What are some fun non-meta perk builds for survivor?

Instead of only running the basic meta survivor build, and believing that I had to escape every trial to have fun; What are some non-meta builds you enjoy running without worrying about escaping or dying?
Self-care - Desperate Measures - Botany - Bite the Bullet
I call it my 'field medic Jake' build. You heal yourself almost as fast as others can heal you, and you heal others extremely quickly. Very satisfying to run.
Plunderer's Instinct - Appraisal - Streetwise - Ace in the Hole
Scavenger David (Or Hobo David as my friends have taken to calling it, as I exclusively play David without a shirt) pulls high rarity garbage out of chests. This one is extremely unlikely to win since you'll never get something worth the time you wasted going for a chest, but you have a better chance of getting a key, which can be nice. And showering your teammates with medkits can't hurt either.
For the People - Inner Strength - Resilience - This is not Happening
My main build is quite similar to this, only with DetHunch and Fixated, but it struck me that the whole 'Resilience/TINH + No Mither' thing could actually be put into a format that doesn't make all your teammates disconnect on the spot by using For the People. Just steal someone else's injury and use it to bumrush a gen.
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Don't know if any of these are considered meta but this is a build I like using
Quick and quiet, dance with me, small game, for the people,
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Thank you so much for these builds! I'm definitely trying these all out soon!
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I really like the idea of this build, thank you a lot for the suggestion!
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It's not practical but whenever there is a totem challenge I run small game, inner strength, head on and deception
and for healing challenges I use empathy, we'll make it, desperate measures and botany knowledge
Both of these builds make the respective challenges a breeze and if they work they can be fun
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No Mither, Resilience (put the wrong perk before lol), Unbreakable, Iron Will
This is my go-to for David. It's fun not having to worry about healing and having those buffs at all times (never make any noise, perform every action quicker, recover from the dying state faster and always pick yourself up). I haven't ran it for a while since he's my only tier III 50 with as many perks as he has. So I've been running a decent unhook build, which is:
We're Gonna Live Forever, We'll Make It, Borrowed Time, Botany Knowledge/Leader
Earn points while helping others. BT buffs WGLF so you max it faster, while WMI+BK allows you to heal survivors quickly if killer isn't around. Using Leader instead of BK allows the unhooked survivor to heal you faster if you're injured, but it also allows another survivor to heal faster as well if they beat you to the hook and WMI didn't activate.
You can also pair certain perks together to do whatever you need at the time. For instance, I had a decent anti-Doctor build on Dwight for a while for fun:
Prove Thyself, Leader, Calm Spirit, Technician
I had two of his base perks since I always keep at least one unique perk on each character (and because I didn't have any others available to buff the other two), while Calm Spirit made it to where Doctor's charges wouldn't make me scream and Technician prevented the gen from exploding if I missed the Overcharge skill check.
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Thank you so much for the multiple build ideas! I'm really interested in trying the "Drag idiots through exit gate" build.
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I really want to try out the first and third build you suggested, thank you a lot for these new build ideas!
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Autodidact + Second Wind is pretty damn fun, especially after the minor buff that Second Wind got in the 4.5.0 patch.
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No problem :) You should check this site out too: https://www.dbdbuilds.com/
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I'm not worried about them being practical or not practical, any new survivor builds are considered fun builds! Thank you!
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A few random builds that I like to use:
- Deception, Urban Evasion, Fixated, Diversion.
- Balanced Landing, Fixated, Quick and Quiet, Dance With Me.
- Stake Out, Fast Track, Resilience, Repressed Alliance.
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The main build I run is, Blast Mine, Flashbang, Head on, and Red Herring.
It's always funny to get a killer to come over to a gen and kick the trapped gen, and then go to the locker you're in, so you head on them and drop the flashbang while they're stunned.
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I use a similar build, I exchange small game with lithe and call it the ninja build. Very strong against spirit and op on lerys :D
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For selfishness. You can't beat the "I STEAL YOUR HEALING PROGRESSION"
Run: Empathy, Sprint Burst, autodidact, and Spine Chill.
Wait for a survivor to start healing for about 25% or 50%
Run up to them ask to heal them and pray for two skill checks, if you get lucky, you should just drop their bar to zero.
When that happens, just walk away. Don't finish healing, don't entertain the thought of being helpful.
I'm kidding, please don't do that...
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You are evil. Purely and simply evil.
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I have quite a few fun builds with out the meta perks.
1. Autodidact, Bite The Bullet, Solidarity, Empathy
2. Deception, Head On, Flashbang, Quick and Quiet
3. Power Struggle, Flip Flop, Tenacity, Smash Hit.
4. Kindred, Windows Of Oppurtunity, Open Handed, Detectives Hunch
5. Deliverence, We're Gonna Live Forever, Prove Thyself, No One Left Behind
These are the few fun ones I have so far.
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I'm unhinged
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Pharmacy, Botany Knowledge, Ace in the hole, Desperate measures.
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Had to translate the word since I never heard it before.
Really, you okay?
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Fixated + Sprint Burst + Quick n Quiet + (perk of your choice)
Sprint Burst away from the killer into a building. You can see your own scratch marks, so throw the killer off by leading them one way, then doubling back and jumping in a locker
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Some silly ones:
Survivor #1: Look At Me!!!
Object of Obsession; Babysitter; Metal of Man; Aftercare
Survivor #2: The Original Prankster
Head On; Diversion; Saboteur; Blast Mine
Survivor #3: The Entity's Secret Lover
Repressed Alliance; Fixated; Fast Track; Soul Guard
Survivor #4: The Last Team Pick
No Mither; Red Herring; Self Preservation; Slippery Meat
Killer #1: Thou Shalt Not Heal
Coulrophobia; Thanataphobia; Forced Penance; A Nurse's Calling
Killer #2: Hands Of The Merchandise!
Hoarder; Hex: Undying; Surveillance; Tinkerer
Killer #3: The Original Prankster 2
Iron Maiden; Hex: Haunted Ground; Cruel Limits; Make Your Choice
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Awh! I'm so sorry, I was just joking!
I'm sorry for worrying you! Thank you for your concern
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It's okay, wasn't sure. But might as well ask, doesn't cost me anything. I am quite empathetic.