Between the survivors and killers who would you date?

I personally would go on a date with the Trickster. He would show me a good time. Get me a back stage pass to his concert. Take me out on a fabulous dinner. And after showing me his knife collection and going on a murder spree we go back to his place and kiss goodnight.
Firstly trickster would 100% kill you to make his music.
Secondly I’d go out with Jane because she’s the best female survivor. I wouldn’t go out with any killer because they are all.. well killers
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I like strong independant woman and i like nature. So Huntress it is.
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Go out with who?
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I’m dumb I meant to say Jane
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I'm straight, but Steve and Leon.
Also Nancy.
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Jane or Meg or both.
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Jane is a good choice!
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Plague, I think. She's cool, kind, pretty and probably won't kill you like Huntress or Trickster.
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Huntress is death by snoosnoo
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Jeff and Jake both seem cute, I'd love to look at Jeffs paintings and listen to his music while Jake you could go on nice walks with.
As for killers, Joey. Seems strong but I always like to think hes sweet (and edgy) behind that mask.
I also think Slinger would be nice to hang with, although not in a relationship.
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David would be nice, I think. Protective, strong, but also strikes me as the person to enjoy the occasional cuddle. Jake I wouldn't mind, either, he's pretty cute, and you can all fight me on this but so is Dwight (also the fact that Jake seems like he wouldn't try to have a conversation with you which I am 100% here for, and Dwight's magical talent of serious manipulation would be helpful too).
In terms of killers, Wraith springs to mind instantly. I wanna cuddle the poor man, he didn't deserve anything he went through. Trapper would be a nice pillow for obvious reasons, and also didn't deserve what he went through. Maybe Joey because he's kinda fit. Pyramid Head for both the cake and the death- I am more than happy with both.
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"Pyramid Head for both the cake and the death" xD I love that
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Honestly wraith trapper and billy just went through hell when they were young. Billy was outcasted called a freak disowned and put in a wooden shed for his parents to hide their failure of a son. So i sympathize with billy. I do like wraith more though.
To op:Probably Kate.
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Oni. I'd like that large man to chase and pound me with his large kanabo if you know what I mean
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Jeff, love a metalhead
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Survivor- Jill, always had abit of a crush on her lmao
Killer- Nurse, yes I'll say it, nurse was hot, including human nurse, don't @ me
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Well, I don't much care for my family, so the thought of them being sacrificed for the eternal joy wrought by their agony doesn't bother me.
So Nea I guess.
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Trickster & Leon are my Baes 🤪😋
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Zarina. Mmmmmmmm.
But also Jeff, since we share a lot of interests, and Kate, because that and I've never dated another country girl or another musician. We could laugh about townies and come up with dumb riffs for her songs.
In terms of killers, the only one that springs to mind is Suzie, but like 5 years after she grew out of The Legion. I could hold her as she struggles with the wrongs she did.
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Felix for sure <3
Aside from the fact that he is a killer I would date the Trapper.
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Elodie, jill, yui, feng, spirit
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Killers: Ghostface (don't call me insane, he's just one of the more human and less psychotic people) and Joey.
Survivors: I mean, I could see myself dating any of the Survivors, but I think I'd most want to date Jake, Jeff and Zarina.
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None of the killers, mabye Lisa(Cheryl skin not the killer) if I was straight since she's cute, ace is a silver fox so probs him, and I've always crushed on Chris since I was a kid
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Dating killers has a certain risk I'd rather not deal with.
Survivor would be Nancy. I don't care what she looks like in game, I know what she really looks like!
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take a guess
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Dweet for sure. You know that lovable nerd would be attentive, polite, and great company.
For killer.....Mikey. He would be a good listener and never take his eyes off you.
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He would kill me to make music? Ok but where's the problem? 🤨
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I'd trade my life to be a single droplet of sweat on PH's abs 😩😩
(Also Chris, Jake, Felix)
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Kate, Cheryl, Julie and Susie
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Going out with Rin. sorry @TheGannMan
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Probably Kate. She's kind, smart, athletic, and pretty. Plus, she could teach me how to play the guitar.
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We have good taste in men 😁
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Defo my Dweet, he’s cute, and so handsome. Love him to bits ❤️😘
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The amount of times Jake is mentioned here is somehow comforting. 😌
Anyways: Jake, Jane, or Yui, for me.
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Spirit looks like she has some serious issues, so I probably don't need to work on myself. With all that pent up rage, I feel like I could empathize with that unquenchable lust for revenge. Perhaps we could channel that rage into something productive, like dismantling the billionaire class, tackling climate change and removing money from politics.
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Felix or Jeff- they seem nice and down to earth.
There are a few killers I would choose but for today I will pick Trapper.
For those of you not picking a killer to date... cowards!
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Dwight: if I'm dating a guy I like it when they're nerdy and akward
Meg: I relate to her a good bit and she seems really cool
Huntress: I don't need to explain myself here.
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Can i have Leon, please?
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Because he’s making K pop with them of course!
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The K in K Pop stands for Kill
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Nobody better say David unless they're okay with dating "an #########". Yes that is exactly how the game director even described him.
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Dammit you beat me to it. I guess I have Claire as an option.
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I'm surprised more people aren't going for Susie, she's mad thicccccccccccc
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I would do things to Kate not legal in most countries.
And id make dwight watch
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Assuming that the killers won't kill you I'd totally go on a date with Michael Myers, Pyramid Head and Trickster (In that order). I feel like Myers and PH have a certain lol factor as dates.
As for survivors: Leon, Felix and Adam. I just feel like they'd all be gentlemen lol
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Kate as my first survivor option followed by either Nea or Jane. Killers the one and only option of Huntress mama. Big Russian woman will hold me tightly and I've always imagined she'd be a very loving person without the murderous animal instinct.
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Chris, Chris and Chris again. He is bae.
On Killerside.. probably Clow...
hah gotcha. No, it would maybe be Joey. Either him or the Twinkster.
But before I date either of the Killers, me and Chris would already be at the beach together.
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If the killer is not in his/her murderous mood, then probably the Plague since she sounds pretty genuine and devoted as a living person.
As for survivor, definitely Yun-Jin. The girl has gotten it rough her whole life and I just want to taker her out and treat her with some good food and a nice movie. You know, show her that life is not all about profits and business.