Thank you killers for destroying dbd.

Tunneling and camping is ruining dbd I use to be able to find someone to play with without an issue.Now no one on my friends list wants to play it is due to one reason you guys feel it is necessary to tunnel and camp.

Thanks for destroying a great game for your own selfish ends. He has prove thyself must tunnel or chase down the person with bt why are you at the hook to begin with shouldn't you be patrolling gens if you didn't tunnel you wouldn't know how f someone has bt or ds

Ds didn't need nerfed trickster does does Anna and her speed add ons can we buff survivors and nerf a few killers noed and devour of hope need nerfed.devour needs taken out of the game completely.

And if you have to tunnel or camp for your kills then you should quit dbd all together I guarantee if camping and tunneling was out of the game survivors would come back but devs you are killing your own game maybe you hate it and are killing it on purpose hope not but if that's case good job cause that is what you are doing buy allowing this to's every one and head my prophecy if you don't stop we will be playing bots cause tunneling and camping is Skilless and not a stragey.



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