Why can Michael run out of stalk?

If a match goes on long enough, you can literally not be able to reach tier 3 anymore as myers. This is also an issue I just ran into in a game where tombstone piece took enough energy that I wasn't able to reach tier 3 again because I had fully stalked the 3 remaining survivors.
Why does his mechanic work like this? Deathslinger doesn't run out of gunpowder. Huntress and Trickster don't run out of hatchets. When pig runs out of traps she can still crouch. Ghostface can't run out of stalk.
I understand that you shouldn't be able to stalk the same survivor to get all your power, but the stalk potential of survivors not being stalked should recharge when you're stalking another survivor. I shouldn't be punished and denied my power because I didn't fully stalk someone enough.
Evil gets tired I guess. Never liked it myself.
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I don’t think you will find too many people to sympathize with when your are running tombstone piece Myers lol. If the survivors outplay you during the instakill window, that’s your own fault.
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It’s an outdated mechanic. They should just remove the stalk caps on survivor
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Survivors should have limited, replenishing Evil Within.
IE: It can run out (to prevent stalking 1 Survivor), but it slowly refills when not being drained, after a pause.
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It's absolutely an outdated mechanic that should have never existed in the first place (can something be outdated that was never uh...in-dated to begin with?). There is not one killer in this game who has their powers just go away because you used it too much.
In fact to me, everyone talks about how the Myers needs a redesign or whatnot but all I think he needs is his powers to not just GTFO when you've accidentally stalked the same person more than 20 F'ing seconds...
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i don't really see it as punishment, i'm not just like whatever and move on.
but i dont think you should bring up that stalk cap with tombstone bro...i mean its a whole instakill no matter what when you catch a surv...i dont think it needs to be fired off for every single survivor...so its def fair to need more stalk (which i think it does increase the amount of stalk needed).
but say what you want..i can understand, i just never minded not being able to stalk. if you time it well enough in theory you can down at leat 2 surv and have great time.
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Michaels eyes start to get tired
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It’s not outdated at all. It’s to prevent Michael from getting his power from just 1 survivor over and over again.
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Yeah he definitely needs a rework. I know tombstone piece requires a ridiculous amount of stalking, but regardless long matches with Myers is not fun. Once you've completely stalked a survivor, it forces you to seek out other survivors. Now this theory sounds good on paper, but with so many perks focused on avoiding the killer, finding survivors is sometimes easier said than done.
Myers is the only killer that can literally run out of power, and it shouldn't be this way. Other one hit Killers like Leatherface, Hillbilly, and Ghostface don't have this issue, and neither should Myers.
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My idea was to give him an alternative stalk that can be switched into. This version allows him to regenerate evil on a survivor in order to stalk them with the default stalk to get to tier 3.
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Like Lightburn, it's an outdated mechanic that has overstayed its welcome.
That's a really good idea.
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So what if he can?
Its either outdated or they need to find a better solution. Hes AWFUL now adays
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It's a product of it's time. It was an extremely powerful ability when it was introduced and along with his add-ons it made sense to have a limited amount of tier III. However, it is badly in need of some touch ups.
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But why though? In what realistic situation would that make him too strong?
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It's a good point, but it's for the best that they keep it how it is.
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Myer's is an old killer who is a bit out of date. His kit could use some adjustments to modernize it a bit, but it likely won't happen any time soon.
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Well one of the biggest reasons is because of that add-on. If you didn't have a stalk limit for tombstone piece...no thanks, this add-on is broken enough as it is. Also, if you do reach the stalk limit on all survivors, chances are the game is over and you've either won or lost and won't need tier 3 again. If not, then you didn't play Myers well, and now your poor play has led to you no longer having an instadown.
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Like he said, outdated.
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Yep, every killer needs to be made stronger. It's not like there aren't thousands of new players with the new chapter and the game is much easier for beginner killers than survivors or anything. Let's nerf some more survivor perks while we're at it.
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So I don't stalk the same bad survivor the whole match and get free tier 3 every time
Imagine tombstone Myers finding an afk player.
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Michael Myers is outdated in general, needs his power to be updated.
Michael Myers — Evil Within
Evil Within l: 4.6m/s [115%] Movement, Normal Lunge, and Undetectable. Damaging a survivor by any means will automatically progress Michael Myers to Evil Within ll.
Evil Within ll: 4.6m/s [115%] Movement and Normal Lunge. Survivors have personal stalk meters. You need to have at least two survivors fully stalked to progress Michael Myers to Evil Within lll, which will prompt him the ability to tier up.
Evil Within lll: 4.8m/s [120%] Movement and Insane Lunge. After being out of the survivors sight for 5 seconds, Myers gains the ability to go into Ambush Mode. Putting a survivor into the Dying State will automatically put Myers into Evil Within ll.
Ambush Mode: Myers goes completely invisible [having no collision, Undetectable] and gains a tremendous movement speed bonus. He cannot interact with the environment nor the survivors by any means, BUT can still see survivors. Can exit Ambush Mode when out of the survivors sight for 5 seconds, making any survivor within 16 meters suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 45 seconds.
Boom, Myers is officially a stealth killer who will jumpscare you!
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I think it was made to prevent him from getting his power from 1 survivor over and over again.
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Yeah I think it's to prevent unlimited from an afk, or so that you can't just target one survivor, idk tho
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Myers needs updates, but the stalk cap is definitely fine.
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There a difference between difficulty and actually being terrible. Myers is not a complex killer. Being able to instadown is nothing new to the rooster and being able to hit it more consistently would do a lot to help a killer who has been eating a lot of l's. Remember myers was designed in an era where breakable walls weren't a thing and map sizes were more reasonable.
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They can just stalk afk person to get evil witginh right away again and again and again
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I full agree, in order to get his Evil Incarnate achievement you have to be in lowww ranks to have a survivor give you enough stalk
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Or at least have them slowly recharge, for when the game does go on for quite a while.
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That would probably be best. Not giving infinite stalk like Ghostface but it slowly regenerating would probably be best. That way you couldn't just stalk 1 Survivor. As long as regeneration takes longer than stalking someone I'd say that would be the best solution.
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It's there so your local Meghead can't spoon feed him T3
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A lot of replies are ignoring what I'm actually talking about. I understand why it exists for single survivors, but the fact that it doesn't regen means that once you fully stalk all survivors in the match you completely lose your power. And it's even easier to run out of stalk depending on what addons you use. It's the only killer where you can lose all your power in a match and be reduced to an m1 killer with no special ability.
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If you fully stalk everyone, and the match hasn't ended, you've done something very wrong. I rarely ever run out of stalk with him, and when I do it's because I was being stupid or killed someone off before I had completely drained them.
Frequently I'll use Devour Hope with him. You might only get 1 hit with it, but that saves a huge chunk of your stalk, and most people don't expect it on the Shape. Make Your Choice can help with this as well. It might seem a waste, but if you're running out of stalk frequently, finding another source for an OHKO will help you.
He doesn't get extra stalk if you are stalking two people together right? You're just wasting the stalk on both of them? I seem to remember he used to, then it got changed. Been a while since I played him though.
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Wrote a very similar idea to this. I've always loved the idea of giving Myers predator mode from Last Year. Totally down for this.
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This is essentially what he will be doing once in Evil Within lll, he will find a spot you're not focusing on and use it to ambush you.
Of course, the survivor will know he's coming since they will be Exposed if they are within range. Granted it probably won't be enough to avoid him depending on where both the survivor and killer is at, but survivors do get the Evil Within lll warning, letting them all know he can use Ambush Mode.
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Imagine if Oni could only collect so much blood from a survivor