Something needs to be done about DCing to give player hatch



  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Only way to make it fair would be to make the hatch open the same amount of time it would take for the survivor to get sacrificed if the other player dcs. If people wanna slug for the 4k everyone should have the right to slug regardless what others think imo.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Doesn't matter how rarely it happens, the matter of the fact is that DCing for the hatch is rewarding a negative behavior. Can we let that sink in? Survivors are actually being rewarded to DC; why is this okay again?

    The fact that this is rare means they won't be DCing often, and their waiting penalty will be minimal of 5 minutes if they don't DC elsewhere.

    Honestly, if someone DCs to open the hatch, the hatch shouldn't open at all and the EGC automatically begins. This way, you're not getting ANYTHING from DCing, like it should be.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,678
    edited July 2021

    The person who DCs is NOT rewarded.

    And I will not change my opinion on that one - I have 6200 hours and it happened exactly 3 times (2 times as Survivor, 1 time as Killer) that a Survivor DCed to give another Survivor Hatch. But I guess I am the exception again and it happens every third game for everyone else, eh?

    This is so rare, it is not worth to put any minute into this. BHVR has far bigger issues to solve with the game.

    EDIT: Just to clarify it - it would be great if they would fix it. But it should be really low priority.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Then, I want you to start explaining to me as to why we still have survivors doing it? Oh, I know... I got the answer for you! It's essentially a backdoor (which ignores certain game mechanics) to allow their teammate to escape, which normal they wouldn't.

    To address your other points.

    Hours doesn't mean anything, sorry to break it to you. You can be the most luckiest person and never have to deal with it, or the most unlucky person in existence who has to put up with this daily. It doesn't matter where you stand in that spectrum, nothing, absolutely nothing, will justify DCing for the hatch.

    That's what I'm trying to tell you, DCing for the hatch is bad because it encourages a negative behavior. However, here you are saying it's fine to DC for the hatch because it's rare. What? Are you serious?

    I agree that BHVR have higher priorities than fixing this, I completely get that, but to say it's fine just because it's rare? C'mon... that's just outrageous.

    Am I misinterpreting anything? Please tell me that I am because this doesn't sound right at all. I'm not trying to sound rude and my apologies if I do sound that way, but this is ridiculous, I'm not going to agree with DCing regardless of how rare and why it's used (with the exception of irl scenarios).

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    This happened to me for the first time ever 2 days ago. It did allow me to get the hatch I have to say. I was right near it, and the Killer was Blight who could easily rush over and slam in the amount of time the sacrifice animation took.

    It happens so rarely that I don't see why it's a big deal. The D/Cing survivor gets no BPs, gets a D/C penalty. And the Killer moves on to probably 50 regular games before something like that happens again.

    I play Solo Q tho, so maybe SWF does it more.

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    Same. I do see people DC a lot but it's usually because they're throwing a fit. Same with suiciding on first hook. Most of this stuff seems to be more common with rank 1 SWF which I don't have any experience with.

  • KSzerker
    KSzerker Member Posts: 191
    edited July 2021

    The proper solution to this IMO would be that leaving a match doesn't instantly make you die (or instantly end the match in the case of killer DCs) and just leaves your character idle so that others can still interact with it. Also, after leaving a match, a player should only be offered to rejoin the match they left until it has concluded, after which they receive the leaver penalty before they can rejoin queue. To prevent potential abuse maybe put a cap where once the match hits 20 minutes any idle characters are fully kicked from the match.

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    Since they're working out the bot partners, it might be interesting to have that as a thing. It still might kill the match for the other survivors, but it at least adds temporary cannon fodder.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,678

    I am not really looking for arguments, really. I said, I will not change my opinion on that topic. The DC-Penalty is the way to punish those people, they cannot do it often because of that, otherwise they would give themselves (and the SWF-Mates who might benefit from their DC) an increasing Matchmaking-Penalty.

    Let alone that this does NOT happen often. Like, really not often. Yes, hours dont mean anything, but can we for once not pretend that I am the absolute exception and that my experience ingame might be the norm?

    I think if someone is saying that Survivors do this on a frequent basis in their games, they are either lying or legit forgetting the hundreds and thousands of games where Survivors dont DC for Hatch.

