Share some impressive stories!


For positivity's sake, share something that happened to you in-game that the OTHER SIDE did. If you're a survivor, what did a killer do to impress you? If you're a killer, what did a survivor do?

If you play both roles, pick one.

For me I was playing against a Mikey and he had no TR at the time, and I was cleansing a totem on midwich, one of those ones behind the green lockers. I cleansed his hex, but he had totally blocked me in and he was just staring down at me. RIP.

INB4: "Oh a survivor wasn't an entitled ######### for once" or "Oh a killer wasn't toxic". If you want to piss in a bush please pick a different one.


  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    I got one

    Best part was that it literally happened TODAY!

    I had a build where I was diverging away from the meta because it's boring.

    Fire Up, Brutal, Bamboozle, and Furtive Strength.

    But, I went against a swf and they were weird as hell haha. I downed a Bunny Feng and someone used For the People on them and then I struck them only for them to soul guard me. (When you get up from being downed you'll have the endurance effect)

    They all stalked me even when I was playing Ghost Face

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    I was on the Meatpacking Plant upstairs facing a Freddy. He was across the staircase from me, while I was inside the pallet range on the other side. We were just staring at each other, so I said ######### it, and started to heal, figuring I would hit him with the pallet when he came around. He ran forward, and hit me as he was falling down the stairs. I didn’t know that killers could do that and I was actually pretty impressed.

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    Ugh, a killer wasn't toxic for once. jk lmao

    One time I went against a Freddy on Hawkins and unbeknownst to any of us, he'd built a really solid endgame build. He'd hooked two of us. Me and the other survivor went ahead and tried to save them, but he had NOED so we booked it. When we opened the gate, he had Blood Warden so he left them and slugged us lol I'd never played against BW before that, so I was completely stunned.

    The two survivors yelled at us post-game too, so they didn't know about it either I'm guessing. 😵

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited July 2021

    I've talked about his a bit before, but here's a more detailed version: When the Bloodlust experiment took place, I ended up being sent to Haddonfield against a SWF team. And all they wanted to do was show off how unbelievably broken that bloody map can get without Bloodlust, they actually stopped doing gens and gathered around and watched as I'd chase one of them around the map. When they got hit, they'd go get healed and we'd go to another part and try again.

    We ran a couple of different buildings, House of Pain got immediately boring because it had the full god setup but it's just short enough that you can retain chase to block the windows. The two-story houses were just crazy, they indicated routes they wanted me to take to try and be more efficient and it was just not ever working, there were only two houses I retained chase long enough to block the windows. *

    And I have never seen an endgame chat more filled with disgusted survivors, it was a brief chat but basically it boiled down to everyone saying "######### that map and everything it stands for". It was the most civilised impromptu test I've ever been a part of.

    *Edit: One of them was House of Pain that I already mentioned

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Hacking ghostface taking me in sky pretty impressive if u ask me 😂

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,794

    Honestly this is a general thing but if I rarely use noed and the survivors actually get all 5 totems it impresses me