just loaded in with three teammates and five gens

and the killer still had to camp, tunnel, and slug,
there were three survivor cakes/streamers
this is actually pathetic.
Wait, do you really mean 3 teammates or were you only three survivor?
1 -
Yes 3 man trials are back.
5 -
so the killer isn't suppose to do their job because someone DC'd?
10 -
What the killer didn't play nice because there were only 3 survivors? Preposterous, we should find that killer and ban them for life for the atrocities they have committed!
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In a 3v1 there's no need to camp and tunnel, especially with 3 cakes
7 -
Three survivors, one killer.
3 -
It's pathetic that during this event and under those circumstances that this killer still played like that. It's literally actually pathetic.
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It’s funny because I actually wanted to DC for the first time because of a farming killer. Doesn’t get any more boring than that. I’d literally rather be tunneled out of the game because at least we are playing it then.
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No one DC'ed. We loaded in without a 4th teammate.
You don't think it's kinda sad that under those circumstances the killer still chose to play like that? You don't have to camp, tunnel, and slug at five gens under every circumstance. It's a choice killers make that ruin the game for survivors when killers already have a huge advantage. It's pathetic.
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Not to mention it was the new map.
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You can’t blame the killer for playing to win. Maybe they just wanted to move on to the next match too? If I was put into a 3v1 as a killer I would not want to waste much time on it either. Cakes don’t matter since you can get 2-3 per bloodweb.
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Yeah farming is boring but I expect some during these events, especially since Blood Hunts seem to be super rare these days. And I mean, you can still just do gens and open the gate, you don't have to farm with the killer. That's what I usually do.
It was the new map. The survivors were at a huge disadvantage. There were three cakes. I just do not see why so many killers are still choosing to play like this under those circumstances.
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If they wanted out they could have dc since there's no penalty but they chosed to stay and play toxic over 3 survs and give them ######### time over already ######### match
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The survivors could have just DCd too, what’s your point? In that scenario if you care about winning as survivor you chalk it up to a hatch game. If you are not prepared for hatch games as a survivor that’s your own fault not the killer.
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Playing killer during this event, I'm not farming, and don't change how I play, even if I see 4 cakes pop up. Am I in the minority?
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Exactly, it doesn't matter for killers. This is event heavily favors them. 2-3 per bloodweb? I've seen that once as a survivor. We don't even get one in every bloodweb, are you kidding me?
How is it wasting time to not play ONE single game where you don't have to camp, tunnel, and slug? Seriously. How is that a waste of time. Especially on the new map. Why take the opportunity to learn the new map, get some good BP, and still probably get the win because the killer has a huge advantage from the get-go when you can ruin it for the three survivors? I guess I'll just never understand that killer mentality.
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I am not upset because we didn't win. It's not about that at all. It's about killers constantly choosing to make games miserable when they have every advantage and some really good reasons to NOT camp, tunnel, and slug for a change. And they still won't.
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Question: When's the last time you considered the killer's fun when you had the upper hand and let them get some kills?
You're assuming your fun even factors into the killers' decision-making process, when the fact is, it doesn't. The killer is trying to win, same as you.
0 -
Yesterday was the last time I considered a killer's fun. I had a couple noob killers and I felt bad for them. I had a Felix on my team who was clicking his flashlight at a noob Huntress and I thought he was a total dick. I was going to let him die on hook if she downed him. Another was a baby Pig who had to have been a level 20. I had a level 20 Ghostface DC yesterday on Hawkins as soon as we popped the last gen, and I sent him a message telling him that he didn't use his powers and we always knew he was coming. I wasn't being salty or mean, I was explaining to a new player what he could do to get better.
And I have let killers get kills before. The last time it happened was when two people DC'ed and the killer let us finish the gens and GTFO and I stayed and let the entity kill me. The other person left. He could have ended the game very quickly but decided to let us get some points, so I felt he should get some too. I always let killers hit me out of the exit gats for extra points if they don't camp, tunnel, and slug, but I bet a lot of people think I'm being toxic somehow by standing still and pointing out. It probably doesn't even occur to killer mains that survivors can be nice like that.
Yesterday was also the last time I tried to stay behind to give a killer a free kill, and the Trapper brought me to the exit gates.
Are you trying to tell me though that the killer who loaded into the new map and proceeded to camp, tunnel, and slug at five gens when we were down a person had fun? I stopped playing when she had my two teammates on the ground. Is that fun for killer mains? Someone who stands still and gives up because the game was over about 90 seconds into it? Is the only thing that is fun for killers getting a 4K every single time and literally nothing else? Because as a survivor main, every single survivor doesn't have to escape for me to have fun.
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Well they didnt make it any fun. Why would anyone camp vs 3 survs at 5 gens?
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The point is they stayed to play match and give it a try killer stayed to ######### on them easy as that and u said he might wanted out and that's my response to you he chosed very terrible way out
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when the ######### did that become a thing
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Killer should have DC'd and moved on to a proper match.
Right OP?
0 -
Doubt it lol. Say you're against a killer that's obviously not good. It takes them 5 gens to down 1 person. The person is down under a pallet, you're crouched behind a wall just nearby, the killer doesn't even look around for other survivors and starts picking the person up. Do you a) slam the pallet and get the save and laugh at the killer or b) give pity on the killer that's clearly playing with people beyond their skill level? I guarantee you the answer is always a even before today.
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Honestly blame the devs.
They are the ones who allowed you to be in that position in the first place. So many things happen in this game (people getting hit in places they shouldn’t have, game crashing because of server errors) that isn’t the killer’s fault but just due to poor optimization.
With that being said, not all of us who play killer are that thirsty. You just got stuck with someone who is clearly low-skilled level and fears losing even when you guys are at a disadvantage. At which point you just try to do your best to get as many points as you can, because it is no longer a match at that point.
1 -
Just DC when that happens. Killer gets no points. Sure, you don't get any either. But you can move on to your next game a lot faster. There's no DC penalty now.