    But we know how players in this game are - they have 100 games which are totally fine without any unfair things... Then there is ONE (in numbers: 1) game where a Survivor DCs to give another Survivor Hatch, so we HAVE to go to the Forums and complain about it (or, for Survivors: There is that one game where a Killer decides to slug the whole team and let them bleed out without any intention of hooking them)... Followed by 100 games without any unfair stuff.

    As I said in previous posts, it would be nice if they would change it and it is indeed annoying and I dont think it is fine because it is rare. But they should invest their time in other things, the game has a lot of construction sites where the Devs can put work into. But I think it would be a waste of time to create a system which detects if someone DCs to give another person Hatch to prevent the Hatch from opening and starts EGC (and, on this note - what if it is legit Crash? Lets say there are two Survivors left and one of them really has a Crash - should the other Survivor be screwed by default? But this would be fine "because its rare", eh?)

  • MrPsych
    MrPsych Member Posts: 265

    I played over 200 hours of killer and I've only saw that happen once. The survivor who disconnected even stayed in the lobby to say GG to me after the game.

    The DC penalty is fine as it is.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187
    edited July 2021

    Sorry but this argument made me chuckle. So because you don't do something it is a moot point?

    So because I never tunnel, camp and at most slug one person at time and only when they are on their deathhook to not kill them and let them escape, that all arguments in discussion about killer camping, tunneling and slugging become moot once I join them?

    That would be hilarious 😂

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,699

    The problem here is 'archive challenge'. Much like killers have really dumb challenges that are way too hard to accomplish, there's survivor challenges that translate to 'soft-throw the game'.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    So instead of one guy getting slugged for 4 minutes and then hold hostage and forced to sell out the other survivor so the other survivor dies and the guy who got slugged for 4 minutes escapes - the one guy decides to leave the already lost game to move on, giving the other survivor the hatch. And that's bad behaviour?

    When a Killer has already won the game but he has to be sure to get all, he is allowed to do the most unfun, boring, game holding hostage playstyle while also violating the game rules? But a survivor just moving on, passing this whole 10 minutes showdown for nothing while also getting punished for at least 5 minutes is not okay?

    And again. Always complaining just from their entilted pov instead of rewatching it from all sides.

    I tell you something. As Killer I just don't care bc I won. The Hatch isn't a "oh yea well but the survivors won bc they technically escaped" No. The Hatch is just a mechanic to make games not pointless to play if there is no realistic chance to get all 5 gens done. You should learn why the Hatch exists and stop making rules for literally everything you don't like.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Rofl. Imagine being so biased that you think it's fine to cheat the Killer out of kills because he filled your arbitrary 'He already won' requirement, and should let the others go. Or stop 'holding the game hostage'. When, again; it's not, but Survivors will use anything they can to throw temper tantrums.

    Imagine thinking the Killer should not win if it's in some way Survivors don't approve of, as per Survivor Handbook 4th Ed.

    Imagine thinking Survivors should see the Killer in the lobby, so they can 100% pick perks that counter that Killer every single time.

    Imagine equating lobby dodging to DCing (a punishable action) to give someone the hatch (exploiting a game mechanic to cheat the Killer out of kills.)

    I bet, if the Killer had a way to DC & deny Survivors points in the process; Survivors would be up in arms. But Survivors are allowed to DC for hatch, denying the Killer 2 kills. Oh 'BuT hE aLReAdY wOn! 🤪' so he should be happy.

    The sheer entitlement is staggering.

  • AlightBULLDOG
    AlightBULLDOG Member Posts: 54

    I agree with you somewhat, but as a survivor main it gets really old facing off against bad killers who's only means of winning a match is slugging which does not happen that often, but then you have hook camping, tunneling, and farming of which all can be used as a crutch to to off balance the game right from the start for an easy win. There are a lot of terrible survivors that don't know how to play that can sandbag you, nonstop latency issues, OP killer perks, and killer favored maps it's almost impossible to have a good game where you actually survive a side from the occasional killer who let's you go. Honestly if the killer perks were knocked down just a little it would balance the game just fine. Maybe not even all of them but the ones that are always used are used a lot for a reason. Because it makes it so easy to win.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Only if the Survivor meta is nerfed, too.

    Using 'It's used allot' is not a valid excuse to nerf something. The most balanced perk in the world would end up one of the most used perks, too...because it's perfectly balanced. But via your reasoning, it would need a nerf because it's used allot.

