Should Spirit have an indication of when she's phasing?

WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
edited July 2021 in Polls

Yeah, she should. This will eliminate the no skill standstill mind game. That creates unfair and unhealthy gameplay with no meaningful interactions behind. And it won't butcher her you'll know she's phasing but you won't know where she's phasing. My idea she'll have a red glow from those glass shards when she's phasing. But, what do you think?

Should Spirit have an indication of when she's phasing? 24 votes

Seiko300TapeKnotMrPenguinGeneralV[Deleted User]Drak2005HannonCluelessMadLordJackCheeseAntonWishIcouldmainGannTMDwightFairfieldPSPash13GamerEzranakotamccCastaway101402lakritzekatze 19 votes
Gibberishkodiaky[Deleted User]Hex_IgnoredFirefly987rm 5 votes


  • Clueless
    Clueless Member Posts: 340

    My idea is when she starts to phase her husk's hair stops floating. So you see a Sprit standing still and her hair just drops.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited July 2021

    When and where, she moves quick enough that the information is only damaging to bad Spirits, as proved by her breathing bug.