Which licensed killer is the most and least faithful?

Title. One who acts almost the same in the game and in their original property, with homages to their source material and the like.
I think the most faithful is Myers, and the least faithful is either Freddy or PH. I shouldn't need to explain Myers, but reworked Freddy's power has very little to do with his source material - the dream world is hardly a threat in the slightest and often you spend more time asleep than bothering to wake up, which should be a death sentence against the concept of Freddy. PH is obvious, as his power also has very little to do with the source material, but in his case the whole Cage system kind of makes sense for Silent Hill 2.
What do you think?
Freddy definitely. I am an advocate for oldskool Freddy though, as played by Robert Englund. This new Freddy is trash imo.
Imagine Freddy saying ridiculous one-liners like back in the original flicks everytime he does something with his powers. Would be fantastic. That whole oldskool campiness would've made him a great Killer imo. Little bit of fun with his slaughter.
As it is, the Dream World should be more powerful, and the Entity's Realm weaker. In terms of Freddy's power. Right now the Dream World is a joke. Only reason I ever break myself out is to avoid trap spam around hooks. Otherwise, it's whatever.
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Along with Freddy and PH, Demo is also not really faithful as the Upside-Down is not a fast travel tunnel but a literal parallel dimension where he lives and takes his victims to.
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New Freddy is a terrible adaptation in every way
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To be honest, a lot of the Killer's aren't super faithful. They gotta do what they gotta do to get them in the game.
I guess maybe Pig? Amanda was always more violent then Jigsaw anyways, and he was probably too weak to ambush anyone. Though I don't remember seeing her Assassin Creed lookin-ass hidden blade at all.
Michael too, maybe? From a lore standpoint anyways, where he stalks his victims before brutally murdering them.
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Most faithful: Leatherface is very accurate all the way down to his lobby pose
Least: Probably new Freddy tbh. He doesn’t fit with the 2010 Freddy in the slightest
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Myers and Demo
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Unlike his original power, current Freddy is pretty unfaithful to the 2010 remake.
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Ghostface, Myers, Leatherface are faithful.
Everybody else is kind of meh. I always thought PH would be better as a semi-stealth killer that torments his victims with map distortions than a pure chasing killer with a hook gimmick. His TR should have been a static radio.
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I'm fairly certain Ghostface is the least faithful character, literally being an OG creation that very deliberately borrows heavily from Scream because the got the mask lisence, not the killer.
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Most faithful is Myers, easily.
least faithful is Nemesis. He doesn’t even feel or play like RE3 Nemesis.
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Most faithful is defo Myers, least is probably Freddy. Nothing about Freddy seems like Freddy Kreuger.
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I'd say the most faithful is probably either Demo or Nemesis.
Least faithful is Freddy.
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Mikey is definitely the most faithful. Stalking his victims before murdering them.
Least faithful is Freddy.
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Least faithful would probably be Nemesis or Freddy.