This "Event" is a low effort celebration, defined by BHVR

Aside from crowns which I believe are just meh and are 100% a copy paste job from last event. This event is exactly how BHVR described they would make their lower effort events.
Login rewards, bloodweb items, and themed assets.
And if BHVR really think giving people crowns (essentially copy pasted from last event) and having 2 characters get meh cosmetics if the community plays a lot is considered a huge high effort event. That says more than anything.
I don’t really mind, I’ve nearly levelled all survivors to 40 in just 2 days. Killers are next
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BHVR promised us a bigger and better event. Surprising no one they disappoint yet again.
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I'm getting some Iri Shards which is nice.
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I hope they do another winter event. The last one they did was fun.
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My expectations were low for bhvr but holy #########
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The only thing from this event that hasn't met my expectations is the lack of cake.