Dead by Daylight - IT Chapter

Jarol Member Posts: 1,985


New Killer: The Devourer.

Name: Pennywise.


Speed: 4.6 m / s

Terror Radius: 24 m

Height: Tall


Power: Devourer of Worlds.

The devourer is a killer who seeks to feed off the deep fear of the survivors. Its main power is to scare the closest survivors to further increase its essence.

Tier 1:

Pennywise gains a 16 meters radius of terror. When you approach a survivor for the first time, she presses the active skill button to scare and howl a survivor.

By doing so, Pennywise will start laughing and screaming like crazy, which will affect the survivor, the affected survivor will suffer the effect of the fear state and increase Pennywise's power to level up.

The survivor will be forced to leave the area, as Pennywise's power will increase and will also suffer the Hindered status effect.

(This Tier is somewhat similar to when Eddie first meets Pennywise)

Tier 2:

Pennywise gains 24 meters of terror radius, swaps Pennywise's hand for a claw similar to the Hag's. She gains the ability to add balloons around the map similar to setting traps with Freddy.


  • Press the active skill button to put balloons on the map or a generator, each balloon is a trap, if the balloon explodes a notification alert will sound which Pennywise, can teleport and go to the place where the balloon was rebutted or ignore that notification. (With Addons I could see auras)
  • Survivors can sabotage these balloons so they fly into the sky.
  • 5 Balloons available.

The ability to scare survivors is more effective and extends up to an additional 5 meters.

(Similar when Pennywise torments Richie in the library and also in the remake)

Tier 3:

Pennywise physically changes to a more terrifying appearance. Survivors affected by the fear status effect. They will not be able to perform actions and will have to calm down by removing the effect. (Similar to the madness of the doctor)

The onslaught is replaced by biting the survivors, similar to when Pennywise bites Georgie.


  • Press the active ability button to catch a survivor in wounded state, by doing so, Pennywise will show the Deadlights to a survivor and can leave him in hypnotizing state in the air, if the survivor is not rescued, he will die, otherwise, if he is saved, you should remove the fear status effect to avoid being hypnotized.
  • If a survivor is hanging to die, Pennywise gains the ability to kill said survivor.
  • Only survivors with deep fear will suffer from this ability.


  • Press the active skill button to scare a survivor, when doing so, The Devourer will start laughing and screaming like crazy scaring a survivor.
  • Keep a survivor in your sights to scare him. (Similar to sleeping a survivor with Old Freddy)



  • Hex: Terror: A hex that persists the strength of your totem. Hitting a survivor will give you the Undetectable status effect until your totem lasts.
  • Hex: All Float: A hex that persists the strength of your totem. When exiting a chase, the survivor he chased is affected by the Unconscious status effect. Effects last as long as the corresponding totem is active.
  • There is no escape: There is no escape and the survivors know it. Upon completion of the last generator, all survivors suffer a movement speed reduction of 3/4/5%


That's my concept of a Pennywise episode, I don't talk much about survivor since I can choose between Billy, Beverly and Richie as good candidates. Instead their perks can vary between doing totems, repair and healing speeds, aura analysis, etc.
