How would you feel if the event was extended to August 15?
Don't worry about all of us bro. I for one don't care much about crowns (find them ugly) and bp's. I am neutral about this.
I just miss playing the game.
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I think a month and a half long event is too long.
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Yes, please.
Yes give me more BP! Especially while they fix the game it'll be nice compensation I assume for many?
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Yes, please.
As console player, yes. I left the game for a while because of the state it is currently in and I don’t plan on playing till it gets fixed (on the 27th). Maybe just leave the BP offerings for a little while more wouldn’t hurt, crowns can go.
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I play on a PS4, the white Destiny version 500GB HDD and I don't understand what you mean by last gen console users not getting crowns. All my survivors have crowns.
What I wouldn't miss about the event is the loading screen tool tips. Some are just downright racist. Like the one where Victor the programmer's quote says something about Black people smelling funny.
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From what I've seen there's supposedly a lot of other people that are struggling to enjoy the game due to poor optimization. That's 1 person vs. a bunch of other people in terms of console performance.
I didn't say they weren't able to collect crowns, my assumption was that they weren't able to get crowns as easily.
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Queue times for killer were awful during event. Yesterday I played only 3 games in 1 session.
First game was meh. I played Huntress but map was Hawkins. So it was depressing to see survivors running around little pile of garbage for 5 times before dropping pallet. But I didn't give them easy win, because I like playing Huntress.
Second game survivors sent me on headonfield, then did all gens in 5 minutes and escaped. They bring 3 cakes, I hope they happy with their 45k bloodpoints. It was mostly my bad, because I couldn't find survivors, and when I down someone, I forgot I'm a Pig and I have bear traps.
Third game was denied by some console player didn't load into the game. It was 10 minutes waiting for lobby and 10 minutes of loading into the game, waiting someone disconect. So much wasted time.
I played last game as Pig, and it was one good game. I get 4k with lot of hooks, and 1 kill was by reverse bear trap.
I suspect killer times are awful during event because of bp farming. If survivors get as much bp as killers, queue times would probably be less annoying. I like the idea of getting +500% of bp every game but I rather play normal games with faster queue times. That bp boost not worth it.
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Yes, please.
I was operating under the impression that the event has to be extended until the performance issues are fixed. There's still plenty of people who haven't had a chance to enjoy what's being offered.
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I wanna go back to playing killer and not having people throw the game for wglf stacks so no thanks.
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Look I love getting my bloodpoints but this would be overkill