More Statistics

We've all seen the developers post stats every once in a while for killrates and pickrates of killers, but I'm more curious in seeing perk builds for killers and maybe survivors.

Something like showing the 4 most popular perks used per each killer, it would be interesting to see. I'm sure there would be obvious ones like Infectious Fright for Oni, but I'd still be curious to see certain statistics on it.

It wouldnt be surprising to also see a lot of personal perks being the most common especially considering there are a lot of players that dont have every perk unlocked but I think it would still be pretty interesting to see.


  • LinkOfSerevillon
    LinkOfSerevillon Member Posts: 140

    Please do! I'd be very curious to see. One that has surprised me lately is I have seen a lot of killers running Iron Grasp.