So when are 3 gen hiding games going to be fixed?
If you've played this game at 9000 hours and you think survivors should be punished for not willingly committing suicide, I feel sad for you. Continue sulking and sweating alone. 9k hours and you unironically think automatic crows wouldn't be absolutely game-breaking? Embarrassing.
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I'm 100% sure OP broke chase every time the survivors were more than 15 feet from the 3-gen, that's the only way these games last that long. He could've ended it as easily as they could by committing to a chase, and he probably would've had time to come back considering his zone-of-control is probably a dead zone. It takes both parties being stubborn to let this situation occur.
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So because a Killer got a 3 gen (which is mostly because the survivors did it to themselves), the Killer is entitled to the kill(s)?
At least we're being honest.
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Generally this is a terrible idea.
The grey/yellow rank survivors won't be able to finish a trial. And all it'll do is encourage red ranks to bang out generators even more.
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I feel like killers should be able to open the exit gate after 20ish minutes to prevent this from happening.
Would also mean we could end the game if 2 or more survivor get stuck somewhere unreachable
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Tracking and killing survivor is literally your job and you refuse to do it asking for free kills?
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In 3gen situations the killer most of the times doesn't engage or drops chases as soon as the survivors run far away from the area. Technically they're right, they want to protect the gens. At the same time, they're arguably holding the game hostage too because how is a survivor going to work on a gen with the killer right there?
You can't punish survivors without punishing the killer too. In this cases, it's just a matter of who gets bored first
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Taking the game hostage is not a counterplay lol
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I don't know what to tell you.
I never get games like this they either slam gens out or if it ends up in a situation like this they still attempt to work on gens.
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Survivors: Killers! Stop playing meta, it's boring. Stop camping, it's unfun. Final Survivor gets hatch for free or we riot.
Also Survivors: If we 3gen, it's on the Killer to give us an escape. If we 3gen, it's the Killer's fault. If we 3gen & immerse, it's not holding the game hostage.
Also, Also Survivors: Slugging is holding the game hostage, but not immersing. We literally can't break any rules, because we invented them all for Killers to follow.
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What are you talking about? In grey and yellow ranks, gens still get done at least to some extent. if you are telling me that grey/yellow rank killers can hold the entire team off of all gens for 10 minutes, there is a clear skill imbalance between the two sides, and ending the torture in a "mercy rule" sort of situation actually makes sense. In any case, the numbers themselves were arbitrary and could be adjusted (though having a maximum trial length of 25 minutes seems about right). The time added could be biased to have more time added for the first 2 gens, and less for the last 2; lots of different ways of approaching it. The point is to prevent troll surviviors from infinitly evading the killer. I'm of the opinion that some basic pressure on the survivors, such as a time limit, would actually be beneficial, since it would create more opportunities for Survivors to make mistakes, and force some teamwork.
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I haven't heard from a dev yet on this situation, but it is unlikely going to get players banned to report that they were holding the game hostage by hiding. Despite how time-consuming it is, the killer still has the burden to find the survivor.
Hiding and not doing gens is not an outdated mechanic, its just human behavior that the devs can't influence. If you have two solos hiding, one may believe the other will do a gen and or get caught and they just have to outlast them. Happens all the time- the difference is that 'usually' the other person gets caught in which the payout is no gens were done by the hider. In the instance where you can't find any survivors its because they both have the same boring mindset.
Also, a certain streamer played Hide N Seek with a SWF a few weeks ago. That's literally all they did for the entire game was hide. Last man standing style. It's likely at least one killer reported them. No action was taken.
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Add another crow trigger. In addition to personal inactivity for 120s, when no objectives have been progressed in the entire trial (gens or totems) for 300s (5 minutes) then all survivors get a crow, that is instantly removed if they touch a gen or totem.
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You know how the game has an AFK crow system? Update it to also catch Survivors who hide for too long without doing gens.
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I would love should be easy to implement
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Very practical and 5 minutes is a good enough time to make the game progress in some way😎