Rank 1 Camper AMA

Yap, title says it all. I used camping and other proxy-like tactics near-exclusively to ascend to rank 1. The salt was real.
Do you prefer tea or coffee?
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What do you do when you realize you got a 3 man swf and you simply hooked the 4th? Do you just stand there until you get Entity Displeased?
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Did you main 1 killer to do it or did you use many killers?
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Do you camp?
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What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
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Why do people like bagels?
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dark roasted coffee
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Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
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put on some shorts and a sun hat
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0 to 3
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Surface area to volume ration makes it a plesent experience to just straight up eating bread, more surface area to be seasoned, space inside to spread whatever you please, and they are usually cooked fresh and sold the same day so its very high quality, some people like fresh bagels in the morning
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nothing different, maintain proxy but definitely get one of the three on the next hook
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Nemesis. Applause to zombies, as they are very good at camping hooks.
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If you got to r1 by just camping. Then the iq of survivors has dropped immensely. When i hit r1 before the current pip system, if you camped at purple rank you only got 1k.
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Can you simplify
to the lowest possible terms?
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Idk I guess 1a to the fourth power times y to the second power
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savory donut
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yes and yes. also, something during the trial would cause many, many DCs. unsure if nemesis, camping, or my smelly horse manure
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naw I don't think anyone was stupid. emotional for sure tho, the salt was in vAsT qUaNtItIeS
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i don't do covid, heard it's really addicting thanks tho
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Nah, camping always has and always will work. I do it consistently and rarely does it fail, because Survivors simply will not m let a teammate die.
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What's the answer?
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facts of survivor lyf. only survivors can empower camping.
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idk how to do math, i heard it's addicting thanks tho
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only on michael myers, with furtive chase and faster stalk add-ons
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unaware if kindred had any impact on gameplay, however, i assumed everyone had this and BT at all times
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African or European?
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I did abit of a test with Bubba right before the Ruin change in which I'd openly facecamp a survivor with a charged chainsaw directly infront of them. I remember one game in particular where the first survivor DID have kindred, but I'd still see all 3 teammates circling nearby waiting for an opening that obviously was never going to happen. I even gave them a little head nod acknowledging that I see them. Ended up with a 4k with either 1 or no gens done...cant remember.
I DO remember though that 1 survivor who was hooked first and facecamped...was real chill in the endgame chat, lol.
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Why did my friend's dad leave him?
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the survivors that hang out are the best. typically green rank or rank 1, never purple or ranks 4, 3, or 2 in my recent experiences
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I hate coffee. :(
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Camping only works if survivors rush the hook or stop doing gens. It was never a sure win tactic. If that were true then virtually every killer would play that way.
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There's a bomb on a bus. Once the bus goes 50 miles an hour, the bomb is armed. If it drops below 50, it blows up. What do you do?
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drop the E brake, tumble the bus, make sure to position the impending wreckage in a way that blocks traffic entirely
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Hire Keanu Reeves to handle it. Im sure he'll be able to pull a solution out of his ass, even if it defies physics.
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Do you play solely for salt? I imagine standing next to a hooked person would get real dull fast gameplay wise.
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tried to keep on top of proxy and maintained the territory with limited patrols... standing still was reserved for those that came off to me as toxic and occasionally Steve Harrington
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He'll stab the bomb with a pencil!
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How would you rate each killer on a scale of 0-5 in terms of camping power
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can I work on this today and get back to you later?
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Sure :)
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What if we kissed in the meat locker of Gideon Meat Plant?
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hatch obv
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It isn’t a sure win but it will win games more often than not because survivors are incentivised to be altruistic.
More killers don’t do it cause it’s dull, not because it doesn’t work IMO. Fun part of killer is mostly hunting survivors down and using your power. Camping from the start gets boring fast unless you have the personality type to enjoy annoying people.
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It is when you do it right. Did you know it's possible to camp TWO hooked survivors, 4 gens AND a totem all at once? It's true; I do it semi-frequently. If you camp skillfully, you can ensure someone stays on the hook while defending.
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killer camp ratings:
trapper 3/5 baseline camper with no strengths or weakness
wraith 1/5 better at hunting than camping
hillbilly 1/5 can miss with chain at hook, surprisingly
nurse 2/5 can camp, but better at damage control and tunneling
shape 3/5 conditional camper, but excels greatly once conditions are met
hag 5/5 basement queen
doctor 1/5 best hunter imo, terrible camper
huntress 3/5 can power camp; struggles with resource management
cannibal 5/5 basement king
nightmare 0/5 freddy has singular playstyle with a specific player demographic
pig 3/5 can camp, but shouldn't
clown 4/5 surprisingly campy
spirit 1/5 not sure how camping works, so id guess like wraith
legion 2/5 can camp but not very well and never in basement
plaguee 4/5 plague can do anything
ghost face 4/5 very good camper and better at it than shape
demogorgon 3/5 a different baseline camper that has no significant strengths or weaknesses. atta boy.
oni 1/5 this is more like glamping amirite?
deathslinger 2/5 hard mode camper, really amps up the survivor saline
executioner 4/5 easy mode camper with plenty of tools in the kit
nemesis 4/5 this is wat i used to ascend to rank 1
survivor 6/5 required for camping, no killer could camp without one
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This kind of thing happened a couple times during my recent experience. I found it easier to manage one hook and force a slug. Swf would try to dc to get the hatch open but it didn't seem to work the way they wanted it to.
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Do you run NOED?
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severe gastric distress