[Chapter Concept: Assassins From The Void]

Lord_Xylum Member Posts: 117
edited September 2021 in Creations

"There exists a myth, a whisper, a rumor that some can communicate with The Fog, as if it speaks to them in a tune inaudible to everyone else. It grants these unique individuals unspeakable insight, but not always without taking something in return. Sometimes.... sometimes The Fog extracts a terrible price..."


[KILLER: The Whisperer]

Terror Radius: 16m

Speed: 4.4m/s

Height: Tall

Male & Female options (similar to Legion)

Corrupt Killers, The Whisperers beckon the cold embrace of the Fog and the Fog answers, granting seamless map-traversal and relentless pressure.

Their personal perks; Zero Restraint, Reaper's Mark and Bitter End help to juggle groups of Survivors in a pinch, while punishing Survivors for being greedy in your presence.

(This is a vague interpretation of The Whisperer's ideal appearance, as I have no drawing capabilities)

POWER: Mistwalker

When The Whisperer is in play, the map is perpetually shrouded in thick fog. Reagent offerings can directly affect the intensity of the fog, which can help to conceal or reveal The Whisperer.

Hold the Power button to dissolve your physical form and become one with The Fog, traveling at an increased total of 6m/s. Hold the Power button again to emerge from The Fog over 2.5 seconds. Mistwalker has a cooldown of 20 seconds.

When mistwalking, you have no Terror Radius, but emit frenzied whispers that Survivors can hear. (8 meters from your position)

Special Attack: Void Strike

After landing a successful Basic Attack, gain a token. Hold the Ability button to immediately dash forward in Mistwalker form for up to 2 seconds, passing through all objects and immediately reappearing in physical form. This can be cancelled early if needed. Max token amount is 3.

Special Ability: Wormholes

Throughout the Trial, Wormholes will open up within the Fog. There are 4 Wormholes open at any given time, and they dissipate periodically, reappearing in random locations.

The Whisperer may use these wormholes to teleport around the map, by holding the Interaction button while looking at another wormhole. Survivors may also use the wormholes, but the location they reappear in is completely random. A distinct sound is made to announce the arrival of The Whisperer or a Survivor.

Traversing wormholes has a cooldown; 30 seconds for Survivors, 20 seconds for The Whisperer.


Zero Restraint

Upon starting a chase with two Survivors within 10/15/20 seconds of eachother, your next Basic Attack will suffer no movement speed penalty upon hit. The recovery animation will still occur. This has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.

Reaper's Mark

For every time you hook a Survivor, gain a token. Upon your next Basic Attack hit, apply the Exhausted status effect for 4/5/6 seconds.

Bitter End

For every Survivor being hooked for the first time, gain a token. Once all 4 tokens are acquired, Bitter End activates. All generators within your Terror Radius automatically begin regressing at 80%/90%/100% speed when not being repaired. Generators within your Terror Radius are highlighted in white.


[SURVIVOR: The Observer]

"For years, perhaps decades, I stared into the Auris, watching the lives of others who've entered this realm, like my own personal movie theater. Often times they were more like snuff films. With each memory I witnessed, I pieced together the lost fragments that detail The Entity. I had the eyes of hundreds in the palm of my hand, and yet only now do I see. The Trials are the lifeblood; the pulsing veins; the beating heart of the monster...

If I am to be free, I must suffer, and The Entity has sent its most terrifying creation to ensure I do. The power of the Auris will safeguard my soul from oblivion, but not from pain."


Auris Wisdom

This perk is usable 1/2/3 times per trial.

Placing an equipped item inside of a chest will upgrade its rarity, as well as refill all of its charges.

Auris Strength

For every time you or another Survivor is hooked, gain a token, up to a max of 3/4/5 tokens.

For each token, hold the Interaction button next to a destroyed pallet to construct a new, upright pallet in its place.

Auris Mortality

Once the Exit Gates are powered, this perk can be activated by pressing the Ability button.

Once activated, all other Survivors are instantly healed 1 health state. Your aura is then revealed to the Killer indefinitely, you can be killed when downed, and you cannot leave through the Exit Gates for 60/50/40 seconds.

If you are killed or sacrificed after activating this perk, all other Survivors suffer from the Exposed status effect for 180 seconds. (3 minutes)

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