The Mistress (Domestic Dispute)
The Mistress
Name: Eden Waters
Speed: 4.6 m/s | 115%
Height: Average/Tall
Terror Radius: 24 meters
Eden has short blonde curls that match a more vintage 50s style. She wears a torn pale yellow dress that covers white lingerie piece that is partly stained dark red. Her eyes are covered with a white cloth that is stained red over the eyes as well. She wears no shoes but has torn leggings (stockings).
Power: Ravenous Lust
Ability: Seductive Trance
Press and hold the Power Button for at least 5 seconds to charge Seductive Trance. Release, while aiming at any nearby (within 10 meters and 45 degree cone, with no obstruction) survivor(s), to force the survivor(s) into a Trance (taking 5 seconds to fully fall into it, if fully charged; 6-7 seconds if 75%, 8-9 if 50%, 10-11 if 25%, 12-15 if <25%.).
Survivors that are falling into a trance can perform the snapping out action (12 seconds, base) on themselves to prevent themselves from truly falling into the trance, however while doing the snap out action the, survivor will still continue falling into the trance (charge is greater than 25%, the survivor is guaranteed to fall into the trance before the snap out action is finished, canceling the action).
Once fully tranced, the afflicted survivor will be incapacitated and hindered (by 10%), while additionally having their screen (fov) become hazy and dark, made worse if not looking directly at the Mistress.
Survivors are broken from their trance if:
- The survivor is put into the dying health state or inflicted with deep wounds.
- Another survivor who is not tranced performs a snap out of it action (12 seconds, base) on the afflicted survivor.
- The afflicted survivor uses a black mirror.
2 Black mirrors will spawn in the trial and can be used by a tranced survivor to snap out (18 seconds, base). Once used, it will shatter alerting the Mistress of the survivor’s location via killer instinct for 4 seconds. Shattered mirrors cannot be used by a survivor again for 90 seconds.
Special Ability: Shattered Love
The Mistress can press the Power Button while aiming at a nearby (within 10 meters, with line of sight) shattered mirror to activate Shattered Love for 30 seconds or until the Mistress is stunned by any means.
While Shatter Love is active, the Mistress moves at 120% movement speed or 4.8 m/s and has a map-wide terror radius. They are unable to trance survivors; however, attempting to trance a survivor (even if they are already tranced) will instead freeze them and prevent them from moving or performing any interaction for 3 seconds. Additionally, the Mistress is not slowed while charging Lovely Punishment and Lovely Punishment will instantly trance any survivor that it hits if not tranced or falling into a trance already.
The shattered mirror used will then instantly become a black mirror, disregarding the current duration left while shattered.
Special Attack: Lovely Punishment
Press and hold the Secondary Power Button to charge Lovely Punishment. Once fully charged (2.5 seconds), press the Attack Button to throw your scissors. The scissors will injure all survivors that it passes through, and inflict dying on any that are tranced.
Upon canceling Lovely Punishment, you do not suffer any attack cool down or penalty; however, you are also unable to attack or use Lovely Punishment again for 10 seconds if the scissors are thrown (Lovely Punishment Attack Penalty).
[During the Attack Penalty, the Mistress will not have her scissors in her hand, however, once over, it will reappear with a black smoke animation fading it in. Before which, the scissors will be seen at any point which it landed fading into the said black smoke.]
Iridescent Perfume Bottle [Ultra Rare]
A mix of cinnamon, vanilla, and chamomile. It’s sweet fragrance intensifies the alluring nature of any who wears it.
- Tranced survivors are unable to see other survivors who are not tranced.
- Tranced Survivors are unable to see the aura of black mirrors.
- When a survivor is snapped out of their trance, they become exposed for 30 seconds.
Craft Scissors [Ultra Rare]
The original murder weapon. A pair of cheap craft scissors meant for a young student. They are fairly rusted from the blood of a cheating husband.
- When the Mistress is stunned by a pallet, the pallet is instantly broken.
- While Shattered Love is active, the Mistress can use Lovely Punishment without suffering from the attack penalty from throwing scissors.
- Moderately (~10 seconds, base or -33% augmented) decreases the duration of Shattered Love.
Soft Rope [Very Rare]
A rope safe for adult play. It’s high-quality feel adds to the experience as well.
- A tranced survivor will occasionally see apparitions of the Mistress that will move around and perform fake interactions.
- Looking directly at an apparition will provide the same effect as looking directly at the Mistress.
- Reveal the aura of all Mistress apparitions within 32 meters.
Feathery Handcuffs [Very Rare]
A set of soft and slightly chafing handcuffs, meant for the most exciting “games”.
- Survivors injured by Lovely Punishment are left broken and incapacitated for 30 seconds.
