That's it. I'm at my wits end.

No, it isn't a complaint about keys
Or survivors
Or swfs
Or the lag
Or the Dead Hard
Or the Spirit
The real complaint is more of a personal preference.
I absolutely do not know who to main as a killer.
I've bounced around killers for a good while, lemme give an example.
In mid 2018 I joined when Pig was the talk of the town, the newest killer, my friend whom been trying to get me into dbd was originally a Pig main, but when I joined he stopped playing until recently, so I decided to follow his footsteps and play Pig. I was a Pig player for a good while and I enjoyed it.
Then I decided to a mall with a friend of mine and we were picking up horror movies that are on discount, I see the 40th anniversary of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I've watched it and became hooked for a good while.
For most of my play time until late 2020 I've been a Leatherface main for a long time. But I stopped recently and I am just at a loss of who to play as.
I'm a console player so I've been having bad lag spikes here and there so I picked up Ghost Face and fell in love with the play style, but a friend of mine was saying he might main him and I decided to pick someone else.
Two of my favorite horror movie icons aren't in dbd and that makes me sad, because if one of them were I would be playing them forever and not even make this post.
I even made the dreaded mistake of thinking about a being a temporary clown main..... help me.
What are your killer suggestions? I would love to hear what you say. I'm just looking for a killer to stick with as temporary main until HOPEFULLY CANDYMAN comes out. (BHVR TAKE THE HINT)
I'm both kidding and not kidding.
But, I won't hold stick to these killers because reasons.
-Pyramid Head
-Ghost Face (even though that hurts to say)
-Deathslinger (my friends think I'm insane with this killer, I think I'm fine. But, they enjoy watching me play. As to why he's on this list is because another friend of mine wants to main him after watching me)
Please... I can't keep bouncing around, it's driving me insane
odds on maining nurse because you hate yourself <3
(and last gen console nurse :))
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Wraith of course, cause super-duper lunges.
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Selfishly speaking, I think you should try The Twins
They're fun to play in my experience, even though everyone's won't be the same, it's a learning curve and I hope if you do take my suggestion, you'll find some fun in it.
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Do loathe myself more than others...
I'll take that into consideration!
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Play what you feel man, you dont have to have a main.
I usually play random killer for 2-3 match then switch to survivor.. Its good to alternate and play different playstyles / builds.
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Pick Ghostface and be the obvious better Ghost main to flex on your friend
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I'll take a look, I tried at one point, but I kept getting glitchy hitboxes that were stressing me out
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The bell is satisfying
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What's your preference? Do you like chasing Killers, or rather stealthy Ambush Killer or rather strategic territorial setup Killers?
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Why not go through all of the killers you have? Play each killer, every day for a week and see which one you like the most. No one here can tell you who you will have the most fun with.
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That's the... unfortunate thing, this sounds silly and I don't know how to turn it off. But, a little bit of ego and me remembering the wrong killers is what's causing me to mess up because I can't get out of that mindset
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I may be a bit biased considering I main them, but Legion is pretty fun.
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I like more fun gimmicky m1 killers who can be oppressive in a chase or be territorial with trap sets or the likes
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Understandable ! At the end of the day, its about fun and pleasure ! Like @Huge_Bush said, you got the keys in your hands !
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Blight is a killer worth mastering. But i personally didnt play him often.
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I am just playing Ghost Face and Blight until Slenderman gets in which probably be a very long time.
Probably use Ghostface or Legion since Legion does have that weird tech about downing a survivor after being slammed with a pallet and blinded.
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That's true, I've played every single killer, some I found a bit more enjoyable, others were boring.
Spirit for example just felt very boring to play as
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I actually did play a lot of Blight, my friends watched me for awhile and they think I'm pretty good, but I'm no where near good
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When in doubt, the answer is always Bubba.
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I do miss playing him at times, but sometimes I think it's best to pick someone else, but I will never forget him
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Yeah that's pretty much me at the moment
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I'm on console. Right now, the two killers I find to be the most fun are Blight and Nemesis. Both are very different from each other.
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I thought about maining Nemesis, I P3'd him and everything. I just never touched him since
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Otzdarva has made a good quiz for something that fits your own playstyle:
Be truthful with the questions, and it will list killers from top to bottom which will fit your desires most. For me it's Hag, but I've avoided Hag so far because her hook defense is quite insane(especially on maps where the basement spawns in the center), so I've been going with Doc, Myers and Ghostface(who are my 3rd, 5th and 2nd most recommended killers)
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I really enjoy using his tentacle, and I like the zombies. I know the zombies are dumb, they get stuck on the environment all the time, sometimes they bug out and just stand in place, but... they bring me joy.
