The "matchmaking" in this game will turn alot of new players away

Even as a returning player with some knowledge of how the game works, the matchmaking has been slowly breaking me down until we get to the point I'm at now....which is where I feel like I want to stop playing.
Going against a red rank killer isn't too bad as you can get lucky with a couple half decent survivors and some of you will most often escape. But red rank survivors are soul destroying to play against. I'm a rank 14 killer and just had a game against a team of rank 13, rank 7, rank 4 and rank 2 survivors. It was horrible. The two red ranks were moving like they were having epileptic fits so that I struggled to hit them, they were nearly untouchable at loops, they both had flashlights that had some kind of add on that meant they could blind me halfway through the animation of picking up a survivor.
This would all be much easier to deal with if the system for unlocking perks was different. But I unlocked lightborn ages ago, and have levelled up my main killer 23 times since, and it still hasn't appeared in the blood web. What am I supposed to do? It honestly leaves me feeling powerless as I know what I need to combat the flashlights, but am at the mercy of the Rng gods, who evidently are quite happy watching me suffer as two survivors take turns at Stevie Wonder-ing me.
I feel like the matchmaking must be a huge turn off to alot of people. This game is supposed to have a decent playerbase right? And cross play is on. Why the ######### am I playing with people who are clearly way better than me? Funny thing is I went back through my post history on here earlier, and it turns out I actually tried to get back into dbd a year ago, but the matchmaking ruined my fun and so I left. So it must have been an issue for a while. Is this something the team at least acknowledge? Or are they just busy making cosmetics for people to buy?
I definitely feel you on the matchmaking. One of the problems is that ranks dont really mean anything and the difficulty is pretty inverse in respects to each role.
Killer is easier in the beginning, but everyone hits a wall where you realize that you haven't learned anything about killer because the game just handed you lemons game after game (but that also applies to survivor gameplay as well). I had a big "wake up" moment when I was maining nurse and really got into ms. Piggy years ago.
Hopefully, the new mmr will allow newer killers the gradual increase in difficulty that allows them to learn and not get discouraged.
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There should be a completely isolate rank for newbies. Example newbies starts at rank 20 and play around rank 17-20. Make pip a little harder to get. Once they get into Yellow (rank 16), they're no more able to derank to Brown ever again.
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I think it just feels worse as killer as you are against four people instead of one. I play killer a bit more too so obviously the odds of me coming against people who are absolute beasts at the game is alot higher. As I mentioned I think it would be much easier to deal with if I was allowed to get the perks that I know I need!
And yeah if there is a new mmr system I hope it does work better. If I were getting matched with people up to 3 or 4 ranks higher than me, it would be giving me a harder challenge while not being unreasonable. But every single game I do has at least 1 red rank survivor, and I can genuinely tell who that red rank is within a couple mins of the game starting. It's so frustrating.