What killer do you want a map for?

I'm mostly talking about twins blight and trickster, I also miss that some chapters came out with more then one map, so would you go back to killers who have only one map and give them a new one that's related to lore. Or should they focus on giving killers without maps one?
They both need maps. Trickster could be a studio and Blight could be a research area with lots of plant/entity/pustula flowers all over the place. Make it a nightmare.
Between the two I'd want a Trickster map with a stage in the middle with a generator in the middle of the stage while the rest of the map is offices and maybe the parking lot out front. That'd be cool.
The more maps we have, the less chance I have of getting Shelter Woods.
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Haha, shelter woods and dead dawg are my enemies, you don't want a twins map?
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Between those? Tricker, easily. Give me stage loops that remind me of the good old days playing Black Ops 1 Zombies. It could be really colorful and different compared to, well, you know... The rest. Maybe have some Kpop bumping in the back, some McDonald's BTS product placement? Lovely.
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I do think tricksters map would be the more unique option, but for me twins in a old french town/village would be so cool
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Being a Gemini myself I sort of have a soft spot for the Twins thematically, but all we really have to go off of with them is they're French and from the 17th century. They were experimented on in a temple so...hmm.
Maybe if the art team could make a map out of that. It'd be a city map with breakable walls for some doors while Entity claws break some of the house walls to make the map playable. Like...Haddonfield but with less Strode House and more buildings. Also more French.
Hon hon hon.
Edit: Actually give the area some backwoods too with a spot where you'd burn witches at the stake. That'd be kinda heavy but cool.
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Twins, can easily see them on a mount ormand variant making it faster and easier to do, plus more snow maps... I like snow lol
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I was thinking of like haddonfield type , but actually balanced
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Yeah but I'd really like a ghost town french village, with mabye a sewers underneath
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Trickster or Twins for sure.
Also what killers came out with multiple maps? Other than technically Trapper, Wraith, and Hillbilly.
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All three of them deserve maps as they could make them feel so unique
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Hag, and Freddy I bealive
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As long as none of it is indoors or lots of alleys and tight corridors as those ruin all enjoyment on maps
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The top part should have buildings and the sewers mabye open like the new game(more balanced obviously)
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I really want it to be another Macmillan Map, as I love those.
It would have a main building in the centre, Blight's Laboratory, and the map would be full of cankers, blight mutations and cankers. The structure would be similar to groaning storehouse but a bit smaller probably.
What do y'all think? I love this idea so much
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So a sub realm? Tbh I'd be greatefull for anything as long as it looks different enough like plague or clowns sub realm
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Freddy I know there used to be only 1 Badham Preschool and for whatever reason during the Freddy change they decided to make 5 Badham Preschools. I'm not sure about Hag, but I thought I heard at one point that Grim Pantry was released the same update as Bubba because it was supposed to be his map when they originally planned for it to be a full chapter. Maybe that's wrong I don't know, that would have been forever ago.
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It released with bubba , but is tied to hag ,idk I'd just like more than one map for future killers at some point idk... Or adding a map for a killer lore or even maps related to survivors
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It would be really fun if trickster had like a concert similar to the blood scene in the first Blade movie, but all neony
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I'd love a village themed map for the Twins! After watching RE8 gameplays, I was constantly thinking how the Twins would fit the atmosphere.
Trickster's map could've been easily aesthetically pleasing. A nice Korean studio with some modifications :)