What do YOU think it means when a survivor waves their arms on the hook?

I always assumed that a survivor waving their arms on the hook meant, "Somebody come get me because no one is!"
Then I recently heard others say it meant, "The Killer is camping." And those people were usually the ones who had been playing DBD from the beginning.
So what do you think it means when you see it?
Constantly doing it = camping
Doing it once or twice = is probably begging to be saved
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The killer is camping meaning has died off. Now people just do it because their bored on the hook and that's really the only thing that they can do
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That's interesting. So you got a hybrid interpretation.
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I thought I was the only one doing it lmao
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If it's near the end of the stage I usually take it as "No one is coming to rescue me".
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It used to mean that the killer is camping, but over recent years, too many newbs have misunderstood to mean it the opposite. Nowadays I don't give a damn about whether you wave or not anymore, either I come for the rescue or not on my own merits. If the killer's around, too bad for you.
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That they're getting ready to attempt escape before someone reaches them.
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Any form of hand movement on hook = the killer is camping.
No hand movement = the killer isn't camping.
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It means hurry the [BAD WORD] UP stop crouch walking and unhook me. Can't you clearly not see that he is chasing the obsession since the 2 spider legs are moving??
Post edited by EQWashu on21 -
I take it as "nobody's saving me".
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I think it means come get me.
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Killer is camping, do gens.
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It used to mean killer is camping. Doesn't mean much anymore.
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If i'm not waving it usually means i'm waiting for the killer to leave the area before:
I do it once or twice i'm telling someone to start running to the hook to save me
If i'm doing it constantly it probably means i'm close to second stage or death and I desperately want someone to save me before I do go into second stage or do die
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I was considering making a thread on this (still might), in hopes of getting the community to rally together and make it an official signal. I haven’t been here since Day 1 unfortunately. I started right after Legion dropped. My interpretation was waving your arms meant the killer left and to the best of your knowledge, it’s safe to come get me. I’m shocked to see all the responses in here stating once upon a time it actually meant the killer is camping, do gens. That’s interesting. Now I get why some players were waving their arms and the killer was still there. I thought the player on hook was being entitled. Yea there’s big confusion on this, and it hurts solo que a little. I always appreciate Kindred when players run it.
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It means the killer is camping. Or at least that is what the original meaning was.
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When I lift to half the shoulder, I make signs that they come to look for me, if someone comes I stop doing it and if I do like crazy it means that they do not come for me, they are camping or it is a trap.
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It depends.
If they're across the map and it seems like the killer isn't nearby I take it as "someone save me". Otherwise, it's them getting camped.
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If I'm doing it, I'm just being stupid and bored.
If anyone else is doing it, it means "be careful killer near"
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Yes, this is usually the case nowadays. Fast movement with partial amplitude = killer is camping. Slow one with full amplitude (like when you are trying to kobe) = save me.
The old interpretation is gone.
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I've just always do it because its boring on the hook and its something to do lmao
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If it's pretty much immediately after getting hooked I expect the Killer to be there.
If it's like 20 - 30 seconds later it probably means that no one is saving.
Doesn't matter to me, I use Kindred for my own sake and sanity.
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In reading all these responses, it makes sense why sometimes there's confusion on what the signal actually means. I kinda do the same. If someone is coming to get me and hag or trapper put a trap, I wave my arms frantically when they're nearby to try to warn them. Doesn't work. Guess we all use the arm waving to mean different things, sometimes even contradictory to each other.
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Yeah in reading all these replies I've realized there's a lot more interpretations than I thought, down to even the speed someone uses to wave their arms.
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When there is a trapper or a Hag, I literally put myself Family in those cases since that way everyone can know who is coming and who is not. I think that perk saves in all cases and can tell if there is a bubba roaming or not.
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Spamming M1 since the start but not rising their arms completely = Killer is around camping or looking for someone.
Waving every now and then = Bored in the hook wants to be saved. Killer might be coming and going.
Desperately waving and doing almost finished escape attempts around mid stage or about to hit stage 2 = "Nobody is coming for me, come rescue me now".
Not moving their arms = "I'm chilling because someone's coming for me/idc if the team finishes whatever they're doing before coming".
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That's what I would assume you meant if we were in a match together, so at least I'd get you haha
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I always have assumed for years that it means the killer is camping and I base it off that. That's what I do anyway and most survivors seem to understand. I'll do "unhook" attempts to signal them that it's ok for them to come and rescue me.
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Crazy how different the interpretations are. People mean a lot of things, sometimes with very pretty specific cues.
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If I'm waving my arms on a hook it means I know I'm being camped.
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Waving ur hands no longer means camping, it "stop doing opening that dang chest. I'm gonna go to second hook"
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If its from the distance it means come save me idiots!
If you see someone coming to save you and you are camped, you start doing it to warn them about it.
Its pretty simple if you realize that hooked person can see other teammates, so its based on distance of saviour from the hook to translate meaning of it.
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Wait thats a thing? i didnt even knew lol
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Yeah, whenever the obsession is in chase with the killer, those spider leg looking ( ) around the name move. It's helpful if you're aware of it because it lets you know the killer is busy.
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It's always meant they're being camped to me, so if a survivor is doing it and they aren't they need to figure that out or they're going to be left on the hook to die a lot lol.
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In reading all the responses I've been surprised at how many people have different interpretations of what it means. Hopefully you luck out with teammates who think of it the same way as you mean it.
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If they don't and they do it then they're getting left on the hook.
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When ppl do it = 1. Nobody's getting them or 2. They getting camped
If I do it = free to unhook or I'm about to hit struggle phase. When I'm getting camped, I don't do it because it just makes me look desperate AF
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Getting in some exercise
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The pain of solo queue
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My wife uses it as a "suck it" gesture to the killer if the killers camping, we get a kick out of it.
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haha that's a new one
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Flicking it I assumed was camping as it always makes the killer paranoid and they start looking left and right 😅
I do long ones for its safe.
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I take it as "COME ######### RESCUE ME YOU ######### #########!"
Or some variation of that.
I'm definitely not projecting my solo queue experience.
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I rapid fire to make a lot of noise and to be annoying.
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Oh no, definitely NOT projecting . . .
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I only see it as impatient when someone is almost at the hook to get them and they're still doing it. (And that's obviously if they're not trying to warn of a trap or camping). Other than that, I see it as trying to be helpful. (It's safe to come get me/The killer is here/There's a trap). Sometimes somebody dying on first hook is enough to make the whole game go under because it snowballs. But seeing how many people interpret it differently, it makes sense why there's confusion in solo queue.
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Nobody is saving because they interpretate from your gesture that the killer is camping?
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Judging from the replies, a lot of people do think it means "come get me." Since there's no consensus, it explains why there's confusion in solo queue. No one knows what the other is trying to say but we all think we do.