the sony store.

I understand you're used to seeing the forums as a pile of rage and toxicity and you've surely learnt to ignore most of what you read here, but saying so little and being so silent about the degree of our issues is pretty horrific, no matter how bad it might look on your Capcom release or your 5th anniversary event, that we can barely participate in.

I'm sure someone there must be looking at the console player number right now and saying it can't be that bad, as someone who's been grinding all week it's been hell, games of pure frustration and RNG trying to fight through this mess just to try and get some BP.

Stop hiding behind your community managers and edgy Twitter pr guys and actually tell us what's going on or when we can expect any kind of fix or even how it's going with trying to locate the issue, maybe people will be sympathetic and support your efforts trying rather than feeling like you're pretending it's just a lil "performance issue" and acting like it's not that big of a deal.
