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Whispers: The Perk That Cripples The Killer

DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
edited October 2018 in General Discussions
The thing that drives me insane about this perk, is that it actually activates for survivors that are on the hook, this needs to change. 

It would be nice to know when to immediately leave the hook, or to patrol it, instead of getting a false alarm. 

I’m not asking for anything ridiculous here, no buffs, no dynamic whisper volume to help me close in on survivors quicker, just want this perk to stop misleading me. 

Is this a deliberate design decision? Or just something that was wasn’t fully explored at the time? It’s really annoying trying to find other survivors and have the hooked ones making it impossible to tell when it’s an active survivor that’s in the proximity. Especially when you space out where survivors are hooked. 


  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    It's deliberate.

    Otherwise, with this perk, safe unhooks would be 100% impossible for survivors.

    You could stand 40 m away from the hook, and the moment that light turns on, you'd head for the hook.

    It'd be really unfair.

    And I'm a 1,500 hour freddy Main. :p

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532

    It's deliberate.

    Otherwise, with this perk, safe unhooks would be 100% impossible for survivors.

    You could stand 40 m away from the hook, and the moment that light turns on, you'd head for the hook.

    It'd be really unfair.

    And I'm a 1,500 hour freddy Main. :p

    Rank 3 is 32 meters. BBQ and chili does the same thing except you can see the auras.  Following a killer closely to a hook is stupid. Borderline suicidal. 

    Its not like the killer will know where the survivor is immediately. The killer only knows that the survivor is within 32 meters in one of many different directions. They could be close, they could be on the border of the 32m proximity. You have to hunt, the survivor can easily move out of the radius when it’s obvious that the killer is looking around for them.  

    Its not powerful by any means, it doesn’t need to be, but it also shouldn’t frustrate me with false alarms either. 
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    If you really want to know if it's safe to leave a hook, run BBQ and Chili.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532

    If you really want to know if it's safe to leave a hook, run BBQ and Chili.

    I don’t have leatherface and therefore I don’t have BBQ and Chili. 

    Whispers should get the job done. It makes the hunt more engaging and less uneventful.  
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited October 2018

    If someone makes a save just turn around and go back. It takes forever to heal now. I don't get why killers want to protect the hooked guy so much anyway. If they get unhooked and it's unsafe then you hit them down and put them on the hook. Sucks but if you punish it survivors will kill each other through altruism. Sitting there protecting the hook just gives the others time to do gens, so walk away if they save right away, come back and get the guy again. They will say you tunneled but if they didn't wait for you to find and chase someone else then they made a mistake not you.

    If you don't want to be called a tunneller use BBQ to be sure no one is near, or use MYC so that you can go after the other guy when you come back to the hook.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    FrenziedRoach said:

    If you really want to know if it's safe to leave a hook, run BBQ and Chili.

    I don’t have leatherface and therefore I don’t have BBQ and Chili. 

    Whispers should get the job done. It makes the hunt more engaging and less uneventful.  

    Then do what I do when I don't BBQ n Chili.

    Leave the hook - every time, see what they're going to do and work from there.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    It -is- annoying. I'm torn on wanting it to not work on hooked survivors, and being ok with it as is.

    I wasn't sure for a while if it did work on hooked survivors so I patrolled quite a lot.

    Of course most survivors don't realize they have time before the second phase instead of having to go immediately, or even in groups, so patrolling usually pays off anyhow.

    No, I don't have bbq and chili. Supplying a game plan that requires a perk doesn't help much like that.