NO new update for switch this 28/07/21

Well if BHVR dosnt tell you I will, it seems that the update that was planned for this July 28 will be delayed on nintendo switch, I know about this thanks to the Japanese twitter account of dead by dayligt, maybe they will tweet it later, but as a swicth player I have mixed feelings, I want a decent version of this game on my console, but missing the blodhunt with my PC / xbox friends feels bad, it just comforts me to know that they are trying to fix the game
Read more about in the official japanese forum
edit: If you are a switch player, it is likely that we will meet in the world of the entity, tbag at me if we are together in the fog, my nickname is Newtton
To be fair it's gonna be quite difficult to optimize the game on Switch, especially since it's like, way inferior in terms of specs compared to the last and current gen consoles. Also it might have to do with the RPD map.
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I know, but other companies have achieved good ports on nintendo switch, I think there are no excuses when seeing games like doom or the witcher, graphically inferior, but with a decent performance, and the RE map is basically the problem
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Honestly I just want cross progression so I can move everything to PC and delete it off my Switch
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same, i have almost all DLC in my switch
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I agree, I think if they perfectly optimize DBD on every platform it's on, DBD on Switch will be able to run at a stable 1080p 30fps docked and 720p 30fps undocked, or even 720p 60fps.
God DBD Switch running at 720p 60fps would be a dream come true.
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doom eternal on switch is a thing and its amazing.
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So crossplay for Switch will be deactivated while the versions differ from Switch and the other platforms? Kinda weird that one platform doesn’t get an update 🤔
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No no no no no. My friend plays on Switch and I play on PS4. #########?!
Cross-progression isn't even a thing so that he could play on Steam with me. [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] [BAD WORD] that's not fair.
There aren't that many Switch players, he's going to have a hell of a time playing the Bloodhunt without cross-play enabled.
[BAD WORD] I was looking forward to playing with him some more.
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Other games aren’t built off spaghetti code either. The facts are unless the devs rebuild the game from the ground up with proper coding these issues are just gonna get worse
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it’s as of now only my assumption. I haven’t read the tweet as I was too lazy to translate..
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720p 30 FPS is probably the best you can hope for. The Switch is pathetic in terms of hardware. I know of a dev from another game, Hellpoint, who complained about having to optimize the game for the Switch because of how crappy the hardware is.
Apparently, its GPU clock speed when undocked is in the hundreds of MHz (I think 300 MHz, but I'm not sure). For comparison, a GTX 750 has a clock speed of about 1 GHz.
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And they're disabling the video capture function?! That function works in every other game just fine.
I cannot properly express how pissed off I am at the moment. Cross-progression for the Switch is quite overdue and this is just compounding that. [BAD WORD].
Since the 5.1.0 update is a major update with many changes, cross-play will not be available on the Nintendo Switch version until the 5.1.0 update is delivered, and only Nintendo Switch versions will match each other.
That's what Google Translate gave me from the News page, that's why I'm so upset: It's an official statement.
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Well other game companies care about their game and put in the effort to make sure it works on all platforms.
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I stuck it in Google translate and you are indeed correct. It also mentions that the tome won't be available.
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Dont worry it will come. I am not saying that you should not be angry though because I played on switch recently and it felt terrible.
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Well that’s a weird one.. are they giving any reasons why the Switch won’t get the update or an estimated guess on when to expect it?
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The following changes have been made to the Nintendo Switch version in connection with the upcoming 5.1.0 update. All of the Nintendo Switch version players will be greatly affected, so we decided to inform you before the update is distributed.
First of all, I'm sorry to inform you. We previously announced that the 5.1.0 update will be available on July 28th, but we have decided to postpone the update distribution for the Nintendo Switch version in order to further resolve the issue that causes the game to crash.
Unfortunately, we are not in a position to let you know when the update will be delivered at this time, but we are working hard to ensure that you enjoy the update as soon as possible. We will inform you as soon as the update delivery date is confirmed.
We would like to inform you that the postponement of the 5.1.0 update delivery date for the Nintendo Switch version will have the following effects.
Since the 5.1.0 update is a major update with many changes, cross-play will not be available on the Nintendo Switch version until the 5.1.0 update is delivered, and only Nintendo Switch versions will match each other.
Unfortunately, Academic Books / Lift VIII will not be available until the 5.1.0 update is available. Lift VIII will start on July 29th, but since Academic Books / Lift VIII is linked to the 5.1.0 update, it will not be possible to deliver the update. We are aware that the Nintendo Switch version will have a shorter period of enjoyment for Lift VIII, and we will announce more information on this matter as soon as it becomes available.
The Blood Hunt, scheduled for July 30th to August 3rd, will also be available on the Nintendo Switch version as planned.
New skins and distribution items that will be implemented in the 5.1.0 update (details will be announced at a later date) cannot be purchased or received until the 5.1.0 update is delivered. Distribution items will be picked up at a later date for the Nintendo Switch version.
