When will we get a nerf from Spine Chill?

I'm really tired of playing against this perk as a stealth killer, I really don't understand how it can counter the power of GF, Myers, Pig and Wraith maybe, this perk instead if I have Tinkerer or another ability that allows me to be Undetectable and Spine Chill doesn't detect me there.
I do wonder why Premonition has a cool down but Spine Chill doesn’t.
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Spine Chill is the new Old Object of Obsession.
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Premonition is directional, spine chill is not.
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Moonwalk to the gen, not hard.
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Look side ways. Stop trying to get my lazy perk nerfed, it's great because I don't have to focus on the game for the majority of the time and can actually listen to whatever I have in the background. Spine chill is not OP or nothing. If anything you guys should be asking for perked to get BUFFED, instead of asking for decent perks to get nerfed.
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Always trying to get decent perked nerfed. Instead of asking for perks to get buffed since 90% of them are horrible.
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Honestly I would rather them hold off on nerfing perks for the next couple of months and do a update where they do a mass buff/rework of perks
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Just look to the side when walking to a gen it’s works very well
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I does detect you trough Spine Chill, its basically the same effect, Myers l, Pig, etc all have the same Status effect that Tinkerer gives.
Cause Premonition tells you where the killer is, while Spine Chill tells yo hes looking at you.
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If they were to nerf Spine Chill which I doubt. This would be a scenario where they would absolutely need to buff Premonition it's garbage.
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i think I'm one of the only survivors in red ranks that actually uses premonition rather then spine chill. However i would love it to be bufffed by lowing the cooldown because 30 seconds is just too long.
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Lol spine chill has not changed. How is it being compared to a perk that allowed you to see the killer any time?
I'm a killer main and I laugh at all the calls for nerfs since DS. Now spine chill 🤣... Maybe just don't stare directly where you're trying to stealth to?
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Either reduce the range or let undetectable counter it since it basically make Myers and ghost face have no power and it also have no downsides. Just looking the other way is not easy when trying to avoid being spotted by survivors having a 3rd person pov with a full 360 camera control
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Hopefully never
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Anything else we want to nerf? Rn we're on dead hard, spine chill, spirit and nurse I hope your wishes comes true and everything becomes useless so we can have easy mode and play like on dead by roblox
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Spine Chill is perfectly fine the way it is and you actually have options to counter it.
Also,we can't risk killing the vault speed build.That would financially ruin all survivor content creators
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Just dont look the way, i do not see the problem. I agree with it beeing completely fine!
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the gameplay that Spine Chill creates is really stupid. Oh look at me, walking sideways/backwards towards a generator, it sure is nice trading all sense of situational awareness just for the peace of mind knowing that you won't trigger Spine Chill lol.
That being said, I'd rather other stuff be buffed.
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Premonition shows you the direction of the killer.
Without a cooldown it would be like a wallhack. Killers could never mindgame you on any loop as you could just hold your premonition on them whilst looping around -let's say- a jungle gym.
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I don't think the perk needs to be nerfed. It either needs a cooldown or not detect killers while they are undetectable
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Reduce the range to 32m. That's it. That way it activates at normal TR range.
This gives stealth killers 1 extra second to close distance, or let's them stalk from a little further away without survivors knowing.
Also this way, it still serves as a counter to things like Tinker, M&A, or Trail of Torment, but doesn't punish regular TR killers.
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I still get gen grabs on players with Pig. The secret is to moonwalk or just look away from the gen, off to the side works just fine while you approach.
Not everyone runs spine chill every match.
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Yeah, lets make this perk useless.
Nah, thanks.
Behaviour should buff other perks, nerfing Spine Chill is a really bad idea.
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Spine chill is fine
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Just put it back so that tier 1 Myers is immune to Spine Chill. That's all I want to see.
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Spine chill is a good perk but its not game breaking like either of the previous versions of DS.
It should be left alone as its healthy for the game to have a non 2nd chance perk be semi meta/Meta viable.
Let alone one that can be beaten by doing a sideways shuffle to a generator.
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I said it before, the outcome of a match should be based on skill and experience, NOT what perks one uses.
So no, a lot of perks should be nerfed so they are nothing more then a nice addition
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Does that actually work? Can you mark people as Ghostface while titling your screen away from them?
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Yeah, just dont look at them. Ok. This works fine until you realize that myers and ghostface literally NEED TO LOOK AT YOU to use their powers.
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Guys guys, We should ask the Developer to give us some numbers. Ask their stat elves to cook it up.
How does Spine Chill affect Survival rate vs. GF, Myers, Pig and Wraith?
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Me moonwalking to the gen to not trigger spine chill be like
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You cannot be serious right?
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Yeah and Spine Chill doesn't prevent you from looking at them does it? The issue people have with Spine Chill is that it tells you that the killer us headed in your direction, giving survivors the opportunity to make distance. Moonwalk to the gen and they won't have that opportunity, giving you plenty of time to stalk them.
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Killers who have the ability to passively go undetectable should just be immune in general
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I'd actually love to see that
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What would be the point in running Spine Chill if stealth killers were immune to it? I can tell when any other killer is headed towards me because the Terror Radius is getting louder.
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Use premonition, that's why I truly dislike Spine Chill. It's just an omni perk that has three perks jammed into one perk slot
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I would stop entertaining these grouches at this point. Very simple counter to the perk. But they want it easier. I lost to plenty of myers, and ghostfaces regardless. So it's not like it's impossible to beat people who use the perk.
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I just don't want an easy omni perk, that's all. It drowns out another anti stealth perk. I don't want Premonition to be super buffed to be another spine chill. That's all
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It only says killer is facing you, not which direction they are. Moon walk a bit and try NOT running at them from the most obvious place. Most times their spine chill will prock and they'll walk right towards you if you don't approach from the most obvious angle. So YES Myers and GF are still not bad off if you learn to be creative on approach.
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You know you can just walk the the gen looking away from it right? It's very easy, especially on a stealth killer to find out of people have spine chill.
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I really, REALLY hope you aren't just walking up to gens out in the open as those two. That might be a bigger issue for you than Spine Chill.