Flashlighting issues?


So two times now I have experienced this ... problem, I guess? With a green flashlight and a battery and tir optic add on, I have flashlighted both a (visible) wraith and a trickster while they were picking up survivors. I watched the beam narrow and the flash go off, and the little noise indicator played to signal that I successfully stunned them, but they didn't drop the survivor. Neither of the killers had lightborn.

What happened? I know I'm not flashlighting wrong because I obviously saw the animation play out, but I don't understand why it didn't work.


  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195
    edited July 2021

    dbd is really clunky and unintuitive with its stunning/flashing mechanics, you have to do it at certain moments. if you do it too early you won't make them drop the survivor. You gotta blind them/pallet stunas the survivor is around boob level.

  • Nullclines
    Nullclines Member Posts: 232

    You have to be really precise with the timing: the blind has to happen AFTER the killer regains control, but before they fully look away. If you blind them while they're locked in the pickup animation, they won't drop the survivor.

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298
    edited July 2021

    If you complete the blinding before killer's pick up animation is completed, they get visually blinded but do not drop the survivor.

    Your timing has to be precise - blinding should be completed right after pick up animation ends. Pallet stuns work in a similar fashion.