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How and when is this SWF unfun gamemode going to get nerfed?

Ember_Hydra Member Posts: 26
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

To simplify, it's such a huge disadvantage for the killer. Since SWF(Survive with friends) elite groups are extremely unfair and not fun for the killer side. Regardless of how high you're in the skill game and on the killer's mechanics. It's all in vain since nothing compares to how ridiculously broken SWF is. It's honestly on another level of ridiculous overpower shenanigans from an objective standpoint.

When is this going to get balance? Because there's no fun from one side and there's nothing that one side can do to counter this except say oh yeah "I think we did a pretty good job so far" and have nothing else to do except play out of your mind and still lose and get frustrated or simply disconnect as this huge disatvange encourages the killer to disconnect or dodge lobby since it's so unfathomable unfair and not fun at all.

Like there could be at least a signal or double blood points for the killer to face an SWF group since it's so dumb and overpower odds they are going to face. I'm talking about a 4 man SWF elite group.

Doesn't help either that often times these 4 man SWF group are rude, toxic and like to call the player who plays the killer role names, e.t.c. But yeah that's off-topic.

Like I completely get it that someone wants to play with their friends as a four-man. But at least that could be matchmade with extremely good killers that get old Ebony mori or something. Since 4 man SWF is in that level of unfun broken one-sided battle.

I sadly can't come up with the perfect way to balance 4 man SWF except these solutions (not all just one);

  • The killer himself get rewarded 4x the bloodpoints
  • The killer gets a free old ebony memento mori in the game without any offerings needed.
  • The killer gets a second killer in his match so the two killers can work together to a strong group vs broken SWF group
  • The killer gets to call the entity for assistance with the match. Allowing the entity to give random perk buffs to the killer without the killer needing equip that perk (For example let's say the entity rolled the dice and it landed on Bloodfavor buff, so the next hit will have bloodfavor) Honestly this could be a game mode in the future BHVR. Just saying ;)
  • 4 man SWF can only search as perk-less to balance it out
  • The survivor's field of view decreases or gets darker like the mend status effect.
  • The killer gets to leave the game without consequences or lost of bloodpoints
  • The killer gets extra perk slots from the entity to balance the scale. Since SWF groups get so many in real-time information perks for free just by being in voice chat rooms
  • The killers get exclusive perks or tweaks that normally you can't use unless you face a 4 man elite SWF group.
  • Simply make the options for facing a 4 man SWF a different game mode that has diffrent rewards

Anyways that's all I can come up with. I was thinking about item-less but then I remember it's pointless since they can find chests in the game, which would just change what perks they would use. So I decided not to add it.

If you can please give me feedback and if you're an employee of BHVR, please contact me since I would love to discuss and help to make this game flourish from an objective standpoint. I don't know what else to say, so I hope you have a wonderful day and hopefully anything written in this post could be shared or used.


Post edited by Rizzo on


  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252


  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,564

    Uh- As many "Nerf SWF" posts I see, I'm just going to say what I've been saying:

    You can't nerf or do any changes to SWF without looking at WHY swf seems so dominant. In a game like this where communication is key, of course SWF will be strong, but people keep forgetting solo q exists AND it can happen with a swf. A 2 or 3 man swf will only need a bad random for their "dominant" team to break. I've experienced this for both survivor and killer.

    The killer should prioritize on causing pressure ASAP and finding the weak link and/or people out of position and then the pressure can start rolling. Taking some steps back, many people including myself prefer to play swf because solo q is a MISERABLE experience. Before we propose any changes to swf, how about we balance the solo q experience and make it more on par with swf. We don't necessarily need to nerf swf because thats somewhat "punishing" ppl for playing with friends, but killers can now be more balanced around the new status of solo + swf.