Should they try to make the Huntress's hitboxes accurate?
I feel like it's definitely possible somehow. I'm aware they already tried it, but to be fair Slinger and Trickster have more accurate hitboxes so I don't think it's impossible.
Should they try to make the Huntress's hitboxes accurate? 31 votes
Yes, they should make her hitboxes more accurate.
Yeah, in my opinion they should definitely fix her hitboxes. If it gets to the point where Huntress's genuinely can't land shots anymore, then buff her in some other aspect like hatch flight speed or number of hatchets.
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Yes, they should make her hitboxes more accurate.
When you have situations where the hatchet clearly shouldn't have hit even from the Killer's perspective then you know something is seriously wrong. I hope they'll fix it but I doubt they will. They didn't address it in her add-on pass so there's little hope in this regard.
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No, her hitboxes are fine.
Giving shorter/thinner survivors smaller hitboxes will be a trade of balance for common sense, which frankly speaking I wouldn't want to see.
Funny hitboxes when healing/repairing give some depth to game knowledge in this aspect, which I actually like.
95% of huntress hitboxes' complaint threads refer to server latency rather than hitboxes anyways, and that one is nearly impossible to improve. I don't think hitboxes are in need of updates of any sort.
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Yes, they should make her hitboxes more accurate.
It honestly baffles me how huntress is allowed to have such a gargantuan hitbox when deathslinger, trickster and nemesis require almost pixel perfect aiming because of their tiny hitboxes. Especially in nemesis' case it is unfair as he isn't even a ranged killer unlike the other two
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Other (post down in the comments)
It seems to mostly be due to ping, but even then, sometimes Huntresses themselves see the hitbox being jank sometimes as well.
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Yes, they should make her hitboxes more accurate.
hits are broken sometimes you hit and game doesn't count it sometimes you don't but due to hit boxes it is count so it would be better to have a small rework on huntress' hitboxes
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No, her hitboxes are fine.
It won't end well...