Pallets have no risk now

Pallets are so safe now that Jigsaws map has become oven stronger. He only risk is a deathslinger huntress and nemisis.
Devs break the game, once again. And maps are full with so much pallets. I don't think this is good time for play killer.
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This actually happens quite often. There's a reason Kote said "Play something else".
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I think Kote is right.
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Just played a game on Gideon as Deathslinger.
######### hell, the amount of corners in that map makes it really really hard to have fun as him.
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Does this mean we will start seeing more map offerings for The Game?
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I don't mind that map in general, but I just wish I could get a clean shot. There's so many obstacles and LOS blockers that makes it hard playing him in there.
And knowing this forum. Yeah probably.
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ive gotten several hits through pallets and only been validated once it's not that big of a deal if your connection is semi-decent i really don't see the issue
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People say it's a great map for Nurse. I disagree. Like you said, lot of LoS blockers. The only advantage Nurse has is she can go up or down at will.
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As someone whos played nurse since 2016, its not a bad map only because of the amount of map pressure you have, and you can see through a lot of the main run lines for nurse if you play the correct part of the map, its also very telegraphed what survivors do
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I hit a survivor through the pallet, heard their cry, but they're still standing unphased.
So... I broke the pallet and threw a hatchet at her, moried them on the spot.
You just make do with what you got
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I agree with this.