As a n00b killer, who should you start with?

ringwinning Member Posts: 552
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

A lot of people say trapper because he teaches you maps. However, having played for a while, I feel like I'm pretty familiar with maps (Save for RPD). What other killers would you recommend? Bonus if you're kind enough to provide a build.


  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    Honestly, Legion, Doctor or Cannibal.

    These three killers have good perks (BBQ, Discordance, Monitor and Abuse, Overcharge and Iron Maiden at low ranks) and are very simple to pick up. They also teach killer fundamentals, especially Legion, and are importantly fun to play.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Start with and play whichever one resonates the most with you.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    Ghostface, its power is to stalk a survivor and knock it down, but to begin with, I recommend that you use it to become Undetectable so that you can surprise the survivors and attack them.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Freddy. He is extremely strong without a high skill curve. He still teaches m1 fundamentals, but you are never completely denied a hit at basic loops thanks to his snares. He has map pressure which a lot of killers lack. I just started recently and he was definitely the best of both.

    As I get better at the game, I do start to feel that Demogorgon allows you to do very similar things, he just holds your hand less.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,475

    It all depends on options

    Basic killers on pc I would recommend starting with wraith he is a step above trapper in terms of power but a bit simpler decent learning curve and for 1 of the 5 starting options is pretty good with what you have to work with, use sloppy butcher, noed, whispers, and bitter murmur

    Basic killers on console also has access to doctor, and hag, doctor is a great choice as his ability to find survivors helps make it a casual experience while you develop senses and instincts on where to go and where survivors are, for basic doctor just starting out I would reccomend using, whispers, monitor and abuse, sloppy butcher, and noed (only counting basic perks and teachables)

    If you have every killer but want a casual experience use

    bubba, simple perks, simple power, throw on bbq for points and the rest of the build is up to you but some strong perks are franklins, ruin, pop, monitor and abuse, any perks that throw off survivors or give you some stealth is good with his instadown potential


    demo, just a simple killer has a decent power makes for an ok time right down the middle in terms of skill required to use his power for a decent payoff, Builds (save the best for last, bbq, ruin, undying) (bbq, spirit fury, enduring, ruin) (bbq, ruin, undying, enduring) (bbq, save the best for last, enduring, spirit fury) some good addons are barbs glasses and black heart

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878
    edited July 2021

    Doctor is pretty easy to pick up.

    Post edited by VioletCrimes on
  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,556

    First of all, take a good look at the entire cast and read their descriptions. Now, pay attention to the one killer who stands out the most to you. That is the killer you want to start with.

    When you are starting, you shouldn't care about a killer's difficulty, you just need to care about which killer you like. I started with Old Freddy thanks to my love for the character, and that was the best decision I've ever made when it comes to DBD.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    I'd say Wraith. Wraith is a fairly basic Killer to understand while still having some room to grow and improve. Along with that, he's pretty decent. Indeed, he's actually borderline OP against nooby Survivors because they have no idea what to do against stealth Killers. Wraith is also a free Killer so everyone should have him when starting out (That means people don't have to buy a DLC to play him which is AMAZING for a beginner especially). Only downside to starting with Wraith is that his personal perks kinda suck. That can be counteracted somewhat by only using perks available to all Killers e.g. A build could be something like Noed, sloppy butcher, whispers and then bitter murmur. It's not a crazy good build by any means but it's serviceable.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Nurse or Blight if on console 🙃

  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552

    Thank you everyone! I'll put this all to the test and see which killer really clicks with me.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Wraith, if you are new, you don't even need to worry about hooks. You can just chase while cloaked, learn survivor movements and start to understand these. And build from there.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455


    Jokes aside start with the killer you feel could be most fun. No matter how hard it is in the beginning you will pick things up and things will turn around at some point. I started to learn Nurse on Xbox when I was already rank 1 killer. So I was playing like a rank 20 killer for a week getting so bullied but it was worth it.

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    Wraith or Bubba, hold w and you can do well, very simple killers

  • Legion or Cannibal