My 3 Perk Ideas

Before I submit these perk ideas to the devs in the feedback section of these forums, I'd like the community's input. Let me know what you all think and what changes you'd make to these perk ideas!

Perk #1 (Killer)

Concept: Quick & Quiet perk but for killers. Can be used for cheeky mind-games when line of sight with survivor is broken.

Effect: Killer interactions make no sound. This includes kicking pallets, breaking gens, destroying breakable walls, checking lockers, reloading, vaulting, etc. This perk has a cool-down of 30/25/20 seconds.

Perk #2 (Survivor)

Concept: Deception-like exhaustion perk. Can be used to send the killer in the wrong direction and lose chase.

Effect: Press the active ability button while healthy and sprinting to create a false scratch mark trail for 10 meters in front of you. You will not leave any scratch marks for the next 3 seconds. This causes the exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds. This perk cannot be used when exhausted.

Perk #3 (Killer)

Concept: Opposite of Nemesis perk. Pairs well with Save the Best For Last and Dying Light. Can help punish missed stuns.

Effect: You become obsessed with one survivor. When the obsession drops a pallet while in a chase but doesn't stun the killer, they will be afflicted by the hindered status effect for a short duration and scream (think Freddy snares). When this perk activates, the obsession is immediately transferred to a random different survivor that is still in the trial. This perk has a cool-down of 60/50/40 seconds. This perk permanently deactivates when there is 1 survivor left in the trial. The killer can only be obsessed with one survivor at a time.


  • TheChaddyCat
    TheChaddyCat Member Posts: 14

    I like the last one alot

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    I am actually in love with the first one a lot.

  • Thund3rstruck57
    Thund3rstruck57 Member Posts: 265

    @TheChaddyCat @TheGannMan Thanks! :) Unless anyone else has feedback, I'll post these as is on the feedback forums on Monday for BHVR to check out.

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235

    I like 1 and 3 very simple but can be used i fun builds, but I do think that the 2 perk would need a few buffs like not a making it a exhaustion perk because there are a lot of perks that over shadow it like iron will and lucky break or even dance with me

    But overall they are good ideas

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    The 2nd perk idea is one I've always wanted as a way of throwing killers off the scent a bit. That my favourite.

    The 1st perk sounds like it could be fun, especially when it comes to Kool-aiding it through a wall.

    The 3rd sounds interesting. Not one I would feel tempted to use myself, but by no means useless.

    These are some great ideas! Hand your CV into them Sir/ Madam/ Mx.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    These are actually all good ideas. This game lacks something to truly help you lose the killer while in chase. Your suggestion could be game changing.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    1 is very interesting.

    2 would probably cause a ######### storm from most killers.

    3 hindered effect is an issue. You can't punish survivors because they're using what they're supposed to use as defense. Especially, because pre-dropping is correct, even necessary, against several killers. So, you either make hindered too short to be significant. Or, you make it significant, but then the perk would just be meta for the killers of above because it would put survivors in a lose-lose situation.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    1 - love it! Especially with breakable walls! You could really surprise people that way.

    2 - idk. Doesn't Pebble Throw perk create a false scratch mark trail already?

    I have always wanted a perk for survivors that goes something likes this:

    Upon successfully stunning or blinding the killer perk activates - scratch marks appear in a 10m radius around the killer (kind of like a scratch mark bomb went off). The perk has a 80 second cool down.

    Adds a bit of extra confusion for the killer as they try and see which direction the survivor went in (or didnt).

    3 - punishing survivors for missing a pallet stun would be harsh.

  • Thund3rstruck57
    Thund3rstruck57 Member Posts: 265

    Thanks everyone for the compliments and constructive feedback!

    @pwncxkes I think the false scratch mark trails would definitely be overpowered in chase if you could use it several times, hence why I made it an exhaustion perk and didn't just give it a fixed cooldown. Plus it activates like Dead Hard when you're healthy and you're spending energy to create a large false trail, not just hiding your own. It seems like it would have its niche. Lucky Break and Iron Will only activate when you're injured and Dance With Me can't be activated anywhere/doesn't intentionally lead the killer in the wrong direction.

    @Marc_go_solo OH YEAH!!!!

    @Komrad_Karnage Ya I actually originally considered making the silent killer interactions perk just always be active, but I needed a cooldown for the perk tiers. Plus after comparing it to Quick & Quiet, it just made sense for balance reasons. It could actually be even more useful with the cooldown. You could double vault a window and the survivor would only hear 1 vault. If it was always active, the double vault probably wouldn't accomplish anything. As far as the reverse-Nemesis perk goes, I want something that can allow you to chase the obsession as an M1 killer with Save the Best For Last and get them to remove their obsession so you can hit them and keep gaining stacks. The hindered effect is so the perk does something on its own and compliments M1 killers/punishes survivors for pre-dropping pallets. Your idea sounds like a good Brutal Strength buff.

    @Damarus Ya it would definitely be a fun and useful perk.

    @Bwsted On the plus side for the false scratch mark trail perk, survivors can only use it when they're healthy, which means their regular breathing isn't covered up by Iron Will. That might be enough to make it balanced. The reverse-Nemesis perk wouldn't give a significant hindered effect. It would be the same as a Freddy snare, which people can still possibly make it around a loop after triggering only 1. It would punish just the obsession only once per chase for doing that to help counter the pre-dropping meta against certain killers just a little bit. Plus survivors could use that to their benefit. If they know the killer has this perk and they're being chased as the obsession, they can anticipate that the killer will probably respect pallets more and punish that.

    @FancyMrB My favorite use of the silent killer interactions perk would be to reload Huntress hatchets or break a pallet while the survivor thinks I'm mind-gaming and they're not leaving the loop. Your scratch bomb perk idea sounds pretty cool too. Maybe they could add both those perks to the game. My perk would be different from pebble because it would create false scratch marks right in front of you, not 20 meters away. It would be much more reliable at sending the killer in the wrong direction during a chase. As far as the reverse-Nemesis perk goes, it would only affect the obsession once per chase and the hindered effect is so brief, it might not even result in a hit (a single Freddy snare doesn't always result in a hit).