I just want crowns..

I played... 8 matches tonight? Never escaped once with a crown. It's so hard as survivor. None of teammates have escaped either any tonight.
It's just making the game less enjoyable.
If they glow, I let them go. I've been playing killer a lot lately specifically so survivors can get their crowns.
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Same! I've just been trying to play a friendly killer so people don't have such sweats. If they want to farm, cool. If not, cool.
Killers tonight have just been brutal.
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Run Plunderers, find a key, hide the key in a corner, wait for hatch while playing sneakily. I'm terrible at this game and I escape about 40 percent of my matches.
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I guess I can try that. I just don't want to be that person since I'm trying on Claudette.
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It's easy for me to be like hey just do the gens, pick up the crown and escape through the door, I know.
When I did survivor crowns I didn't even bother looking for the crowns until there were two gens left unless I naturally ran across it. Three of them was a last second yoink during end game collapse.
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Usually I don't farm with survivors, but I do during these events involving cakes. But lately I've been hopping into matches where survivors don't want to farm, and what's ironic is that when they realize that they're about to die and not get their crown, then all of a sudden they have a change of heart. And I'm like, no, you wanted a normal match so that's what you'll get. Maybe next time when you see a killer wanting to farm, you'll take them up on the offer. LOL
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I cannot suggest VPNing to AU serversĀ at about 9pm AU time to play with all the sweaty Australians, that's not allowed and is morally repugnant.
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You're playing solo. To make up for it, after escaping, in your next match, sacrifice yourself for who ever was the best looper on the team. Also, nice killers exist more than people on here would let on. If you have an item, offer it to the killer. It's 50/50 on whether or not they let you go, just wait to offer it towards the end and do your best to not annoy the killer.
I had a nice Spirit who carried me to the crown and then to the door. Made getting the crown super easy š¤
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I'm a red rank killer that's gone all the way down to rank 16 helping people. It's funny too since people think I'm a low rank killer if they're rude I can destroy them so the group can have fun.
Best moment was when all the survivors were teabagging a 4th rude survivor as he died on hook.
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I was rank 4 at the start of this event and I went down all the say to rank 19 just letting survivors get crowns. Sometimes they don't realize I want to farm now because it's low rank; sometimes I don't even wanna farm but I still let them make it out if they picked up a crown. I get my hooks(or until they
finish the last gen) and leave them alone to get out.
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that's how I've been playing killer too. I'm trying to get as many as I can. the more we get it benefits everyone.
sadly most of the people I play against be it killers or survivors don't see it that way
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The more survivors play killer the harder it will be for you since they are hypocrites. When i was getting the crowns on my survivors i went against some people that i see playing survivor and my god the camping and tunnelling was insane. I guess they don't like tasting their own medicine.
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has it been determained if licensed survivors and killers count toward the crown total even if they don't get to keep the cosmetic?
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Most games i play normal, then let the last 2 finish and go. If they escape on their own more power to them.
With this mindset though its best not to be rude since idc about winning š
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You can go back to 16? Someone told me once you hit 15, you can't derank back.
Also, I love your username. Lit.
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it is very difficult to achieve especially when there are hardcore bullies around the matches. out of all the sessions i have done for the last few days since they announced the crowns for the 5th anniversary i have had limited luck on survivor but i did achieve them on some killers its just depending on the match and whom is the badguy i tend to stay out of matches that are involved with a bully so good luck.
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Getting crowns has been impossible. I actually finally managed to escape with two crowns tonight... and they didn't unlock.
I'm gonna cry for real, man, that sucks. ššš
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I did all my survivors in solo queue on literally the first day.
"It's so hard."
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That's what she said.
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Good for you.
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They don't. It's just the "wearable" crowns that count. I think this was mentioned on their Twitter somewhere.
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Iv been lucky and escaped all games the past 2 days, having said that the crowns are pretty boring in terms of a reward. Makes you easier to spot and look meh
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I think people who are specifically going out of their way to find crowns die more than they normally would. I got all my survivor crowns pretty quickly by playing normally and just taking the crowns if I happen to come across them. The only time I ever went out of my way to get them was when it was a guarantee escape regardless (e.g. all gens done, exit gates 99'd, no NOED, not on death hook).
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That's what I did on the three non licensed survivors I play although I did have to do 5 games for Jake with two of those games having escaped with the crown(didn't get the crown after escaping for some reason and it was the only time I had that happen for survivors )had terrible luck with team mates accidentally leading the killer to me on the others
Also on the topic of crowns I hate looking for them in the Blackwater swamp as they either spawn in the very corners of the map obscured or non at all legit had one game as killer where no joke we were all looking for the crown before giving up as they didn't spawn in said corners
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Yeah, I can see it being stressful not escaping with crowns. I generally just let everyone escape if Iām stomping them early, especially if they have a crown. You know, try and spread positive vibes with how many killers I e played that camp 1st hooks.
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I don't let them go
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Yes, getting the crowns as survivor can be hard. I had one day where I played for 2-3 hours and never escaped once. Next day I got a bunch of crowns, so sometimes luck plays a part.
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Nobody said you have to? But I do. Because I'm a nice person.
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I did something similar to where I brought a key and a hatch offering and just waited for hatch to spawn so I can get my crown. I was frustrated when I collected the crowns and then died.