freddy seems like the only killer that can escape.

Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

freddy can go into survivors dreams so theoretically he could escape by jumping from dream to dream


  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    He is the only one who could escape. But I would like to know a more detailed theory of how he could achieve it and how he could hide from the entity.

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    Well, The Entity messed with his powers so I don't think it's a guarentee.

    I actually think Pyramid Head has the highest chance of an escape, as he's already carving up the fabric of the Entity's Realm and allowing Silent Hill's influence to break into it constantly in Trials. And, based on the fact he alongside Myers can Mori survivors of his own will, it's also pretty clear he's not just doing The Entity's will because he feels like it. If every Survivor in The Entity's realm did an Accept responsibility for your part in your wife's death and realize that you don't need to be punished anymore manuever, and Pyramid Head thus decided there were no more people here that needed punishment, Pyramid Head would probably tear its way back to Silent Hill without The Entity exerting a lot more effort than it's worth keeping him.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,520

    Thing is he doesn’t want to. His obsession is now Quentin and making him suffer

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,391

    I don't think he can, in his lore it says that the entity altered his abilities and besides, we don't even know if survivors sleeps outside of Freddy trials.

  • Literallyweezing
    Literallyweezing Member Posts: 88

    Honestly I think demo could too, the entity just forced demo to move between the upside down and the realm. Demo could stay in the upside down but chooses not to so it can hunt survivors. Also if the mind flayer really wanted the demo back it could easily take on the entity.