Slinger Bug or Feature?

In a match against the Deathslinger, I kept wrapping around trees to avoid being reeled in. At least twice, the chain passed right through the trees. Is this a bug, or is this supposed to happen? I thought the counterplay to being reeled was wrapping yourself around something to break the chain.
Think of it as a magical chain. If you’re shot through a gap you can still be reeled in around a wall or hay bail for example even though it often completely defies logic. An object or obstacle in the way (when the chain is glowing) there is more resistance added so you can break free sooner but if the distance between the two of you isn’t enough then the StealthSlinger will likely still get a hit on you.
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Depends on the type of tree.
If its the split trees on the red forest map then yes he SHOULD be able to shoot through the opening in between them.
If he's shooting through a sheltered woods large solid trunk tree that's either latency or he shot your arm/leg before you were fully behind the tree.
Also latency is a thing too that can cause this.
Edit: Also reel speed add-ons make you slipperier(Hence why they are Oil add-ons) making him able to reel you in past some round objects like trees.
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Let me clarify: I’m already shot and he’s reeling me in. So I walk sideways to force the chain against a tree to stop the reel. The chain passes right through the tree.
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The chain should be turning red and breaking much faster.
Getting something in the way of you and Slinger means he's less likely to be able to hit you but it usually doesn't completely stop in the reel in or else Slinger would be unplayable.
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It didn’t do that. It briefly turned gold then passed right through. Chain break progress didn’t go up any faster.
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Was it a split/triple connected tree(s) on red forest?(Mother's dwelling/Temple maps)
For those trees the shot should only turn red and break faster for as long as a part of the tree is physically in the way.
Aka not much time at all and those trees should be avoided as cover vs Slinger.
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There isnt much counterplay to being reeled in, its why people hate facing Deathslinger. Once you're hooked, you might aswell not press A or D as it doesnt do #########, best thing you can do is press S and hope you got behind something that a Slinger cant hit over, like a pallet or a rock.
Honestly, I dont mind Deepwounds giving a slight global healing and gen slowdown(like old thana) if it means buffing the 1v4 capabilities and nerfing the 1v1 capabilities(like quick scoping) of Deathslinger. Heck, it would give players more reason to hit someone they suspect has BT. It would also buff Legion decently.
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It's a tree. It's round. You're just going to slip off it because you have no collision. Like trying pressing a greased football against another, smaller greased football.
Deathslinger's chain is always a straight line between you and the killer. Forcing objects through that chain speeds up the breaking process, but it doesn't stop your movement or give you a free escape. For that, you would need to get wedged into the debris around the map.
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I was intrigued when I saw the title. Slinger is the only Killer EVER to not have any bugs at all since release. I thought today would be the day I was proven wrong. I am disappointed 😔
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It's not a bug
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I am aware. It was probably latency. I’ve seen clips of Slinger’s spear go straight through Survivors and not hit them. They’re very oddly satisfying
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No, it goes THROUGH the tree. Not off. Not around. If the chain is on the right side and I walk left, it goes all the way through and out the other side.
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Yes, several people including myself have already said that this is how it works. The chain is a straight line. Point A to point B, no deviation, like a magical forcefield. It's not a real chain. It cannot get caught on anything, it doesn't have a physical hitbox and you lose your collision and become frictionless, meaning that slapping yourself against a tree won't do anything except make the chain break slightly faster for the brief window where it was passing through the tree.
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Then what difference does it make thar trees are round? It could have 37 angles and it wouldn’t matter if the chain just goes through everything. That’s what I was responding to more than anything else. Yes, I got it, straight line, it’s not an object, no collision for some reason.
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probably to save on coding. I guess rendering realistic chain physics would go by largely unnoticed, so why bother?
That and the counter to deathslinger is just running and putting objects between you two so he can't shoot you in the first place. Otherwise, you'll just get shot and he'll slowly creep around the loop and slap you across the face.
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It matters because your personal hitbox doesn't stick to it.
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Got it.
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He had the skiing survivor while chained bug shortly after release. Once you hit the survivor with the spear, there's supposed to be a 0.75 second period where the survivor is immobilised and so the slinger can put his hand on the reel handle.
When this bug happened, survivors would literally ski in the direction they were running even when chained. It lost slingers a lot of shots, especially corner shots because they would just ski around the corner, catching onto something or using a lot of the chains durability.
Also there's been an absolute TON of invisible wall not intended to be in certain places. Shack right now even has invisible collision zones where they aren't supposed to be. Thankfully this is getting fixed.