I’ve been playing Nemesis a lot lately
And I’m really enjoying him. He’s a solid above average killer that has a skill cap and an interesting mechanic in the AI zombies.
I would like to see some buffs to him though. Firstly I think survivors shouldn’t get the speed boost after getting infected (don’t get rid of the speed boost when they take actual damage), and I think the rate it takes to level up tiers needs a small buff while nerfing Marvin’s Blood in the process, because that is undoubtedly his best add on imo. Other than that, I really like playing as him. I currently have him at P1 but am working my way towards getting him at P3.
I'd also like to see a small buff to his tier 3 and a small nerf to his zoning potential. Make it so that you can hit multiple targets (pallets, walls, survivors) in one Tentacle Strike while in tier 3, and his cooldown after letting go of Tentacle Strike is increased slightly. Right now, he creates more lose/lose situations than PH.
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Yeah he's pretty fun, but a bit too similar to PH for my taste so I'll stick to twins <3
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yeah i'd play him a lot more if they either removed the initial infection speed boost or reduced the duration of that speed boost. OR another idea is to reduce the amount of vaccines on the map. 5 seems like it is too much because you could infect then they would cleanse they would essentially get 2 sprint burst without taking damage..
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That's true that he is more punishing than PH but at the cost of only hitting 1 target and also giving a 'free' health state to survivors who are not infected. I don't really like the idea of making him a literal copy pasta of PH(can hit multiple things at once and go through pallets/windows), additionally even if you increased his cooldown making him able to hit multiple things at once would honestly make him even more punishing than he is now. At least now he either hits you and has to deal with the pallet/leave it up or he hits the pallet and you get away without losing a health state/getting infected. Unless the degree of increased cooldown after striking is increased by a significant amount which would hurt him a LOT(missing a tentacle early game and eating a 4+ second stun would be awful, using your power would actually be a detriment when you factor in the free health states. Akin to Victor eating a DS per down this would be a mini-DS per health state).
Just for context his current cooldowns for a hit are at 2.5 seconds and his cancellation cooldown is at 1.5 seconds. How much off an increase would you suggest for such a large buff to his power? PH punishment of the damned sits at 2.25 seconds cooldown after shooting and a 1 second cooldown for cancelling. The big 'how is that possible that nemesis is already punished heavier than PH' is that PH has to 'ready' for at least 1 second before firing off but Nemesis readies up in .35 seconds to tentacle strike.
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I don’t think it’s similar to PH. What they do have in common is having a ranger attack but the difference between the two is PH needs to make the decision whether or not he needs to throw the attack. Nemesis having a smaller hitbox, quicker activation time, and shorter range, he is more charge it and attack immediately.
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I also played him a lot lately (got him from P3-1 to P3-50 with all Perks during the Event). I think the Speedboost on the initial Hit is alright, his tentacle is pretty strong so I think a drawback like this is ok.
Maybe remove the Speedboost when Zombies hit the Survivor, kinda annoying to go for M1s to not give them the Speedboost and they are able to run into a Zombie, get infected and get a Speedboost.
Also, his mutation rate should be increased a little bit with the respective Add Ons being nerfed.
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That’s fair. The speed boosts after getting infected don’t make him a bad killer but he’s certainly feel better to play if it didn’t give the speed boosts.
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One Chase 3 Hits and 2 speed boosts are fair? Oh lord!
And no, him tentacle is not strong like this. If survivors are bad, they will drop pallet early and they will give him free hit. But smart survivors can dodge him tentacle so easy. They can make him run around pallet. And they can fake drop pallet or vault windows. Tentacle is not strong. Huntress is better if we talking about range powers.
Nemesis needs buffs.
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Can we stop comparing Killers? Otherwise we can negate every argument with "Nurse is stronger".
And yes, I think it is fine to give them the initial Speedboost, because the number of vaccines is very limited. You are basically preparing for future chases with this. And this is the reason why I think that the Speedboost via Zombie Infection might be something which should be removed - you go out of your way to be an M1-Killer on purpose, not infecting the Survivor (which means - no tentacle Hits later and also the possibility to delay tiering up, if this did not happen already) in exchange for not giving them a Speedboost, and they get this Speedboost anyway.
And as I said, I played him a lot lately, so in my opinion, the Speedboost he gives on the infecting tentacle hit is alright.
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You've been playing a lot of Nemesis lately?
I salute your bravery, my friend. He is so boring to me that I can't play more than 2 trials with him.
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I just love Resident Evil so I guess that helps.
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When my Xbox One S runs I've had tons of fun with him. Of course the issue of if it works and Nemesis barely runs. He could be my third main.
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Oh yeah I forgot about that issue y’all had to deal with. Did they fix it yet? I’m on PC so I wouldn’t know.
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No, it's awful. When he runs properly he could become my third main.
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Man that sucks. I’m hoping it gets better for you console players soon.
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You are not only one who playing with him so much.
First speed boosts are insane. Generators are so fast. And if you try to use your power, you need to hit 3 times. This is not fair. Also 4 vaccine = 4 more free speed boosts. Also even all vaccines gone, you can still dodge him tentacle. You are talking like tentacle is super power. It is not. Tentacle is not even top 3 power. Why it has to be weaknes like this? Nurse can get you down faster, she needs 2 hits not 3. Nemesis only one who needs 3 hits. And this has to change.
Also future chases? All Nemesis i faced used m1 because they know using m2 is ridicilous. Nemesis has lose or lose case with him power. This has to change. Nemesis can not fight againts genrushers and SWF. He need to be stronger, remove 3 hits and make 2 hits, this will help him so much but i know devs will not do this. Because survivorside game.
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There are actually dedicated posts to Nemmy buffs. But on the topic of Nemmy. I love him, I love RE3 (Not the remake), he's in a solid B tier.
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Haven’t played RE 3 remake but I heard it was pretty bad.
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Yea, it is. I'd recommend the original RE3. Not graphically appealing, but graphics never made a game anyways.
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It sure does!
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Favorite RE title?
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Not a fan of RE, to be honest.
However, the only possible answer would be RE 4 because I only played that one and RE 7.
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The first 3 are the best TBH, except for 4. Just make sure to play the remaster of 1. You can get away with RE2 Remake, but by god stay away from the disaster that is RE3 Remake.
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It might be much harder for me to get the original RE 3 than the remake. I have a GameCube but I cannot find a good cheap deal anywhere for the game. I play on PC so it’s really easy for me to get the game on Steam also considering there’s a sale for RE games right now.
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Trust me, getting the original is worth it. The remake cut so much content from the original, that It feels like a completely different game.
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I'd like to suggest a couple more buffs:
- Make missing with his tentacle less punishing. Right now you need to have perfect aim for it to hit and if you do miss, you have to deal with a long cooldown. I was thinking making his tentacle wider at all tiers or decreasing the cooldown for missed attacks would help with this. Personally, I'd make his tentacle wider as it'll also help with those weird instances where you would think the tentacle should hit but doesn't for some reason.
- His hitbox seems bigger than normal. I've been pallet stunned at ranges that I wouldn't expect. I'm not sure why he'd need a larger hitbox.
Also, he was my first P3 and I think his bloody outfit looks nice.
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I think suvs should get debuffs while contaminated that fits Nemesis's 3-hit penalty. And yes, bonus tier 3 options too. These make quite boring to keep playing nemesis.
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What? Man you crazy.
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The speed boost NEEDS to go. It not only makes the hindered up contamination part of his power completely worthless, but also encourages the hold W META. I made an entire post about this, so I won't say anything else. My entire argument is there.
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Upon that, improve the Zombie AI.