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I got Spirit and immediately thought "######### that"
But, I'll give it a shot
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I’ll back this up. Twins are a solid choice.
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Me too, sometimes they have golden moments
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Demogorgon. He can be played defensively (3 genning with his portals) and patrol 1 certain area and you can also play him offensively by ignoring the portals and focusing on Shred and only use portals when you need to.
Personally, I play him offensively since I dislike defensive playstyles. Trapper and Hag I despise most of the time. Shred can be really devestating in a chase when mastered.
Stbfl makes him even stronger. Shred your Obsession and M1 non Obsessions for easy stacks.
Edit: Let me write you a poem.
DemoPls Nurse outdated DemoPls Spirit overrated DemoPls Long have we waited DemoPls Demo activated DemoPls.
That alone makes him worth maining.
Not a Demo Main
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Yea, I also found Spirit boring and somewhat more difficult to play as to what people on here claim.
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I did the test and got Blight, which is fair, I was also thinking about Twins
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I didn't actually have a hard time playing as her, I know that sounds like "Spirit is strong with little knowledge" but... it kinda feels like that, I'm a prideful person, so I hate admitting defeat and walking away from a loop. Spirit makes it soo easy for some reason
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Well, I'm bad at this game no matter the role, so I'm pretty much sure it's just me. Also, my hearing isn't the best so old stridor wouldn't have helped either. I'm really only okay with Trapper since I play Survivor so much, I know where to put traps that people won't expect them to be.
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Oh. I'm sorry.
I have poor eye sight so somethings become a bit of a struggle for me. But, I was trained to use guns and stuff my dad and Grandfather so I use my ######### eye sight to my advantage when it comes to range and only range benefits from it. I know it sounds cartoony, it's most likely a coincidence.
Trapper is a lot of fun, but I have a friend who's a Trapper main so I refuse to touch one of my friends mains
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You shouldn't. There is nothing wrong if the both of you play Trappi Boi. The more the merrier, and even though he is difficult to do well with against competent survivors, he is extremely satisfying to play when you snowball.
I don't have him yet, since I am waiting to see how the devs butcher him with his up coming rework/add on pass, but Myers seems like he'd be fun to play as if you equip Scratched Mirror.
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I can understand everyone's complaints about addon passes and reworks.
Especially with Freddy and Hillbilly.
I thought Clown was okay, weird. But okay, and I seriously enjoy the new doctor.
I think they're more self cautious of the decisions they make unless they're licensed. Rarely do we have a killer who's original and very enjoyable, but most licensed killers feel like a banger. But, for Freddy they decided to take their own approach because of every content creator saying "boo, Freddy sucks."
I'm not sure if you're with me with this, but a killer should feell fun to use and play with their powers a bit instead of finding a weird loop hole to cater to 2/2 rule. I think it's fine, but don't make them completely ridiculous for a 1v1.
I don't care if the power sucks, I just want it to be fun and fit the character.
That's why I'm slightly worried for Candyman
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I mean, do you have to have a main? Play whoever you feel like. Also, you can't main Ghostface because your friend did? Did I read that right?
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Honestly your "main" might not even be in the game yet. I had the same struggle a little bit ago. I had killers I preferred playing but I never considered myself a main to any of them. None of them felt 100% fun to play. Then Trickster came, and I fell in love. Even when I lose, I have a blast with him and I think that's what matters.
I used to "main" Piggy, Pyramid Head, and Doctor. Since you excluded Piggy and Pyramid Head maybe play around with Doctor. He's pretty underrated in my opinion and fun to play especially when you pull off well timed shocks :)
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Try all the killers and see which one has a power that compliments your play style. I know you said no trapper but it is satisfying to outsmart survivors and herd them into your traps🤣 and if all else fails wraith goes zoom zoom
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Apologies for the late response, I didn't see you comment.
Yes, but that's just because of something on my end, they didn't say anything.
I just.. hate playing as the same character as someone else and it feels annoying. I like to feel slightly different in my friend group instantly of "these two ghosty mains"
I know this doesn't make sense and you have full right to think it's stupid. I just.. don't think doing that is all.
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Twins are difficult, but rewarding. Their kit is very broad, allowing for a range of ways to deal with many situations.
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I gotta update this list, but doctor is another killer I can't choose. Same issue as Ghost Face. But, you could be very right about my main not even being in dbd yet.
I'm such a huge fan of Candyman so if he came into dbd I would just pick him and push past the "No I won't use the same character as my friends" same goes for Jason
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I had the same issue I told another Twin suggestion, I'm not shooting down the idea haha, but when I played as them I had really weird glitchy lunges and they were stressing me out haha
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Trapper is a lot of fun, I like to play as them when I want to mellow out for a bit and just giggle to myself when they fall for a trap