  • AlightBULLDOG
    AlightBULLDOG Member Posts: 54

    Not when the killer can crutch farming, slugging, tunneling, and camping. As long as those tactics are allowed or rather not punished in a meaningful way that deters that from happening then yes only the killer perks need a trim. And I'm not talking an over the top nerf, just a small percentage adjustment to those most overpowered to balance them out. Because the thing I've come to notice that almost every top tier killer has in common are those select few perks, and a common use of cheap tactics to offset the game balance right away so it's easy sailing from then on till they get a 4k and a ######### ton of blood points... Losing out on a couple hounded BP is not enough to keep people from the obviously easy tactics that guarantees a complete victory. I main survivor but if I play killer and only really use the hag and can mop the floor with 99% of all survivors in every match I've ever played and honestly got bored with the lack of challenge and I've never even bothered to use the really OP perks either. I've been as high as lvl 5 killer and seen no difference in difficulty, it's just plain and simply the easiest ######### I've ever played.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Yep, sure. Nerf Killer perks because 'they're used too much' but excuses as to why this logic does not apply to Survivors. Only KILLER perks are clearly OP and thus that's why they are used. Survivors are fine. 🙄

    Also the normal Survivor BS of '<x> is a crutch'. And those 'easy tactics' are usually rewarded by Survivors playing like lemmings. But again; all Killer's fault. Survivors are fine. Nerf Killers. Killer perks are used because they are OP, but Survivor perks are used because they are fine.

    And evil tactics! How dare the Killer use tactics! The Killer is not allowed to use tactics that WORK! Nerf their perks so they can't use tactics!

    You're entire post is Survivor main dogma. Everything Killer is 'OP' and 'Easy' while at the same time you claim the logic of 'Perks are overused, and therefore OP' can't apply to Survivors. Good lord.

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598

    "Survivors are never 'supposed to' give Killers a kill instead of escaping"

    isn't it funny how "we" as killers are friendly and let sometimes the last survivor the hatch, but as killer, you NEVER get a survivor offering a kill when you had a hard time its "EZ BABY KILLER LOLZ" "click click click" or staying inside the game until the last second possible teabagging 😂🤣

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624


    You are too obsessed with getting 4Ks. Learn to let go you already won the match.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    There's that Survivor dogma: Going for the 4K is bad. Accept a 3K. Don't try. Let it go. Stop being a sweat.

    Never works for Survivors getting a 4E, though.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434


    Careful now, this is the part where you’re gonna be told “we’ll that’s well within the rules” completely missing the point of how broken this “action” “built-in mechanic” is.

    I stand by your comment.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    So the Killer going for a 4K is 'broken'? Why? Because Survivors are entitled and think Killers should 'be happy with the 3K'?

    I love how Survivor mains on this form seem to believe they have some sort of divine right to dictate how the Killer plays (No NoED, no camping, tunneling, or slugging, don't 'sweat' going for 4Ks, don't play <Insert Killer here>) AND many seem to think they have a right to DC if these rules are broken. 😂😂😂

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147
    edited July 2021

    The hatch needs to be looked at. Stomping a team just for the last person to get hatch even with 5 gens left incomplete is simply not fair. If 3 gens are completed, hatch spawns. If none are completed, it doesn't spawn and final survivor alive gets highlighted for the killer. If 1 or 2 are done, it remains as it is now randomly spawning, but the killer can see it's aura when within a certain distance. This is more than fair imo, and frankly I don't think anyone enjoys slugging or being slugged just to secure a 4 team sacrifice.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    So thoroughly demoralized them they can't take it. Biggest win you can get.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited July 2021


    Stop twisting my words. I never once said “killer going for a 4K is broken…” I said there is a point where slugging becomes excessive (I.E. no longer necessary). You can still win without slugging. The problem is in the fact that slugging comes with 0 penalties for doing so. Imagine if you could simply “hide” without alerting any crows as survivor. That is the level of excessive that I am talking about. As to whether you agree or not, I don’t expect you to.

    Also, the calling others <something> main is not a cute look. I mean or do, and look stupid doing so because most people I interact with here know I play 50/50… does that mean anything? No. I am just correcting your arrogance. It adds nothing to the topic at hand.

