Lethal Pursuer is seriously irritating

Like honestly, its starting to get on my nerves having to deal with a chase 5 secs into the match because of this perk, even more when its a 1vs1 killer that can end chases quickly.
At least freaking reduce the duration or something, cause this is seriously annoying
use distortion or object of obsession
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If it bothers you so much you can use Object of Obsession or Distortion (Sprint Burst can also help if you're caught off guard).
Other than that,just be more mindful and attentive at the start of the match.
After all,it's just a few seconds aura reading at the start of the match and then the killer is already down to 3 perks
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Hopefully this perk teaches people on how underrated distortion is
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Ah, yes. The perk that lasts less than 10 seconds at the beginning of the game then does NOTHING for the remainder of it. Good target for a nerf.
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That's the entire point of the perk and is a very necessary element in balancing DbD: early downs.
I just wish the Devs had actually made an early game collapse instead of making us rely on a perk.
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IKR, people need to stop trying to nerf random ass perks. If anything, lethal pursuer is one of the most balanced perks in DBD. It does what it sets out to do perfectly.
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Maybe because the killers doesn’t want them to gen rush, at the start of the match.
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Buddy, just run at the edge of the map for 10 seconds and then double back
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Survivors: the fun part of the game is being chased
Devs: add a perk that encourages early chases
Survivors: :o
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You should be able to position yourself at a strong loop against most killers before they get to you. I could see it being annoying against good spirits, that's pretty much it.
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Funny enough, its usually those kind of killers that use it, ever faced a Nurse with it? it aint pretty... at all
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I would say that Stridor Spirit is better.
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Was* that thing is getting nerfed
Stridor wont counter Iron Will anymore, its now the other way around.
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The perk is broken on Nurse and Spirit.
It didn't help the killers that needed early downs as much as it did for S-tier killers who were already destroying everyone but the very best of SWF squads.
Facing a 3k hours Nurse with IF is made even worse thanks to it.
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Crouching in a bush moderately/considerably/tremendously increases the chance of the killer going after you first.
No more hiding in the bush and being immersed Claudette onto the generator you go.
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Your asking for a nerf that only works for Nine seconds per game?
I actually had to double check to see if you were Sluzzy
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the killer has a hard time getting downs anyways. even if they get you in a chase early with this perk, it meas nothing. nothing in the slightest. doesn't matter if a "Strong" killer like nurse uses it, same problem.
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Is it bad to to want monsterous shrine buffed?
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not really, half the perk is useless anyways. that 4% is not your friend.
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Definitely isn't when it still giving out Kobes.
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Lethal Pursuer is great for finding AFK survivors at the start.
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bro...how many people are getting that 4% on you dog.
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I love Lethal Pursuer
Being able to go to the biggest cluster of survivors and have a general direction of where to go after is so much pressure right when you need it.
My favorite perk right now, I don't care how good or bad it actually is. Being able to get straight into the action and have a plan afterwards just feels good
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It is a pretty sweet perk, but I think it's best for SWF becuase it's main use is to know what perks the killer is running.
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The Bhvr way. Selling solutions to game issues through perks. Killers have a bad early game? Run Corrupt or Lethal Pursuer. Solo queue needs to be on par with SWF? Just make them use perks like Kindred and Small Game. Inifinites exist? Just use Bamboozle or Hex: Crowd Control. Killers are camping or tunneling? Just use BT/DS etcetc
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survivors can sometimes hop on gens within 5 seconds of the match starting.
lethals fine.
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I get how they feel though. I don’t have a direct problem with Lethal Pursuers function. What’s irritating is how rife the game currently is with first hook camping. It’s frustrating spawning in, and within seconds spotted, downed, hooked, and camped out of the game.
Yeah... this is why I queued up...
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Assume it's in play, prepare your load out and act accordingly
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Or god huntress with iri 😬
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I'm waiting for the moment survivors complain about killers having perks at all.
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Lethal purser bothers me because you see just how ######### up spawning can be in this game
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Ngl, as long as survivors are spawning on hex totems and gens, lethal shoukd be basekit 😤