Killer Shack Needs 2 Windows

Currently, there is only 1 window in the Killer Shack. And i dont think Killer Shack is good enough for survivors. Killers can easily play around Killer Shack and easily catch the survivor. Or they can just use bamboozle on the window and force survivors to drop shack pallet or catch them. Killer Shack doesnt give an interactive gameplay for both sides. But with 2 windows, both sides can use their mind gaming skills and it will be fair for everyone. They need to make killer shack interactive. Its not a good building. Or they can just remove the vault blocks. Survivors get punished for playing well, and its not fair. As i said If they make the Killer Shack interactive it will be better for everyone.
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It used to have 2 windows, way back when. It was basically the safest building on the map and allowed free basement unhooks every time.
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The shack is already practically glass with how much you can see through the walls.
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They made a graphical rework to Shack. Now you cant see that much
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His power grows stronger each day. Soon he'll challenge Sluzzy for the throne.
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The Killer Shack is The Killers Domain (I's in the name even). With the Killer Shack God Pallet, most survivors worth their salt can loop that building four times before running into an issue (three vaults and a pallet). If the killer does have Bamboozle, you now have what should easily be two loops around the building before there's an issue. If anything, the Killer Shack is too weak for the Killers given it's supposed to be their shack...
If you feel like the Killer Shack is too unsafe to loop around for you, don't loop the Killers Shack. There's about five thousand other things for survivors to run around, go run around one of those if you can't make The Killer Shack loop work for you.
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Yeah, they added an extra window next to the main one and windows on the back wall with nice big gaps that you can even throw a knife through as trickster. Don't forget the "mindgame" wall where the killers light shines under it just to make sure they can't do anything to trick the survivor.
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This is a discussion that many will disagree with.
Some see it as a strong place for loops as long as the killer is weak throughout the chase.
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Its... its the strongest loop for survivors. So no, it doesn't need a second window.
If you are playing around shack and the basement is there then that is a risk you are taking.
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The shack should have a pallet on both exits. It already feels like a dead zone and Killers always get a free hit.
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RIP Sluzzy
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It use to be that way there was a reason it got changed.
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Yeah this is why Survivor always run to Killer chacks because they are so bad 🤷🏻♀️
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I already loop killers at killer shack for 3 gens if they don’t give up the chase if I’m lucky and the killers bad more then 3 gens. I disagree because with two windows it would basically be an infinite loop
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Anyone who is bad at killer is going to have a bad time at shack. I can guarantee you that.
The problem is many don’t want to admit it.
I have had so many killers leave my chases, simply because they didn’t know how to mind-game, but it is certainly mind-game able.
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Is this the start of a mutiny against sluzzy?
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Killer shack is already too strong for survivors.
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Out of everything I've seen.
This is either--
A. The most entitled, or
B. The most proof you don't know how to play the game. If you know how to run Shack, it's a strong loop. Not the strongest, but strong. Regular M1 killers can't do anything against Shack.
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I think he’s trying to say to make it so there’s 2 doors and 2 windows
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What about a basement with 2 stairs? And a pallet in both stairs
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Oh yes the killer can easily catch the survivor if the survivor are not good at the game. Or the killer is better at mind gaming
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hell no, it'll be 2016 DBD again
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Won't stop him from trying though.
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Sluzzy did get banned, not sure if it's a 1-month ban. If it's permanent then I'm afraid Sluzzy can be dethroned. Not saying that's a good thing at all.
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but no one is as funny as sluzzy
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I don't like to bring you the sad news but they got finally banned just like two other of the one sided vocally people from the recent times.
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Sluzzy was banned? That sucks, they were the most hilarious poster on here
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I dont care who disagrees and who agrees. I think killer shack is not fun or interactive
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Shack is probably the most balanced strong building in the game
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But having 2 windows won't make it any better, if that is your issue with shack.
Look, I'm all in for things of the past returning, but that is simply too unbalanced to be brought back.
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So what you're saying is that there's a power vacuum. That can't be good.
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Sluzzy is this your backup account? Shame you got banned. RIP
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Wavy, stop. Why are you trying to troll this hard? Who hurt you?
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Rest her soul.
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Shack is a super strong loop, I always run there as a survivor if I can.
Watch some youtube guide how to loop it if you struggling
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Yeah & a pig nerf too.
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Shack is far from being strong. Way too killer sided
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I hope this is a troll post otherwise you need to play killer more boy lol
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I am hardstuck rank 16 and I can run killers there. I am the type of survivor who literally runs at the killer by accident during a chase. It is so ludicrously survivor favored that even I could stall them for a 2 to 3 gen chase with the shack alone.
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0/10 bait. You can't live up to Sluzzy.
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Sluzzy that's too far you pushed it too damn far
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How high are you?
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Why did he get banned? 😯
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It's possible that the mods finally discovered that they were a troll (took them long enough), not sure tho.
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Should trolling really be bannable?
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I guess the mods in this forum punish people after a certain amount of time when it boils done that all they are posting/doing seems to aim at stirring up conflict on these forums aka only bait posts.
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When all they do is post controversial on sided posts that almost always lead to non objective conflict discussion?
Not that I see those like that, for me they are pure entertainment.
Something akin to reasons for forum conflict personificated.
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Aaaa but his posts are hilarious🤣