This poor clown!
Just had this match as survivor...
How does the matchmaking system screw up this badly?!
I feel so bad, no one was being toxic or anything, this killer straight up stood no chance.
Also despite doing 3 generators, 2 protection hits and long chases, still 0 pip lol
Thats actually pretty normal matchmaking in DBD
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Now i just had this match...
Is the matchmaking always like this for solo Q?
I rarely do solo Q as i usually play with my gf, and the matchmaking isn't this bad when i play SWF with her.
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Sometimes its "normal" and sometimes its like this. Honestly the matchmaking is terrible most of the time
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Yeah Pip system is ######### and broken. Doing gens, looping killer but still not gives pip sometimes.
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Depends on the time of the day I feel. In the early morning I have to wait a long time to get a lobby as killer, and when I do it's with all kind of ranks, even red ranks (Í'm a rank 17 killer...).
For me that stays that way until the evening, then I get some more balanced survivors in my killer games.
But when I play solo q (rank 16), I get normal teammates from my rank width, with the occasionaly green in.