  • AlightBULLDOG
    AlightBULLDOG Member Posts: 54
    edited July 2021

    I honestly stopped ready just because about four words in. I actually play the game as killer knowing that I will curb stomp everyone into the ground unless I actively let them go. If you think it's hard to play as killer then you probably aren't that good. Tic tac toe is probably too hard for you even when your playing against yourself... BTW just got done playing against a lvl 2 killer that was losing, and guess what he did??? Hook camped the guy who had evaded him in chase the entire game just so he could get him out of the way so it was down to three.... Wow it's as if these cheap plays are a crutch.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    Thats a long time when you're just on the ground and are unable to actually do anything.

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 313

    I see nothing wrong with slugging for a 4k like you said HOWEVER killers who slug and leave the downed survivor for legit 10 full minutes and let them bleed out is not playing smart THAT is holding the game hostage.

    Stop with the "Boo hoo killers need to do this" cause there is a massive difference between slugging a survivor, doing a quick sweep of the map to find them then coming back to hook that downed survivor. compared to leaving a survivor downed for 10 full minutes and letting them bleed out.

  • ouroboros_world
    ouroboros_world Member Posts: 215

    And hiding and avoiding gens camping for hatch for an entire hour is fun and nothing is wrong?

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I honestly think it's so funny that killers are so triggered by this.

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    I've said it in the past the Hatch should only spawn when one survivor is present on the map.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187

    Maybe slow down on the exaggerating and people take you more seriously.

    Bleed out timer is and always was 4 minutes.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858
    edited July 2021

    Yes because you're trying to win on your side. why argue some in-between in this case?

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    Something needs to happen about Hatch in general, like an open animation similar to chests. Which has been suggested numerous times, instead of the really oppressive click and win

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    Because it literally doesn’t matter if you kill 3 or 4, it’s one thing to go for it, and another to slug for 10 minutes sweating your brain out, incredibly selfish.

  • Underwear_guy
    Underwear_guy Member Posts: 3

    i guess i can understand if a killer has done everything correctly, get in chases, down survivors, hook and still get denied 4k intentionally they can be upset.

    I dont think it is okay to DC for a friend to escape but DC penalty should be enough. I have never seen it happen in game myself but i only do solo q so maybe with SWF it is more common?

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    oh so but it's mandatory not to do so after he prob dealt with 5everloops, prob deserved it in that case

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    Unless it’s RPD I guarantee a good player isn’t going to deal with never ending loops lol

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858
    edited July 2021

    There's still multiple parts of maps that can be taken advantage of, (HADDONFIELD) 1, Ex

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    There should be a “give up” option for the slugged survivor after 15s being left on the ground.

    Then it will be fair, right?

    Of course that’s just assuming people are only complaining because of the principle of DC’ing for hatch, and not because they are entitled killer mains who need the 4K for their ego.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187
    edited July 2021

    Then I hope you plead for the same for killer without tracking perks against 2 survivor out immersing each other to get hatch for way more than 4 minutes.

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    Okay so if it’s not RPD or haddonfield, we can agree that it’s not okay to slugging for ages :)

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    If they aren’t making an effort on touching gens you can report them for holding the game hostage.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187

    And we both know how much reporting is worth here and how much better one feels after doing so. /S

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187

    I love this one sided mentality.

    Killer going for the 4k because hatch is always a factor (friendly or not friendly killer) -> damn those toxic pos killer and their sweating.

    Killer going for 12 hooks (without camping and so on) and managing the 8th in egc -> survivor doing everything they can, probably armed with multiple dh, DS, ub and all bodyblocking because the killer basically lost at this point, according to their narrative.

    (And yes just like most portrait every killer as a toxic/sweaty/camping/slugging/tunneling/

    whatever killer, i cherry pick this scenario according to my playstyle,while I also dont care for kills anymore but want to shed some light one the other end of the spectrum.)

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    I don’t care if killers go for the 4k, I just don’t want the game to be extended by 10 minutes, and slugged multiple times. It’s not really one sided, it’s just common courtesy.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187
    edited July 2021

    Well the bleedout timer is still just 4 minutes, except you think of the dribbling until drop and redown. Then yes, that is indeed toxic but will probably never lead to a 4k since the last survivor should've found hatch by then except it is done on top of the hatch.

    But topic of this thread is or atleast should be in my eyes about the simply slug with 4 minute bleed out timer to get the last survivor. And that is just normal gameplay in my eyes just as 3 survivor trying to rescue the 4th at egc. Both sides have the right to play for a clean slate.

    Edit: And to the topic DC for hatch circumvents the right of one side. Killer can't do much if multiple second chance perks on multiple survivor are in play in my scenario above except for chainsaw killer.