How should spirit be nerfed?

Keep in mind, she still needs to be balanced/viable, not another pre-buff trickster.
I don’t think she needs a nerf. If she was that powerful everyone would play her. I don’t see her very often and when I do it’s usually a really good game. I think I get sacrificed about half the time so that’s good odds for me.
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Something I noticed recently.
Why not make her husk immediately burned when flashlighted?
Giving her a global indicator is potentially one of the worst things you could do to her. But letting you know if she is faking it or not would immediately let you know something's up and act appropriately afterwards.
I know her husk still burns after being flashlighted, but I mean INSTANTLY, not a couple of seconds after.
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I think it can be done quite simply.
Make her husk completely disappear while phasing, each 3-6s while phasing she appears to survivors with the short half a second phase she does while normally walking.
That alone would fix a lot of the frustrations she has, if it proved too big and it'd became very easy to mindgame her phase, just buff her baseline numbers to have higher duration, speed, recovery etc after that.
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Kebek, pretty sure if you buff her baseline numbers people will go back to hating her again even if you do that nerf onto her.
I mean look at what they're doing to Wraith right now.
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They could make her footsteps louder maybe? I personally hate playing against her, but we need strong killers in the game.
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I mean, it would be only slightly-moderately under the presumption that mindgameing her would become trivialy easy. People hate her because of the dumd things her kit allows (besides her beiing just plain strong), like basically no feedback to use against her phasing.
So if we add feedback and it becomes too easy to consistently evade hits from he phasing, just make her phasing better to counterbalance if it's warranted.
I'd say it's worth a try to do literally anything and roll it back if it doesn't work insted of just letting things be as they are for years.
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They need to remove her ability to phase walk all together
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what if she just make her slower her at everything? for instances breaking pallets are slower %10 making stuns endurance weaker cuz if we had any info on her her ability becomes really useless that's what makes her strong our not knowing anything what the hell she does changing it so difficult in anyways and so likely to ruin her but her being punished more like this at least can make survivors stronger against her with the stridor being nerfed I think that might work and if she brings brutal strength or endurance it means we used her perk slots to make her a normal killer and she can't run all the meta perks
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Let her white noise play over her terror radius. Maybe have her husk point to the direction she's phasing as well, so you eliminate standing plays. In that regard, you wouldn't have the guessing game at pallets. At least, not as much. She doesn't need much else.
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But like, isn’t that her power lol?
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She doesn’t need it. Just make an M1 killer and then she’s perfect 👍
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An indication of when she's phasing. This is the most frustrating thing in the world. There are only a few god Spirits so most mind games you see will work. Yet, this is only possible if you know she's phasing there's too many moments where you can't make proper mind games if you don't know if she's phasing and eliminates the brain dead standstill "mindgame". Also, add-on changes notably MDR which makes her an insane mobility killer. And allows her to recover from a wrong read too easily. So an Add-on rework would do. Any other ideas afterwards periodically seeing her in phase or hearing her footsteps need extreme amount of testing.
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give her power a tell and indication when she's phasing, easy as that
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I don’t think she needs a nerf anymore because of the stridor nerf. Iron will counters her really well now so anytime you get hit, it’s because she correctly guessed where you would be.
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That’s true, but I think having straight up counterplay instead of just 1 perk would be better, some people don’t have iron will unlocked.
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Wraith is easy, boring to play against in most cases but definitely not spirit
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I'd just remove the boring standing still mind game. I believe a killer should have to do more than just standing still to win.
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She doesn't need any nerfs. You need to learn to play against her. She isn't that strong. She gets beaten badly, even by solo teams regularly.
It always surprises me how ready people are to admit they can't develop their skills any further so their opponents should be made weaker. What kind of attitude is that?
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This. But with a shorter timer. Every 1-2 seconds I mean for the first interval. Instead of going invisible until the 3rd second, she would be partially revealed on intervals of 1-2 secs). With the amount of speed she has, a timer of 3 seconds to get a glimpse of her would still have her acting just as she does now, the guesswork would still be there. All of these numbers would need live testing, anyway, as working with just hypothetical values is, like Spirit, guesswork.
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The Iron Will nerf is just something they made to try and nerf Spirit without directly touching her, which is wrong, since she is the main issue. Sure, not gonna say I don't like that, but it is her power that needs to be revised and given priority in that regard, not a perk that only she uses.