Killer perks made useless by tacked-on prerequisites

Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419
edited July 2021 in General Discussions
  • Surge (Basic attack)
  • Knockout (Basic attack)
  • Franklin's Demise (They have an eternity to go get their stuff back)
  • Spirit Fury (Have to go through 4 entire pallets just to basically chainsaw through 1)
  • Blood Favor (only 16 meters????? that's like one pallet)
  • Remember Me (Barely worth using already, but the obsession is immune to it for some reason?)

I'm gonna leave Sloppy off this list because I think that's fair, it's a big debuff. But for some reason the balance team is extremely hesitant to just let a perk be simple. No one would suddenly become monstrously OP if Surge could be triggered by a Hatchet throw.

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