Any hints/tips for a new Twins player.

A friend and I have been slowly getting into Twins and I am curious on what kind of synergies Twins has. Getting to know them and play them is one thing. I wanna try some different strats and builds to get better with them.
Feel free to drop your build and clips here. Tips are always welcome.
You have come to the right place my friend!
For i shall offer you the best tips / Advice on how to twins! Sorta..
Firstly. You want to grab the perks. Thanato and ruin. These help you out so much, AND can put a ton of pressure on survivors. If you don't have ruin. Pop shall suffice.
Corrupt is also a great perk for her. and a tracking perk of your choice. I chose bbq for obvious reasons, but i am a avid whispers user. (Only using the bbq as of late so i can get bp again. and the event..)
The tip with twins: She is a very good killer. with alot of comeback and snowball potential. A Good Twins is a Scary Twins, the main thing you should ALWAYS try to do is: Don't use victor out yet. you want to roam around as charlotte at first before you use yer boi Blu.
Find said survivor and get a quick m1. Then use victor and this is where you need to play Carefully.. One wrong move and you'll be punished as said twins, Victor can leap through Any window / pallet aslong as you aim high enough. Including Any loops!
As soon as you get a down on the first survivor. Use victor again to roam around and spot another survivor with him to pounce on him. This'll ensure you'll get a quick two stacks of thanatophobia off the bat and someone off gens aswel,
If they hold your boi Blu Hostage. have no fear. you can recall him after 40 seconds. it's best not to chase someone who has your boi. unless he is the Only one injured,
Then simply repeat the process of Rinse and repeat of Downing into pouncing into a survivor, You'll create a large snowball by doin' so,
I am a very Avid twins player and i do not mind playing twins on stream for people, if you want more tips and tricks with Twins. lemme know =D
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Depending on the map I personally like walking towards an area survivors are likely to spawn or if I suspect there is a split where survivors might be near a gen towards the right of where I spawned but a high possibility of others being across the map I park Charlotte somewhat in between them and take Vikki to the furthest gens and flush them out, potentially towards Charlotte. If Vikki latches on to someone and I see more than one survivor close by I’ll pursue that area 100% otherwise I’ll check on the other gens.
Infectious fright is great to follow up with Vikki on screaming survivors if they happen to be close by.
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My only real advice with twins is practice getting downs with virtor charlotte should get in first hit and then work on victors pounces. if you get good at them than you can be very stronge with twins. Almost never pounce an uninjured player as itll just put you into cooldown
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spawn victor, jump on someone, look for someone else, spread damage, then 4 man slug with viktor. gg.
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Dont forget to use victor in chase if hes not out - to body block people into places
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Know your positioning! If you want to release Victor, try to see if you can park Charlotte onto a narrow pathway, chokepoint or even block a good loop before releasing him. Won't always be helpful, but I've found myself getting some success.
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Thank you all for the responses. Ill try the perks that Verconissp suggested first and apply the tips in this thread along the way. Im always open for more perk builds.