Custom Icons are no more

Welp, can't say I was surprised to see this happen.
As someone who used to use a lot of custom icons in my games, this was bound to happen eventually. I haven't checked by the way if they actually stopped you from changing icons, but I don't want to risk any of that for myself.
I hope at some point BHVR has something akin to Steam workshop where you can use custom approved cosmetic changes.
At the very least this will stop people from cheating by modding the game. And I am all for that. ######### cheaters.
They removed and readded custom icons before,I don't see why they would remove them now.Im glad that modding is gone tho.
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Never understood custom icons' purpose
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Well so long as it means no cheating with mods I’m okay with it
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Ah yes the way of DBD programmers "We can't figure out how to fix the real problem so burn it all down".
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It was mostly cosmetic. That's it. Just something you change because you like it.
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You can change custom icons still. Just check DBD folders after you updated as icons folders except CharPortraits will all be empty.
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Rip custom perk icons :(
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It's more that people were using the "it's just cosmetic" argument to gain an advantage. Custom icons were locally changed in a very similar fashion that people turned certain features that are meant to be harder to notice, very noticable.
Terror radii being changed or Lullaby(huntress, freddy and trickster) being made much easier to determine the distance between you and the killer. Traps being made in very easy to spot colors. Things like that are arguably cosmetic, as you could just like the sound of the custom terror radius more than the standard one, but it does alter the gameplay.
Custom icons were always fine, but it can be that it was affected temporarily due to too many people abusing mods for an advantage. Best thing you can do is report that custom icons are currently not applicable, and they should fix it with the next update.
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I mean
In fact
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I mean of course there is a difference between fair cosmetic changes and the mods the developers were trying to patch. If we had to lose both of them for the latter to get fixed, I wouldn't complaint, but only hope in the long run there was a way to get them back.
Like I mean all custom icons do is change the box images which does not affect the gameplay in the least. I only ever use different colours for them or have them thematically placed (like I have icons set with images of Deathslinger since he is my main Killer), but yeah, people re-skinning Trapper's traps to be neon coloured, re-shading stuff to make details brighter, changing core animations amongst others were really nefarious and was absolutely needed for the game's health.
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That is a relief. The nostalgia pack was really helping me.
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Ah, good to know.
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Definitely, and the devs so far have agreed they dont mind custom icons. Heck, im fairly certain they dont mind a custom status effect(madness tiers for example). The only thing I think they are against is showing an accurate timer for Piggy due to her addons, even though that doesnt really change too much imo, as tampered timer is the first addon I would alter if I were to give Piggy an addon pass.