Thank you killers for destroying dbd.

Tunneling and camping is ruining dbd I use to be able to find someone to play with without an issue.Now no one on my friends list wants to play it is due to one reason you guys feel it is necessary to tunnel and camp.
Thanks for destroying a great game for your own selfish ends. He has prove thyself must tunnel or chase down the person with bt why are you at the hook to begin with shouldn't you be patrolling gens if you didn't tunnel you wouldn't know how f someone has bt or ds
Ds didn't need nerfed trickster does does Anna and her speed add ons can we buff survivors and nerf a few killers noed and devour of hope need nerfed.devour needs taken out of the game completely.
And if you have to tunnel or camp for your kills then you should quit dbd all together I guarantee if camping and tunneling was out of the game survivors would come back but devs you are killing your own game maybe you hate it and are killing it on purpose hope not but if that's case good job cause that is what you are doing buy allowing this to's every one and head my prophecy if you don't stop we will be playing bots cause tunneling and camping is Skilless and not a stragey.
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Punctuation is important.
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You're welcome 👍
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Complains about camping and tunneling then says a perk that discourages camping needs to be removed
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Devour does not discourage tunneling.
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but are you sure
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Not the Killer's fault if Survivors think they deserve free unhooks, Survivors think that the Killer should be forced to 12 hook, that 5 gens can pop in sub-5 minutes, and we have to use what tactics we can to even START swinging the momentum of a match, and yet Survivors can't cope with this.
Bye! 🖐️
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”Trickster needs a nerf”. Oh yeah, that OP killer who totally has no counterplay. /s
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N fact it encourages tunneling since you are instadown as soon as you get your stacks
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I've been gnomed
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See four years ago tunneling and camping was taboo now it is excepted and survivors are done with it.And didn't king say the reason they are taking infinite loops away is so that killers would stop tunneling and camping wasn't that the excuse anyway.
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No worry, i will let people like you bleed out instead of camping or tunneling you.
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That doesn't affect tunneling at all. If your exposed the killer won't give a ######### because your insta down so it won't matter who he goes after. In fact it does discourage tunneling because why would the killer waste his time going after an injured survivor when there's an unlucky exposed survivor at full health right next to you
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16 knives to eight now 5 hit your shots bring it to 10
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why should you tunnel someone when you can instatdown? Downing healthy survivors is not tunneling.
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New account? Check.
Bitching about one side? Check.
We got the dbd forum classic right here.
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Please ignore this post it's just trying to create more divide between killers and survivors.
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That was almost unintelligible. But I'll just respond to the title and say I respectfully disagree.
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Slugging takes so much skill
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How many hours do you have?
What Rank do you play at?
What platform are you on?
What things do you think are OP?
I'd like to be able to help you, but I need to understand where you're at, so it's important to answer honestly.
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My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.
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Two systems Devotion 9on Xbox devoution6 on playstation p3 Nea on both consoles.only game I like was rank 1 last season rank 6 now but normally purple cause I like to solo q and purple rank survivors at least try red ranks hide and I lobby dodge blendettes.
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Why cause tunneling and camping is not a problem .😂😂
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I assume you use a different username on Xbox and PS than the Forums.
Could you answer the final part of my question? The part about what you think is OP?
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Nah, it's just because we have adapted to this playstyle and respect the players that use it, unlike someone over here.
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You're welcome.
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Yeah no problem.
Keys swf gen speeds
Survivor sided maps
Hold W
Dc for hatch
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Devour Anna's hatchets speed add ons can no longer block them with pilates noed tunneling and camping all these things can be stopped but this game is so killer sided it is amazing survivors have three useful perks resergance and bt prove thyself how many times do I get hit through pilates with lithe .
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Respect being camped and tunneled.I bet you don't solo q
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Why do so many ######### but not just play both sides?
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I did until they took loops killer is not a challenge it is ez
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So killers are ruining the game by playing the game within the rules set by the game itself?
It'll be like saying survivors are ruining game, because they keep doing gens at a pace that killers find to be too fast.
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Patrol gens that's the game stay away f on hooks that concept is not hard. But you want the easy victory instead of actually working for it. Lazy
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Don't use keys.
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Gen speeds wow play another game they nerfed toolboxes
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Whatever excuse you need to tunnel they took loops to end tunneling and camping but instead it became a strategy
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what do you mean they took loops loops are still a thing.
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Not infinites
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killers destroyed DBD?
pretty sure SWF with comms destroyed it
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"Ds didn't need nerfed trickster does"
confirmed troll
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what about not infinites what do you mean?
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Cause you all cried I didn't complain once about tunneling or camping then cause I understood it was necessary now it isn't.
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Swf destroyed dbd that what the game was designed around.Is swf
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There are no more infinite loops.
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There gone thanks to you killer mains crying cause you couldn't catch me.
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And you do not need infinites to loop well it was good that infinites got removed
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So you don't need to tunnel that was the point of the hem taking them to end tunneling and camping