Anyone else hates swamp?

It can't just be me right? Lately I've been sent in the to swamp a lot, I know it has to do with Behavior having to collect data from old maps for their rework, or something like that, idk. But because of that I've slowly but surely starting to hate the swamp...mostly because it takes a whole decade to find the hatch and the astetic of the map overall.
Personally I think I wouldn't be so fed up of the swamp if those other variants of it existed. If you don't know what I'm talking about, originally the swamp was supposed to have 4 variants: Grim Pantry, BIG BOAT, Big tree ( a.k.a Shelter Woods 2.0, the only difference being that you could hide under the tree) and Little Village ( a.k.a Grim Pantry with 2 houses).
Sooooo yeah that's why I hate swamp, due to its lack of personality and the hell of finding the hatch, but one thing that I can talk nicely about this map is that it doesn't have the same size that it had in 2016...God...just thinking about it gives me PTSD.
Hope I'm not the only one who hates this map. And if you like this map...YOU CAN explain in a nice way your opinion on why you like it :)
For those who are curious, here's the big tree and the little village from the other swamp variants:
EDIT: Ok, so I just found out the best way to fix the swamp, well...Grim Pantry at least. It's simple...BRING BACK THE FISH. There used to be a fish in there and I assure you Behaviour...once the fish goes back in there...there will be no more complains about the swamp...BRING IT BACK
im indifferent on the map, i like the aesthetic i think it fits well in dbd, the hatch thing is a problem as well as totems (i legit can find 1 per match) but i dont mind getting the map, maybe against hag its kind of annoying cause her traps blend with the colors and grass very well but it is her map so i understand
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Oh yeah, forgot about the impossible to find totems, at least the hatch has a distinct sound so it's not such a pain in the butt, like totems.
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I hate it. It's the only map I want to see removed from the game. I got it three times in a row today...
Tell me it's gonna get a rework...
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I don't, at least not anymore. Seeing my favorite maps getting turned into abominations right before my eyes made me understand Swamp's value, especially Pale Rose.
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The rework will probably happen in the next chapter ( since this mid-chapter patch is only to improve the looks of the older survivor ).
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Okay, now your nostalgia has gotten too far with Swamp.
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All three remaining maps are so terrible my heart slowed when I saw no map changes for this mid-chapter. I'm also praying for a Hawkins change that map is one of my least favorite.
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I really like swamp except when you get two gens on the dock it's a little dumb when that happens.
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Better than RPD.
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Gameplay-wise I think Hawking is...meh, Not my least favorite, but it's okay...
And about the part if it's receiving a rework.... maybe??? Idk
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Anything is better than RPD
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I got Midwich 4 times in a row yesterday
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Truth be told, my friend, The Pale Rose was never that much of a burden to me. Grim Pantry was always problematic, but not anymore.
Despite their issues, they still are the maps I know from my first days of playing and that is good enough for me.
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At least the killers had fun.... no one has fun when entering the swamp.
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Yes, I hate it so much. There are zero pallets in the middle of the map and it only has like 8 pallets
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I like it as Bill, so I can pretend I'm in Vietnam but other than that no I hate everything about the swamp
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Yeah, the only people I see that enjoy this map are blendette's
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Yeah, I hate it. I really hope that for it's rework, they go all out and make it a completely flooded village. Like the one from Resident Evil 8.
I just think it would be cool if Swamp was the first map to have like an actual water element to it.
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As someone who plays a lot of Blight, I absolutely despise swamp. The maps are ugly as hell and the collision on many objects is just non-existent.
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I do hope so!
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Yeah I despise these maps
For both roles, i just hate it lol
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I don’t mind the Backwater realm for both sides in terms of gameplay but it’s super gloomy. I would love to see some new lighting FX or something but it is a swamp after all… not every map can look as pleasant as the new Coldwind❤️
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As someone who plays a lot of projectile Killers, god I dislike this map.
Especially the dock loops. urgh.