- Slightly decreases (-10%) Lovely Punishment Attack Penalty.
Tampered Car Keys [Very Rare]
A set of car keys to a low-end convertible. Its blade is ruined with random dents and cuts that obstruct normal function.
- When a tranced survivor is put into the dying health state, the nearest 3 generators are blocked by the entity for 20 seconds; any survivor repairing those generators are immediately interrupted.
- Tranced Survivors remain incapacitated for an additional 20 seconds.
Purple Lipgloss [Very Rare]
His favorite color. It’s once glossy seen has clouded for extended use.
- Survivors fall into their trance moderately faster (-40%).
Black Flash Drive [Rare]
A simple and sleek flash drive that contains hard evidence of a nasty affair. It’s data, however, is encrypted with no clue to the password.
- Survivors begin falling into a trance when within the terror radius of the Mistress while they are in chase.
- Survivors that are tranced or falling into a trance cannot snap out of a trance while within the terror radius of the Mistress.
- When a survivor is tranced by this way, they scream, revealing their location for 4 seconds.
Empty Compact [Rare]
Vintage and well-used, however useless due to its toxic ingredients.
- Considerably increases charge speed of Seductive Trance (+15%)
Dried Rose Buds [Rare]
From the first gift he gave. They are still fragrant after all this time.
- Moderately increases the duration of Shattered Love (+50%).
Simple Tie [Rare]
One of his many ties. Each with its own occasion, well except this one.
- Tremendously reduces Lovely Punishment Attack Penalty (-30%).
Pristine Flats [Rare]
A substitute for high-heels. A memory of union is attached to those shoes.
- Tranced Survivors are additionally oblivious.
- Slightly increases charge speed of Seductive Trance (+5%).
Sleeping Pills [Uncommon]
A must to get through the pain, many restless nights were made tranquil from these.
- Slightly increases the duration of Shattered Love (+25%)
Glass Shard [Uncommon]
A piece of black glass that once made itself part of a black mirror. It has since been separated from its origin.
- Slightly increases the Mistress movement speed during Shattered Love (+5%).
Ruined Doll [Uncommon]:
Soulless and Silent, the perfect confidant. It holds too many secrets to remain docile.
- Tranced Survivors are hindered an additional 5%.
Mangled Flowers [Uncommon]
A liar, he will soon see my revenge.
- Considerably decreases Lovely Punishment Attack Penalty (-20%)
Ripped Leggings [Uncommon]:
A result of extreme play, the holes and distress marks are symbols of pleasure.
- Slightly increases (+5%) the movement speed of the Mistress during Shattered Love.
Special Note [Common]
A simple “I love you”
- Reveal the aura of any survivor that fall into a trance for 3 seconds.
Cinnamon Mint [Common]
Spicy and refreshing, my favorite flavor.
- Slightly decreases the speed to snap out of a trance (-15%).
Wedding Band [Common]
The symbol of our vows, oh how they were broken so fast.
- Moderately increases the charge speed of Seductive Trance (+10%).
Cheap Perfume [Common]
Sickly sweet and smells of nothing in particular. A big waste of money.
- Reveals the range of Seductive Trance.
- Slightly increases the effective range of Seductive Trance (+2 meters or +20%).
Sadistic Mind
Your taste for another’s suffering has manifested into something greater, a crazed emotion that can even bend the rules of the game.
When the killer begins a chase, all generators not being repaired are blocked by the entity and highlighted white for 30 seconds. Sadistic Mind has a 80/70/60 second cool down.
“Oh, my! Are you trying to end my fun early? Who said you’re in control here?”
Blind Fury
When they fight back it invigorates you to punish them further, especially when they think they’ve won.
After a survivor escapes chase with the killer, gain a 20% haste effect and become undetectable for 30/45/60 seconds or until a survivor is injured.
“You may have escaped this time, but you won’t expect what I’ll do next.”
Obsessive Tastes
Sometimes, prey may catch your eye and after that it’s over for them.
When a survivor performs an altruistic action on the obsession or the obsession is performs an altruistic action on another survivor, the location of all survivors are revealed to you for 6 seconds. Obsessive Tastes has a 60/45/30 second cool down.
“I hope you enjoyed your break, I do love your whimpers after being hit again and again.”
(An altruistic action refers to healing, mending, unhooking, and protection hits)
The Mistress will lightly push the survivor to the ground and saddle them. Then, The Mistress will caress the survivor’s head and and whisper “Do I make you excited?” into the survivor’s ear. After which, The Mistress will seductively lick the side of the survivor’s face, then stab them repeatedly with their scissors. Finally, The Mistress will stand up from their corpse and walk away with the scissors, still in the survivor, turning into a black smoke and reappearing in The Mistress’s hands.