Made a killer Rage Quit

So was facing a Freedy in Ormond.
He chased first guy for quite a bit to get one 1 done, he finds me, and gives a short chase which he leaves, big mistake since i found his Devour right after, (didnt knew at the time but he had "Make your Choice" so he left me to go after the rescuer), starts chasing that guy long enough for 2 gens to pop at the same time and soon a third one from my part, which would have left only 1 gen to go.
The guy simply quits, i do feel a bit sad about him, we did destroyed him quite badly.
I am sorry but that is what impressive or important how?
Penalties are off and people disconnect left, right and center at the drop of a hat. I would even go so far to say that the stayed impressively long in the trial given how bad it went for them according to you.
I am lucky that so far during this weekend only one person dc'ed and that was probably a crash mid going down.
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It wasnt even that long actually, it was around 2-3 mins into the match
He got 1 hook with 1 gen pop, and the current chase cost him 2 (soon to be 3) gens
I did got good teammates gotta say, which is rare in solo cue...
Im just saying that its surprising how much a match can be one sided due to poor matchmaking, i think the guy was around green rank while we were purple/red ones.
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Cool story I guess
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It’s not hard to make a killer dc right now. Had a wraith dc after popping the first gen. Match lasted about 45 seconds.
im sure it’s not hard to get a survivor to dc either.
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Guess he didnt found anyone?
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So? Dude saw gens fly by and left. You shouldn't be bragging about that, because as Killers get more and more frustrated your games will just get shorter and more boring.
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Wasnt really bragging, just saying how stupid the matchmaking is sometimes, i did felt sad for the guy.
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Weird flex, but ok.
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He found three of us right off the bat. He committed to a chase while two of us circled back and finished the gen. Not sure what they were running but I was using a gen speed/tool box build.
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I've made plenty of killers DC because I destroyed their noed before it did anything
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Wish my teammates would get the totems... like seriously, they never EVER do it.
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In 3 minute 3 gen got pop that just show the killer cant do any mistake. So i dont see why you should still try after 1 mistake.
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I, for one, am very impressed they were able to gen rush someone who lost their hex perk while they were also running a meme perk. It is amazing play, he really dominated the killer by getting his chase dropped into finding the hex totem and, the holy generator. The skill literally melts my brain. I bet he landed 3 perfect skill checks in a row on the gen he soloed too, utterly destroying that Krueger player. Gosh I wish I was Zokenay.
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If you were me, we would be missing your thiccness
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Well this is a common story which happens a lot against potato Killers.
Not so common to happen against competent Killers with some good hours.
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You didn't feel sad. If you did, you wouldn't have done it. You played like a jerk and didn't let the Killer have any fun.
(Not being serious, just taking the opportunity to use the usual Survivor logic from the other side for once. )
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I didnt really did much tbf, did only half a gen (and a nearly full one but he dc before i could finish it) and got that totem, thats about it.
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It’s not really looked upon kindly here to gloat about making another player rage quit
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I thought that this will be story how you ranned killer for 4 or 5 gens but instead of that you all just sitted at gens. 1/10 for the story and that 1 point is just for it short length.
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Ok..i hope you are proud of yourself? Nothing i hate more like a toxic survivor that buttdances and flashlights in the end to make sure the killer knows they won :) Or someone who comes to the forums to gloat about making killer ragequit.
Post edited by Hannacia on0 -
I already said i felt bad for the guy, im mostly blaming the matchmaking for putting a low rank killer against high ranks
Also i dont do either of those things (idk i just dont use flashlights, i rarely bring items in general)
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You felt sad for him, did you really? Then why'd you come on the forums and post about him? Weird. 99.9% of people here don't even care.
Post edited by ZonkyWizard on1 -
Again, matchmaking being a mess.
I just find stupid that a rank 10~ gets paired up with 5+ ones.
I dont really know what my teammates did tbf, i was alone that entire match, so idk if they did anything to trigger the guy, like the things you mentioned, which btw, i dislike, idk why survivors feel the need to be annoying beyond belief by clicking flashlights or teabagging, etc.
Hell i even remember a match that was a draw (2 kill) where i actually praised the killer and complained at how freaking useless my teammates were lol, for context, i worked HARD to get rid of extremely dangerous 3 gen, which i did manage, but my teammates ended up causing a different one, and then they left me without a slimmer of doubt after i distracted the killer long enough for them to finish they mess.
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Then maybe, just maybe don't name your thread "(I) made a killer ragequit."
Without the aspect of tone this sounds just like bragging. Or a bait title to gather people via curiosity.
Name it something like "Unintentionally made a killer ragequit thanks to messed up matchmaking"
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I'm on the side of that killer here.
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Who here hasn't made another player quit?
Not sure that "made" is the right word as it's not exactly on purpose
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You didn't say anything about the matchmaking. You were going on about how your team made him DC. You're just being toxic and baiting for clicks.
Again, not once in your OP did you say anything about the matchmaking process.
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Cool Story bro
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And then you can see all the killer mains being salty about it, typical in this forum
A surv DC : Survs fault
A killer DC : Survs fault
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Yeah, gotta agree with others, it's not really cool to come here and just gloat because someone got frustrated and quit
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I feel no sympathy for Freddy players, well done.
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just facecamp them it's the same as them disconnecting