Also, at the same time as the 5.1.0 update, we have decided to discontinue the video capture function on the Nintendo Switch version. Until now, the Nintendo Switch version was able to record back 30 seconds by pressing and holding the capture button on the Nintendo Switch, but this function has a heavy load on performance because it constantly records videos on the Nintendo Switch itself. We have decided that we can provide you with a better gaming experience by discontinuing the features and improving the overall performance of the game.
We will inform you of the impact of the end of the video capture function.
There is no change in the screenshot shooting function.
Additional information is required to report some violations. Since the Nintendo Switch version does not have a video capture function, reports from the Nintendo Switch version are valid only for reports from the in-game report function, and reports from the in-game report function even for violations that require the submission of additional information. I will accept it only.
Click here for game rules and reporting methods .
We apologize to everyone on the Nintendo Switch version for postponing the delivery date of the 5.1.0 update for the Nintendo Switch version. Sorry.
We are working to improve the stability of our games to make your gaming experience as good as possible. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation while we are working to provide a better gaming experience with the Nintendo Switch version and to deliver the 5.1.0 update to the Nintendo Switch version as soon as possible. I hope you can get it.
That's the translation Google Chrome gives me.
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Dont panic people, they are probably working on solving this problem, it is a kick in the butt but at least they intend to fix it, if not the case it is likely that the game will die on switch, but hopefully the best
see you in the fog
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Thank you very much for this!
am on mobile and was too lazy :)
well.. that’s really a bummer, at least it seems like they are planning something for the rift progress for those affected? Hopefully they will get the update quickly done for Switch, and hopefully the performance actually gets significantly better when the video capture is disabled!
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I can almost guarantee BHVR's doing this so they can re-enable DC penalties.
No one ever considers the greater consequences of their actions. If players refrained from disconnecting so much, penalties would not be necessary. Instead, BHVR wants to get those back on as soon as possible (we know this because they tried to re-enable them the other day, even though performance issues weren't fixed and RPD was back in the mix). With the Switch still crashing, though, they can't re-enable DC penalties. If however Switch is kept separate from the rest of the platforms, then the other platforms can have the penalties re-enabled while Switch keeps them off. That's why the Switch isn't getting the 5.1.0 update tomorrow with future fixes to come.
BHVR should've implemented bots instead of the damn DC penalties. If disconnected players were replaced with bots, this wouldn't be an issue.
Ugh, maybe I'm wrong, but this is the reasoning that makes the most sense for postponing the Switch update. Disconnects not only ruin individual matches but now they're screwing over an entire platform. Thank you to everyone who thought it was cool to abuse the lack of a penalty while it was disabled because it obviously wouldn't have a larger impact.
Seriously, the Switch playerbase is not big enough to have cross-play disabled. BHVR could at least postpone the Bloodhunt, Switch users will still experience the poor performance and crashes and they'll have a much harder time getting matches.
Sorry, don't mind my ranting. Like I said, I'm a bit upset about this, and my friend's having his post-Switch-DbD-purchase regrets again, which kinda makes me feel bad since he bought the game just to play it with me.
Hopefully they get it done quickly, but I personally don't have high hopes for that. Man it'd be nice if they surprise me, though.
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They already tweeted it on the main page, it's official, at least they'll give us BP and shards u know the typical
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DCing would still be an issue, with or without bots. DCers shouldn't be let off the hook just because there are bots.
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DbD is unstable. It'll always have issues, right now it just has more than usual. Next time there's an update that causes crashes, they'll have to disable DC penalties again, and again there'll be a huge rise in people disconnecting on purpose. Bots would mean no having to disable and re-enable the penalty, and it would mean people who are disconnected because of the game's own shortcomings aren't unfairly punished. Bots would solve some of the other issues like DCing to give a teammate the hatch or to deny the killer a BBQ stack. And killers would no longer be able to DC to deny anything to survivors. That would give players less of a reason to DC.
Bots would mean that those matches where there is a disconnect aren't ruined; penalties don't help those matches, they just make them less common, but that doesn't make someone who waited in a long queue feel any better.
It's better to improve the game than to focus on punishing people. Do I think it's okay to disconnect because you don't like the killer? Hell no. But punishing people for disconnecting doesn't make anyone happier, it doesn't make the people left behind in the match happier. Decent bots could improve the experience, and I think that's important.
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They should just give those BP to everyone, since the console issues were there over a month (and maybe longer, who knows).
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Bots are not the same as humans. Even games with bots still punish DCers. If they don't want to play the game they paid for, then they can go play something else instead of ruining everyone else's trials.
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Well, maybe if there were bots and DC penalties, BHVR wouldn't feel such an urgency to get the penalties back up even before the performance issues are fixed. Which is the thing I see as the big problem here. Because some players don't want to play the game unless everyone else plays by their own made-up rules, BHVR tried to turn the penalties back on right after the event ended, even though the console issues weren't fixed yet.
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Same, I planned to move perma when it was supposed to launch last month so this is like extra salt in the wound
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They gave everyone already BP and shards for this reason though (still wasn’t enough but at least something)
Switch players are now affected far worse and should get more compensation..
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Can't wait for 500 bp and 10 rift fragments as compensation when it will launch a month later
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no new bugs and youre upset?